Recently MCA deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek came under fire from the UMNO leaders about his statement last week that he’ll accepted Malay leadership and not Ketuanan Melayu!
The usual reaction of UMNO is to talk down on others saying that do not challenge nor question UMNO cum Malay supremacy. What did Dr.Chua said that make the UMNO leaders angry and such lose their sleep?
The Umno leaders have lashed out at Dr Chua, pointing out to him that Ketuanan Melayu was not a joke to be taken lightly more so the Umno-owned Mingguan Malaysia also ran a banner headline today with the words "Do not question" (Ketuanan Melayu). This is what the so called Malaysian Leaders has to say;
Umno Youth chief Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein ( kerismuddin) as saying that "it is better that BN component party leaders join the opposition if they want to drag up history and facts." Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar ( yes the botak fella) : "Other communities should stop criticising the concept of Malay Supremacy because it is not a joke to be taken lightly."
Dr Chua's argument was that a more equitable power sharing in BN as he mentioned that “ "We accept Malay leadership and not Malay Supremacy”. He further added that "BN parties will do well if it starts to champion national and not just racial issues," and BN parties must think as Malaysians now because issues which affect any single community affect all Malaysians as well.
So, what is wrong with Dr.Chua’s statement?
When we say “ Ketuanan Melayu” doesn’t it mean as assertion of a master-servant relationship namely between Umno and other BN component parties or does it mean the relationship between the Malays and non-malays then! Does this mean that the non-malays are considered inferior than the Malays?
Let’s understand why and how the Malays are considered superior to other races? Is it because this country belongs to them as they claimed to be land owners of this nation? Or is it because of the PM is of the Malay origin? Or is it UMNO is the more dominating component party than the rest?
Does this mean that the non-malays can’t even seek clarification from the UMNO leaders or the Malays what they mean by Ketuanan Melayu? Why is that they are so uptight and feel challenged whenever the non-malays question about this issue? Why can’t they just explain this “Ketuanan Melayu” concept for once and for all than bullying others?
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
More Fatwas
I do not want to be seen as belittling the Fatwa Council but I received this in my mail. Just wanna share with rest what possible decree
( fatwa) may come out of the council soon! Some paragraphs were deleted for sensitivity content. ( mesti safe guard mah)
Fatwa-fatwa yang akan datang adalah seperti berikut :
Disember 2008
Orang Islam dilarang mandi di kolam renang awam. Di kolam renang awam, terdapat orang-orang yang bukan Islam yang memakai pakaian renang yang singkat dan mendedahkan aurat (terutamanya amoi-amoi china yang cun dan seksi). Ini boleh menjejaskan akidah orang Islam. Cara yang paling baik ialah kita haramkan orang Islam dari kolam renang awam.
April 2009
Orang Islam dilarang pergi ke Pulau Pinang. Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang adalah seorang yang bukan Islam and majoriti penduduk Pulau Pinang adalah orang yang bukan Islam. Apabila seorang Islam berada di Pulau Pinang, beliau mungkin terhidu bau char keoy tiaw yang dimasak oleh orang bukan Islam dan ini boleh merosakkan akidah kita. Cara yang paling baik ialah kita haramkan orang Islam dari pergi ke Pulau Pinang.
Jun 2009
Orang Islam dilarang meminum root beer. Walaupun root beer tidak mengandungi alkohol, namun perkataan "beer" ini boleh menimbulkan keghairan dan kelakuan tidak senonoh di kalangan orang Islam. Dengan pengharaman root beer, orang Islam bolehlah meminum minuman ringan yang lain tanpa was-was. Ginger beer juga diharamkan.
Ogos 2009
Orang Islam dilarang makan di kedai Mamak. Walaupun mamak kebanyakkannya Islam, tetapi asal usul mereka adalah India dan ada kemungkinan terdapat unsur-unsur India di dalam perniagaan mereka seperti bercakap Tamil dan memakai pakaian buatan India.
Nov 2009
Orang Islam dilarang bermain ping pong atau table tennis. Ping pong berasal dari negeri China dan oleh yang demikian, mungkin terdapat unsur-unsur agama Buddha atau Confuciusism di dalam permainan ping pong. Orang Islam yang terlalu banyak bermain ping pong akan terjejas akidah mereka. Mereka juga dilarang dari main badminton kerana ia berasal dari Poonna dari India. Sebagai permainan alternatif, orang Islam digalakkan bermain sepak raga (tetapi bola raga mesti buatan Malaysia, bukan dari Thailand).
When there are so many important things remain to be done, why must the Fatwa folks spend their time on little things.. tomboys, yoga, etc, etc. Why don't we ever hear any Fatwa on social justice, eradicating corruption and poverty, protecting single mothers, helping the poor, educating the ummah, protecting the environment or ensuring fairness in society?
If you are a rationale, forward thinking Muslim, please speak up. If you choose to remain silent, it only means that you agree with whatever is happening. We do not want to sound like we are interfering with Islam and the fatwa council as we recognize that it is not a non-muslim issue yet we think that there are some more important issues that the council can address!
( fatwa) may come out of the council soon! Some paragraphs were deleted for sensitivity content. ( mesti safe guard mah)
Fatwa-fatwa yang akan datang adalah seperti berikut :
Disember 2008
Orang Islam dilarang mandi di kolam renang awam. Di kolam renang awam, terdapat orang-orang yang bukan Islam yang memakai pakaian renang yang singkat dan mendedahkan aurat (terutamanya amoi-amoi china yang cun dan seksi). Ini boleh menjejaskan akidah orang Islam. Cara yang paling baik ialah kita haramkan orang Islam dari kolam renang awam.
April 2009
Orang Islam dilarang pergi ke Pulau Pinang. Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang adalah seorang yang bukan Islam and majoriti penduduk Pulau Pinang adalah orang yang bukan Islam. Apabila seorang Islam berada di Pulau Pinang, beliau mungkin terhidu bau char keoy tiaw yang dimasak oleh orang bukan Islam dan ini boleh merosakkan akidah kita. Cara yang paling baik ialah kita haramkan orang Islam dari pergi ke Pulau Pinang.
Jun 2009
Orang Islam dilarang meminum root beer. Walaupun root beer tidak mengandungi alkohol, namun perkataan "beer" ini boleh menimbulkan keghairan dan kelakuan tidak senonoh di kalangan orang Islam. Dengan pengharaman root beer, orang Islam bolehlah meminum minuman ringan yang lain tanpa was-was. Ginger beer juga diharamkan.
Ogos 2009
Orang Islam dilarang makan di kedai Mamak. Walaupun mamak kebanyakkannya Islam, tetapi asal usul mereka adalah India dan ada kemungkinan terdapat unsur-unsur India di dalam perniagaan mereka seperti bercakap Tamil dan memakai pakaian buatan India.
Nov 2009
Orang Islam dilarang bermain ping pong atau table tennis. Ping pong berasal dari negeri China dan oleh yang demikian, mungkin terdapat unsur-unsur agama Buddha atau Confuciusism di dalam permainan ping pong. Orang Islam yang terlalu banyak bermain ping pong akan terjejas akidah mereka. Mereka juga dilarang dari main badminton kerana ia berasal dari Poonna dari India. Sebagai permainan alternatif, orang Islam digalakkan bermain sepak raga (tetapi bola raga mesti buatan Malaysia, bukan dari Thailand).
When there are so many important things remain to be done, why must the Fatwa folks spend their time on little things.. tomboys, yoga, etc, etc. Why don't we ever hear any Fatwa on social justice, eradicating corruption and poverty, protecting single mothers, helping the poor, educating the ummah, protecting the environment or ensuring fairness in society?
If you are a rationale, forward thinking Muslim, please speak up. If you choose to remain silent, it only means that you agree with whatever is happening. We do not want to sound like we are interfering with Islam and the fatwa council as we recognize that it is not a non-muslim issue yet we think that there are some more important issues that the council can address!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Yoga Declared Un-Islamic
Yoga is banned – Finally! I am glad that this finally came to an end as I have a long list of things for the council.
Yoga practice that involve physical movements, worshiping and chanting - is officially prohibited in Islam, the National Fatwa Council declared today. Council chairperson Dr Abdul Shukor Husin said although the physical aspect of yoga, excluding worshiping and chanting, might not be wrong in Islam, the exercise should be avoided by Muslims as "doing one thing could lead to another". I guess that makes him the official bookkeeper and lawmaker for God!
"We discourage Muslims from practising yoga as a form of exercise because it will ultimately lead to religious worshiping and chanting which is against Islam.
He is right though as everyone who is doing yoga will be forced to chant “ AUM”, and “Shanti, Shanti AUM” and reckon that many Malays who practice yoga would be deviated hence the decree holds ground.
He further added that "In Islam, one must not do things which can erode one’s aqidah or faith. Doing yoga, even just the physical movements, is a step towards an erosion of one’s faith in the religion, hence Muslims should avoid it," he told reporters in Putrajaya. "There are many other forms of exercise that Muslims can partake in, especially as the religion promotes healthy living and lifestyle. Performing prayers, for example, is a good form of exercise," he said.
So my Muslim friends please listen to council and pray more often as it will keep you folks healthy. The council should do detail research to find out what form of exercise were practiced during the prophets (bpuh) life time and encourage Muslims worldwide to follow as well.
I agree with Dr.Abdul Shukor that Muslims should not be involved in Yoga as they will loose their faith and become Hindu eventually which is considered “murtad” in Islam. Hence forth the council should not stop at Yoga alone as there are many other activities that are certainly un-Islamic!
The list below for their consideration:
1) Tai chi, which has its roots in Buddism which is connected to Hinduism.
2) Qi Qong has bit of Buddhism & animistic
3) How Pilates, gym workout s they encourage body hugging clothing
4) Silat certainly has non Islamic elements
5) Keris has Hindu origin ( apparently it become a symbol for the Malays)
6) How about Malay marriage ceremony;bersanding?
7) How about “ adat cukur kepala”
8) How about “ Duli yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda”! ( very much Indian in origin)
I guess the Fatwa Council will be very busy issuing edicts for a long time. More Public funds please!
Yoga practice that involve physical movements, worshiping and chanting - is officially prohibited in Islam, the National Fatwa Council declared today. Council chairperson Dr Abdul Shukor Husin said although the physical aspect of yoga, excluding worshiping and chanting, might not be wrong in Islam, the exercise should be avoided by Muslims as "doing one thing could lead to another". I guess that makes him the official bookkeeper and lawmaker for God!
"We discourage Muslims from practising yoga as a form of exercise because it will ultimately lead to religious worshiping and chanting which is against Islam.
He is right though as everyone who is doing yoga will be forced to chant “ AUM”, and “Shanti, Shanti AUM” and reckon that many Malays who practice yoga would be deviated hence the decree holds ground.
He further added that "In Islam, one must not do things which can erode one’s aqidah or faith. Doing yoga, even just the physical movements, is a step towards an erosion of one’s faith in the religion, hence Muslims should avoid it," he told reporters in Putrajaya. "There are many other forms of exercise that Muslims can partake in, especially as the religion promotes healthy living and lifestyle. Performing prayers, for example, is a good form of exercise," he said.
So my Muslim friends please listen to council and pray more often as it will keep you folks healthy. The council should do detail research to find out what form of exercise were practiced during the prophets (bpuh) life time and encourage Muslims worldwide to follow as well.
I agree with Dr.Abdul Shukor that Muslims should not be involved in Yoga as they will loose their faith and become Hindu eventually which is considered “murtad” in Islam. Hence forth the council should not stop at Yoga alone as there are many other activities that are certainly un-Islamic!
The list below for their consideration:
1) Tai chi, which has its roots in Buddism which is connected to Hinduism.
2) Qi Qong has bit of Buddhism & animistic
3) How Pilates, gym workout s they encourage body hugging clothing
4) Silat certainly has non Islamic elements
5) Keris has Hindu origin ( apparently it become a symbol for the Malays)
6) How about Malay marriage ceremony;bersanding?
7) How about “ adat cukur kepala”
8) How about “ Duli yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda”! ( very much Indian in origin)
I guess the Fatwa Council will be very busy issuing edicts for a long time. More Public funds please!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Altantuya Case Solved
This is what Razak Baginda said during his 50 minute press statement.
"I implore all of you and the public to stop spreading lies about Najib and his wife. I know Najib and his wife had never met the deceased, Altantuya.
Asked to comment on why when he was charged in November 2006, his wife Mazlinda Makhzan (right) reportedly shouted hysterically "Why charged my husband, he does not want to be the prime minister" Abdul Razak replied that his wife was under duress then.
She must be really stressed that she blurted that statement, I reckon Razak Baginda must have secretly confessed to his wife of his intention to become the PM.So in the midst of chaos she vomited some dark secret.
On P Balasubramaniam’s (right) statutory declarations first alleging then retracting that Najib knew Altantuya, the political analyst said the matter was still under police investigations and he had also been interviewed by police on his release on the same issue.
"What I have said to you is what I told the police, Najib has never met the deceased."
Why is he not answering the question? Rather elusive and kept reiterating that Najib is innocent.
Hypothesis # 1: Baginda is not involved.
Hypothesis # 2 :Najib and Rosmah had never met Altantuya.
Hypothesis # 3: It had nothing to do with an arms deal. Baginda only met Altantuya later.
Hypothesis # 4 : Bloggers have been spreading lies.
Conclusion : The two policemen were involved the Altantuya case as they may have had a secret relationship with Altantuya. They been told to enter defence. Bala was also blackmailing Altantuya after knowing her secret relations with the low ranking officer. He was so ashamed of his action in blackmailing a poor mongolian woman he decided to go into hiding with his whole family. She flew over from Mongolia to confront them but they may have refused her demand. Finally she was so heart broken and committed suicide using C4! How interesting that there are still some Juliet's in this current world. So case TUTUP!
"I implore all of you and the public to stop spreading lies about Najib and his wife. I know Najib and his wife had never met the deceased, Altantuya.
Asked to comment on why when he was charged in November 2006, his wife Mazlinda Makhzan (right) reportedly shouted hysterically "Why charged my husband, he does not want to be the prime minister" Abdul Razak replied that his wife was under duress then.
She must be really stressed that she blurted that statement, I reckon Razak Baginda must have secretly confessed to his wife of his intention to become the PM.So in the midst of chaos she vomited some dark secret.
On P Balasubramaniam’s (right) statutory declarations first alleging then retracting that Najib knew Altantuya, the political analyst said the matter was still under police investigations and he had also been interviewed by police on his release on the same issue.
"What I have said to you is what I told the police, Najib has never met the deceased."
Why is he not answering the question? Rather elusive and kept reiterating that Najib is innocent.
Hypothesis # 1: Baginda is not involved.
Hypothesis # 2 :Najib and Rosmah had never met Altantuya.
Hypothesis # 3: It had nothing to do with an arms deal. Baginda only met Altantuya later.
Hypothesis # 4 : Bloggers have been spreading lies.
Conclusion : The two policemen were involved the Altantuya case as they may have had a secret relationship with Altantuya. They been told to enter defence. Bala was also blackmailing Altantuya after knowing her secret relations with the low ranking officer. He was so ashamed of his action in blackmailing a poor mongolian woman he decided to go into hiding with his whole family. She flew over from Mongolia to confront them but they may have refused her demand. Finally she was so heart broken and committed suicide using C4! How interesting that there are still some Juliet's in this current world. So case TUTUP!
Facts that the Indians are marginalised in Malaysia!
Helen Ang | Nov 20, 08 12:48pm
This article is written by Helen Ang in Malaysiakini and I have add my thoughts to the article. THe BN government led by UMNO is consciously hidding the truth! Read more.
Some weeks ago on Nov 4, the New Straits Times carried the headline ‘Zaid lucky to be born a Malay, says Syed Hamid’. Former law minister Zaid Ibrahim had said in his LawAsia 2008 conference speech on Oct 31: "The obsession with the Ketuanan Melayu doctrine has in fact destroyed something precious in us.
"It makes us lose our sense of balance and fairness."
The statement unsurprisingly caused Umno warlords to go berserk.
On Tuesday, Malaysiakini had the article titled: ‘Ramasamy unfazed by police report’. Umno Youth wants to sic its attack dogs on Penang second Deputy Chief Minister P Ramasamy for revealing glaring under-representation of non-Malays in government service.
Anyone who walks into the state administrative building of Komtar can see for himself the truth of Ramasamy’s words that even in Penang where the population is half Chinese, the civil service is overwhelmingly Malays.
Lets look at some facts from the Seberang Perai Municipal Council website its list of office holders as below:
Datuk Mohd Aris Ariffin (MPSP municipal president), Fauziah Ariffin (Aris's special asst), Zainol Abidin Md Noh (municipal sec), Siti Aishah Kassim (SUP's special asst), Noraziah Abdul Aziz (director, admin & HR), Mohd Ibrahim Mohd Nor (asst director, HR), Norhayati Sulaiman (asst director, R & D), Latifah Razali (asst director, acquisition & supply), Siti Haslinda Hasan (asst director, training & quality), Maskiah Abdullah (counter officer), Asma Othman (auditor), Lee Moong Nah (director, IT), Hassan Hashim (info systems officer), Abdul Fikri Ridzauudin Abdullah (info systems officer), Mansor Hashim (legal director), Rosnada Abu Hassan (asst director, legal), Munir Affan (asst director, enforcement & security), Mohd Hairay Mohd Yusof (finance director), Shahrulnizad Abdul Razak (finance asst director), Ummi Kalthum Shuib (finance asst director), Dr Romli Awang (health & urban services director), Fadzilah Hasan (director, licensing), Mohd Faidzal Hassan (asst director, licensing), Kamaruddin Che Lah (engineering director), Khirul Annuar Shamsudin (asst engineering director), Baderul Amin Abd Hamid (asst engineering director), Rosnani Mahmud (asst engineering director), Mohd Syukri Said (asst engineering director), Mohd Sobri Che Hassan (asst engineering director), Muhamad Kamaruddin (asst engineering director), Md Pilus Md Noor (building director), Abdul Rahman Harun (asst building director), Ahmad Fuad Hashim (town planning director), Norliza Abdullah (asst town planning director), Mohd Ridzal Abdul (asst town planning director), Kamariah Ramli (asst town planning director), Azian Ahmad (asst town planning director), Dahalan Fazil (asst town planning director), Rozali Mohamud (valuation director), Mat Nasir Hassan (asst valuation director), Ahmad Syahrir Jaafar (asst valuation director), Wan Junaidy Yahaya (community director).
What do the names above tell you? Yet there are those who complain that the fate of Malays in Penang is like disenfranchised Palestinians languishing in their homeland.
Umno claims Malays are dispossessed.
The truth is Umno tortures statistics. Numbers are ‘turned over’ to confess a story protecting the party’s interest. When the statistics show another side, Umno bullies.
It threatens, it appeals to the police and uses media, it compels the numbers to retreat from public view, for example when then Deputy Finance Minister Dr Awang Adek Hussin told Parliament in November 2006 that bumiputera shares equity ownership in Bursa M’sia was 36.6 percent but the figure was retracted six days later.
Threat to national security?
Late last year before the authorities detained the Hindraf five under ISA, it spun statistics to portray the Indian community as successful and therefore, ingrates to be thus whining.
Not too long ago, prior to the Home Ministry banning Hindraf, they did the same again, and our mainstream media were complicit in aiding and abetting the government to demonise the movement.
Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar deliberately skewed his reading of the figures to dismiss how on the whole, Indians are indeed a marginalised community.Jayanath Appudurai passed Helen a copy of his monograph Malaysian Indians: Looking Forward, co-written in 2008 with G.A. David Dass which analyses more data.
I thin the official statistics available in the public domain is incomplete. While the surveys and studies are adequate, their findings are not released transparently.
As corroborated by the figures Ramasamy cited, the top tier of civil servants in any government department comprises a cabal belonging to one particular race solely.
Jayanath spents about half a year on research, piecing together peripheral statistics to complete the picture by looking from side angles. It is a sad portrait our authorities-in-denial refuse to paint in full.
Name-calling Chinese and Indians ‘pendatang’ conveys the impression that the minorities have only just stepped off a slow boat from China and India.
The Tamil labour migration in fact began in 1786 with the establishment of the crown colony of Penang. They were brought in to work the plantations and build the infrastructure. At Independence in 1957, Indians were 11.3 percent of the population. In 2005, they were 7.5 percent. By 2020, it is forecast they will constitute less than 6.5 percent.
In 1957, about 70 percent of the Indian labour force was in the plantation and mining sectors.
In 1970, 46.5 percent were in agriculture. In 2000, only 11.1 percent remained in agriculture while 62 percent were in the manufacturing and services sectors.
A Canada-published research by N.J. Colletta called the plantation Indian labour force ‘Malaysia’s forgotten people’. When the estates were fragmented, its workers were forced to relocate to urban dwellings, such as the squatter area of Kampung Medan.
"There is a perception that the majority of Malaysian Indians are mired in a proletarian urban under-class," writes Jayanath.
"Undeniably there has been a fundamental shift of the Malaysian Indians labour from primarily tapping rubber in the estates to soldering chips in the factories, sweeping drains, cleaning toilets, supervising car parks and driving lorries in urban areas," he observes.
I’ve a personal anecdote from my schooldays to relate. A prefect – an Indian boy from my cohort – could not get a place in local public university and went on to supervise his dad’s car park. My ex-schoolmate could well have been one of the statistics.
Coming out of the woodwork
Zaid is lucky to be born a Malay, said Syed Hamid. I say Malaysia has done Indians a great disservice by begrudging its acknowledgment that they have worked hard and contributed much to building this country.
Malaysia is compounding this disservice by not uplifting its poor Indian citizens according to need; this due to affirmative action programmes being race-biased.
At present, we’re in the 9th Malaysia Plan phase 2006-2010. The NEP started in 1970 resulting from May 13, 1969.
The New Economic Policy morphed into the National Development Policy (NDP) which is associated with the Second Outline Perspective Plan or OPP (1991–2000). NDP got new clothes as NVP or National Vision Policy coinciding with the Third Outline Perspective Plan (2001–2010) or the Emperor’s ‘Vision 2020’.
The general trend during the 8MP period was that the rich got richer and the poor poorer.
Malaysia fares among the region’s worst along the Gini coefficient indicator with great inequality in income between the top and bottom earners.
9MP makes no specific mention on addressing Indian poverty, which was calculated at 3.5 percent in 1999.
By 2004, the number of impoverished Indian households had increased to 13,300, up 600 from five years prior. Jayanath concluded that by the government’s own definition of poverty, Indians have become progressively poorer.
Annual growth rate of Indians is lagging behind Bumiputera and Chinese. Before NEP, Indians as a whole – there are so many Indian doctors and lawyers, says Syed Hamid – were earning a little more than the national mean, but after four decades of NEP and in the noughties, the gap closed and Indians earned less.
OPP stats say the income disparity ratio between total Malaysian and Indians was 1:1.15 in 1970, and 1:1.06 in 2004.
Since we’re toggling with numbers, please note our government was insisting that Bumiputera equity had remained fossilised at the magic-sakti percentage of 18.9 percent. The purported under-achieving bumiputera share of the economic pie seems to have shrunk with the passing years ... if Umno is to be believed.
It is only now with Pakatan Rakyat in power in five states that the hitherto obscured data is slowly beginning to come out into the open.
And it took a deputy chief minister from the federal Opposition, no less, and he a former professor who had done research first-hand to shine some light into the dark corners.
Official data has long been hidden because it not agreeable to Umno for us to know.
This is why I repeatedly mentioned in my blog that Malaysia need change for the sake of Malay survival in this competitive world!
This article is written by Helen Ang in Malaysiakini and I have add my thoughts to the article. THe BN government led by UMNO is consciously hidding the truth! Read more.
Some weeks ago on Nov 4, the New Straits Times carried the headline ‘Zaid lucky to be born a Malay, says Syed Hamid’. Former law minister Zaid Ibrahim had said in his LawAsia 2008 conference speech on Oct 31: "The obsession with the Ketuanan Melayu doctrine has in fact destroyed something precious in us.
"It makes us lose our sense of balance and fairness."
The statement unsurprisingly caused Umno warlords to go berserk.
On Tuesday, Malaysiakini had the article titled: ‘Ramasamy unfazed by police report’. Umno Youth wants to sic its attack dogs on Penang second Deputy Chief Minister P Ramasamy for revealing glaring under-representation of non-Malays in government service.
Anyone who walks into the state administrative building of Komtar can see for himself the truth of Ramasamy’s words that even in Penang where the population is half Chinese, the civil service is overwhelmingly Malays.
Lets look at some facts from the Seberang Perai Municipal Council website its list of office holders as below:
Datuk Mohd Aris Ariffin (MPSP municipal president), Fauziah Ariffin (Aris's special asst), Zainol Abidin Md Noh (municipal sec), Siti Aishah Kassim (SUP's special asst), Noraziah Abdul Aziz (director, admin & HR), Mohd Ibrahim Mohd Nor (asst director, HR), Norhayati Sulaiman (asst director, R & D), Latifah Razali (asst director, acquisition & supply), Siti Haslinda Hasan (asst director, training & quality), Maskiah Abdullah (counter officer), Asma Othman (auditor), Lee Moong Nah (director, IT), Hassan Hashim (info systems officer), Abdul Fikri Ridzauudin Abdullah (info systems officer), Mansor Hashim (legal director), Rosnada Abu Hassan (asst director, legal), Munir Affan (asst director, enforcement & security), Mohd Hairay Mohd Yusof (finance director), Shahrulnizad Abdul Razak (finance asst director), Ummi Kalthum Shuib (finance asst director), Dr Romli Awang (health & urban services director), Fadzilah Hasan (director, licensing), Mohd Faidzal Hassan (asst director, licensing), Kamaruddin Che Lah (engineering director), Khirul Annuar Shamsudin (asst engineering director), Baderul Amin Abd Hamid (asst engineering director), Rosnani Mahmud (asst engineering director), Mohd Syukri Said (asst engineering director), Mohd Sobri Che Hassan (asst engineering director), Muhamad Kamaruddin (asst engineering director), Md Pilus Md Noor (building director), Abdul Rahman Harun (asst building director), Ahmad Fuad Hashim (town planning director), Norliza Abdullah (asst town planning director), Mohd Ridzal Abdul (asst town planning director), Kamariah Ramli (asst town planning director), Azian Ahmad (asst town planning director), Dahalan Fazil (asst town planning director), Rozali Mohamud (valuation director), Mat Nasir Hassan (asst valuation director), Ahmad Syahrir Jaafar (asst valuation director), Wan Junaidy Yahaya (community director).
What do the names above tell you? Yet there are those who complain that the fate of Malays in Penang is like disenfranchised Palestinians languishing in their homeland.
Umno claims Malays are dispossessed.
The truth is Umno tortures statistics. Numbers are ‘turned over’ to confess a story protecting the party’s interest. When the statistics show another side, Umno bullies.
It threatens, it appeals to the police and uses media, it compels the numbers to retreat from public view, for example when then Deputy Finance Minister Dr Awang Adek Hussin told Parliament in November 2006 that bumiputera shares equity ownership in Bursa M’sia was 36.6 percent but the figure was retracted six days later.
Threat to national security?
Late last year before the authorities detained the Hindraf five under ISA, it spun statistics to portray the Indian community as successful and therefore, ingrates to be thus whining.
Not too long ago, prior to the Home Ministry banning Hindraf, they did the same again, and our mainstream media were complicit in aiding and abetting the government to demonise the movement.
Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar deliberately skewed his reading of the figures to dismiss how on the whole, Indians are indeed a marginalised community.Jayanath Appudurai passed Helen a copy of his monograph Malaysian Indians: Looking Forward, co-written in 2008 with G.A. David Dass which analyses more data.
I thin the official statistics available in the public domain is incomplete. While the surveys and studies are adequate, their findings are not released transparently.
As corroborated by the figures Ramasamy cited, the top tier of civil servants in any government department comprises a cabal belonging to one particular race solely.
Jayanath spents about half a year on research, piecing together peripheral statistics to complete the picture by looking from side angles. It is a sad portrait our authorities-in-denial refuse to paint in full.
Name-calling Chinese and Indians ‘pendatang’ conveys the impression that the minorities have only just stepped off a slow boat from China and India.
The Tamil labour migration in fact began in 1786 with the establishment of the crown colony of Penang. They were brought in to work the plantations and build the infrastructure. At Independence in 1957, Indians were 11.3 percent of the population. In 2005, they were 7.5 percent. By 2020, it is forecast they will constitute less than 6.5 percent.
In 1957, about 70 percent of the Indian labour force was in the plantation and mining sectors.
In 1970, 46.5 percent were in agriculture. In 2000, only 11.1 percent remained in agriculture while 62 percent were in the manufacturing and services sectors.
A Canada-published research by N.J. Colletta called the plantation Indian labour force ‘Malaysia’s forgotten people’. When the estates were fragmented, its workers were forced to relocate to urban dwellings, such as the squatter area of Kampung Medan.
"There is a perception that the majority of Malaysian Indians are mired in a proletarian urban under-class," writes Jayanath.
"Undeniably there has been a fundamental shift of the Malaysian Indians labour from primarily tapping rubber in the estates to soldering chips in the factories, sweeping drains, cleaning toilets, supervising car parks and driving lorries in urban areas," he observes.
I’ve a personal anecdote from my schooldays to relate. A prefect – an Indian boy from my cohort – could not get a place in local public university and went on to supervise his dad’s car park. My ex-schoolmate could well have been one of the statistics.
Coming out of the woodwork
Zaid is lucky to be born a Malay, said Syed Hamid. I say Malaysia has done Indians a great disservice by begrudging its acknowledgment that they have worked hard and contributed much to building this country.
Malaysia is compounding this disservice by not uplifting its poor Indian citizens according to need; this due to affirmative action programmes being race-biased.
At present, we’re in the 9th Malaysia Plan phase 2006-2010. The NEP started in 1970 resulting from May 13, 1969.
The New Economic Policy morphed into the National Development Policy (NDP) which is associated with the Second Outline Perspective Plan or OPP (1991–2000). NDP got new clothes as NVP or National Vision Policy coinciding with the Third Outline Perspective Plan (2001–2010) or the Emperor’s ‘Vision 2020’.
The general trend during the 8MP period was that the rich got richer and the poor poorer.
Malaysia fares among the region’s worst along the Gini coefficient indicator with great inequality in income between the top and bottom earners.
9MP makes no specific mention on addressing Indian poverty, which was calculated at 3.5 percent in 1999.
By 2004, the number of impoverished Indian households had increased to 13,300, up 600 from five years prior. Jayanath concluded that by the government’s own definition of poverty, Indians have become progressively poorer.
Annual growth rate of Indians is lagging behind Bumiputera and Chinese. Before NEP, Indians as a whole – there are so many Indian doctors and lawyers, says Syed Hamid – were earning a little more than the national mean, but after four decades of NEP and in the noughties, the gap closed and Indians earned less.
OPP stats say the income disparity ratio between total Malaysian and Indians was 1:1.15 in 1970, and 1:1.06 in 2004.
Since we’re toggling with numbers, please note our government was insisting that Bumiputera equity had remained fossilised at the magic-sakti percentage of 18.9 percent. The purported under-achieving bumiputera share of the economic pie seems to have shrunk with the passing years ... if Umno is to be believed.
It is only now with Pakatan Rakyat in power in five states that the hitherto obscured data is slowly beginning to come out into the open.
And it took a deputy chief minister from the federal Opposition, no less, and he a former professor who had done research first-hand to shine some light into the dark corners.
Official data has long been hidden because it not agreeable to Umno for us to know.
This is why I repeatedly mentioned in my blog that Malaysia need change for the sake of Malay survival in this competitive world!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Origins of the Malay Race
I read this article in MT about the origins of the Malay race. Some excerpts reproduced for your reading pleasure.
"Contesting Malayness - Malay Identity Across Boundaries" Edited by Timothy P. Barnard published by Singapore University Press? Written by a Professor of National University of Singapore. It reflects the Anthropologists views that there is no such race as the "Malays" to begin with. If we follow the original migration of the Southern Chinese of 6,000yrs ago, they moved into Taiwan, (now the Alisan), then into the Phillipines (now the Aeta) and moved into Borneo (4,500yrs ago) (Dayak). They also split into Sulawesi and progressed into Jawa, and Sumatera. The final migration was to the Malayan Peninsular 3,000yrs ago. A sub-group from Borneo also moved to Champa in Vietnam at 4,500yrs ago.
So the million Dollar Question... Is there really a race called the "Malays"?
All anthropologists DO NOT SEEM TO THINK SO. (strangely, this includes all Malay Malaysian Anthropologists who are of the same opinion.)Neither do the "Malays" who live on the West Coast of Johor. They'd rather be called Javanese. What about the west coast Kedah inhabitants who prefer to be known as "Achenese"? or the Ibans who simply want to be known as IBANS. Try calling a Kelabit a "Malay" and see what response you get... you’ll be so glad that their Head-Hunting days are over.
By definition, (this is super eye-opening) there was a Hindu-Malay Empire in Kedah. Yes, I said right… The Malays were Hindu (just like the gentle Balinese of today). It was known by its’ old name, Langkasuka. Today known as Lembah Bujang. This Hindu-Malay Empire was 2,000yrs old. Pre-dating Borrobudor AND Angkor Watt. Who came about around 500-600yrs later. Lembah Bujang was THE mighty trading Empire, and its biggest influence was by the Indians who were here to help start it. By definition, this should make the Indians BUMIPUTERAS too since they were here 2,000yrs ago! Why are they marginalized?
The only other logical explanation, which I have heard, was that “Malaya” came as a derivative of “Himalaya”, where at Langkasuka, or Lembah Bujang today was where the Indians were describing the locals as “Malai” which means “Hill People” in Tamil!
To read more go to the link below, it would be an eye opener!
"Contesting Malayness - Malay Identity Across Boundaries" Edited by Timothy P. Barnard published by Singapore University Press? Written by a Professor of National University of Singapore. It reflects the Anthropologists views that there is no such race as the "Malays" to begin with. If we follow the original migration of the Southern Chinese of 6,000yrs ago, they moved into Taiwan, (now the Alisan), then into the Phillipines (now the Aeta) and moved into Borneo (4,500yrs ago) (Dayak). They also split into Sulawesi and progressed into Jawa, and Sumatera. The final migration was to the Malayan Peninsular 3,000yrs ago. A sub-group from Borneo also moved to Champa in Vietnam at 4,500yrs ago.
So the million Dollar Question... Is there really a race called the "Malays"?
All anthropologists DO NOT SEEM TO THINK SO. (strangely, this includes all Malay Malaysian Anthropologists who are of the same opinion.)Neither do the "Malays" who live on the West Coast of Johor. They'd rather be called Javanese. What about the west coast Kedah inhabitants who prefer to be known as "Achenese"? or the Ibans who simply want to be known as IBANS. Try calling a Kelabit a "Malay" and see what response you get... you’ll be so glad that their Head-Hunting days are over.
By definition, (this is super eye-opening) there was a Hindu-Malay Empire in Kedah. Yes, I said right… The Malays were Hindu (just like the gentle Balinese of today). It was known by its’ old name, Langkasuka. Today known as Lembah Bujang. This Hindu-Malay Empire was 2,000yrs old. Pre-dating Borrobudor AND Angkor Watt. Who came about around 500-600yrs later. Lembah Bujang was THE mighty trading Empire, and its biggest influence was by the Indians who were here to help start it. By definition, this should make the Indians BUMIPUTERAS too since they were here 2,000yrs ago! Why are they marginalized?
The only other logical explanation, which I have heard, was that “Malaya” came as a derivative of “Himalaya”, where at Langkasuka, or Lembah Bujang today was where the Indians were describing the locals as “Malai” which means “Hill People” in Tamil!
To read more go to the link below, it would be an eye opener!
Malaysian University Ranking made us proud!
We should be proud that for the second consecutive year, Malaysia had fallen completely out of the list of the world's Top 200 Universities this year in the 2008 Times Higher Education Supplement (THES) - Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings. Bravo, congrats for screwing up!
There is not a single university in the 2008 THES-QS Top 200 Universities list, there is also not a single university in the separate ranking of Top 100 Universities for five subject areas – Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities; Life Sciences and Biomedicine; and Technology. Malaysia BOleh!
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Universiti Malaya (UM) were in the 2006 Ranking, placed No. 185 and 192 respectively. UKM plunged to 309 last year and improved to 250 this year while UM fell to 246 last year improving slightly to 230 this year – but both remain outside the Top 200 Universities ranking.
The government named Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) as the Apex University but it has a dismal international rankings after being included once in the Top 200 Universities list – No. 111 in 2004, No. 326 in 2005, 277 in 2006, No. 307 in 2007 and No. 313 in 2008.
It is both sad and pathetic that our Apex University, the USM, at No. 313 ranking, is not only left far behind in South East Asia by Singapore (National University of Singapore No. 30 and Nanyang Technological University No. 77) but also by Thailand (Chulalongkorn University No. 166), Indonesia (University of Indonesia No. 287) and the Philippines (Ateneo de Manila University No. 254 and University of the Philippines No. 276).
Heh...heh kita kalah dengan Thailand, Indonesia dan Filipina. Why are we even suprised with the results, remember sometime ago our Higher Education Minister defended that the criteria used by THES is different and that is the reason why our universities did not qualify! What a joke, as i reckon either he did not attend any local university nor interested to check the quality of lecturers that they hire.
If our universities are top notch universities why is that the sons & daughters’ of our minister are studying overseas? If they strongly think that ours are on par with rest of the world shouldn't they send their children to local university namely UiTM!
Just look at the appointment of VC's isn't it based on race, needless to say about the lecturers. It doesn't take a scientist to figure out, its just that they do not want to face reality. I had the privilege of being taught by foreign lecturers at a local university and what a different league they were compared to the some local Malay lecturers. There were some good Malay lecturers whom I regard highly but for the rest of them they are there because of their race and not for their intelligence. One of them then was a recent PHD holder from UK taught us Marketing paper and on the very first day he said" I could not speak good English so I will teach in Malay" and guess what we had many foreign students in the class. I heard he is the head of the Management Faculty now and I can just wish the students and the university all the best. Now tell me why are we surprised that we are tumbling down in world ranking. Needless to worry the minister will make another intelligent statement soon to justify why! As I said before, only in Boleh Land!
There is not a single university in the 2008 THES-QS Top 200 Universities list, there is also not a single university in the separate ranking of Top 100 Universities for five subject areas – Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities; Life Sciences and Biomedicine; and Technology. Malaysia BOleh!
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Universiti Malaya (UM) were in the 2006 Ranking, placed No. 185 and 192 respectively. UKM plunged to 309 last year and improved to 250 this year while UM fell to 246 last year improving slightly to 230 this year – but both remain outside the Top 200 Universities ranking.
The government named Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) as the Apex University but it has a dismal international rankings after being included once in the Top 200 Universities list – No. 111 in 2004, No. 326 in 2005, 277 in 2006, No. 307 in 2007 and No. 313 in 2008.
It is both sad and pathetic that our Apex University, the USM, at No. 313 ranking, is not only left far behind in South East Asia by Singapore (National University of Singapore No. 30 and Nanyang Technological University No. 77) but also by Thailand (Chulalongkorn University No. 166), Indonesia (University of Indonesia No. 287) and the Philippines (Ateneo de Manila University No. 254 and University of the Philippines No. 276).
Heh...heh kita kalah dengan Thailand, Indonesia dan Filipina. Why are we even suprised with the results, remember sometime ago our Higher Education Minister defended that the criteria used by THES is different and that is the reason why our universities did not qualify! What a joke, as i reckon either he did not attend any local university nor interested to check the quality of lecturers that they hire.
If our universities are top notch universities why is that the sons & daughters’ of our minister are studying overseas? If they strongly think that ours are on par with rest of the world shouldn't they send their children to local university namely UiTM!
Just look at the appointment of VC's isn't it based on race, needless to say about the lecturers. It doesn't take a scientist to figure out, its just that they do not want to face reality. I had the privilege of being taught by foreign lecturers at a local university and what a different league they were compared to the some local Malay lecturers. There were some good Malay lecturers whom I regard highly but for the rest of them they are there because of their race and not for their intelligence. One of them then was a recent PHD holder from UK taught us Marketing paper and on the very first day he said" I could not speak good English so I will teach in Malay" and guess what we had many foreign students in the class. I heard he is the head of the Management Faculty now and I can just wish the students and the university all the best. Now tell me why are we surprised that we are tumbling down in world ranking. Needless to worry the minister will make another intelligent statement soon to justify why! As I said before, only in Boleh Land!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Is it for real?
Two shocking news today!
Raja Petra Kamarudin was released from his Internal Security Act (ISA) detention and the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court today ruled in favour of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim and decided that his sodomy trial would be heard in the same court.
Is this for real? I can’t believe it, is it happening in Malaysia? Or is it is just a fuss to get public support before another startling news.
Anyway I am glad that Raja Petra is free at last as he is one Malay gentleman I hold high respect as he calls a spade a spade and not by any other name and has educated the non-muslims on the true meaning of Islam and not what it is claimed to be over here.
Anwar was the light of hope what democratic Malaysia could possibly be, as he propagates ketuanan rakyat instead of ketuanan Melayu. His ideology attracted both non-malays and malays alike as the country is heading into political uncertainty. The people of USA has started the ball rolling when they elected their President from a minority race and moved beyond the barriers of color, creed and race in deciding their leader which has been a disease for 200 hundred years. The UMNO let government should take heed from them and drop their pants in championing Malay supremacy for their own political agenda.
How long will they use May 13th as an issues of threat against the non-malays, seriously what have they achieved in doing so. They still claim that the Malays are lagging behind compared to the Chinese and others. Since that is claimed to be true shouldn’t they be asking why the Malays are behind economically? Even with the affirmative NEP plan the Malays are still not at par with the non-malays. Shouldn’t the leaders be looking into the reason why their plan and strategy failed rather than continuing with the ineffective NEP! Why aren’t the Malays themselves question their UMNO leader and why are they still voting for the same incompetent leader to lead both the community the country? I really wonder why and guess will never get the answer!
Anyway RPK is back and he said "This showed ISA cannot be used. I hope this is not a political decision. I don't want to be the prime minister. I want Anwar to be the PM".
Does that mean the take over plan is still on schedule? That’s interesting, come-on RPK, tell us more!
Raja Petra Kamarudin was released from his Internal Security Act (ISA) detention and the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court today ruled in favour of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim and decided that his sodomy trial would be heard in the same court.
Is this for real? I can’t believe it, is it happening in Malaysia? Or is it is just a fuss to get public support before another startling news.
Anyway I am glad that Raja Petra is free at last as he is one Malay gentleman I hold high respect as he calls a spade a spade and not by any other name and has educated the non-muslims on the true meaning of Islam and not what it is claimed to be over here.
Anwar was the light of hope what democratic Malaysia could possibly be, as he propagates ketuanan rakyat instead of ketuanan Melayu. His ideology attracted both non-malays and malays alike as the country is heading into political uncertainty. The people of USA has started the ball rolling when they elected their President from a minority race and moved beyond the barriers of color, creed and race in deciding their leader which has been a disease for 200 hundred years. The UMNO let government should take heed from them and drop their pants in championing Malay supremacy for their own political agenda.
How long will they use May 13th as an issues of threat against the non-malays, seriously what have they achieved in doing so. They still claim that the Malays are lagging behind compared to the Chinese and others. Since that is claimed to be true shouldn’t they be asking why the Malays are behind economically? Even with the affirmative NEP plan the Malays are still not at par with the non-malays. Shouldn’t the leaders be looking into the reason why their plan and strategy failed rather than continuing with the ineffective NEP! Why aren’t the Malays themselves question their UMNO leader and why are they still voting for the same incompetent leader to lead both the community the country? I really wonder why and guess will never get the answer!
Anyway RPK is back and he said "This showed ISA cannot be used. I hope this is not a political decision. I don't want to be the prime minister. I want Anwar to be the PM".
Does that mean the take over plan is still on schedule? That’s interesting, come-on RPK, tell us more!
Now anyone can be the PM!
Our Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi never ceases to amaze me even at his end of his tenure as PM. He mentioned in a recent statement that ‘anyone can be prime minister' in Malaysia! Doesn’t this just tickle our rib?
Is it possible that an individual from a minority race - either an Indian, Chinese, Iban or Kadazan etc, - be accepted as a PM when the simple appointment of a Chinese woman to be the just an acting general manager of PKNS created such a ruckus? He didn’t even lift his finger when there was a hue and cry over the appointment more so to wet his lips. Now he has the audacity to tell us that 'anyone can be PM’.
Take the case in Perak for instance after the recent general election when DAP won the majority of the state seats? Instead of a Chinese assembly person from the major winning party being given the menteri besar’s post it was instead given to Malay assembly person whose party only won a few seats. They even dragged the Sultan into this issue and now he is saying that anyone can become the PM, who is he kidding?
Malaysia has a long way to go before it can emulate what Barack Obama has achieved in America because for the simple fact that Umno and their Malay leaders are too deeply entrenched in their Ketuanan Melayu, period. They are considered untouchables thus even the mere mention of the weaknesses of the policy draws wrath from the Umno leadership. Former Law minister Zaid Ibrahim was called a traitor and many derogating names by the Malays and UMNO leaders. Would these jokers change thus will a Zebra change stripes?
Americans have the shown to the world that they have moved beyond politics based on race and that even a minority race member can become their president. Unfortunately, in Malaysia we are still mired in racial and religious bigotry. Instead of uniting the various races with a multi-racial policy, they have instead embraced a divide-and-rule policy. So can a non Malay ever become the PM of Malaysia, well that is my dream definitely not UMNO’s!
Is it possible that an individual from a minority race - either an Indian, Chinese, Iban or Kadazan etc, - be accepted as a PM when the simple appointment of a Chinese woman to be the just an acting general manager of PKNS created such a ruckus? He didn’t even lift his finger when there was a hue and cry over the appointment more so to wet his lips. Now he has the audacity to tell us that 'anyone can be PM’.
Take the case in Perak for instance after the recent general election when DAP won the majority of the state seats? Instead of a Chinese assembly person from the major winning party being given the menteri besar’s post it was instead given to Malay assembly person whose party only won a few seats. They even dragged the Sultan into this issue and now he is saying that anyone can become the PM, who is he kidding?
Malaysia has a long way to go before it can emulate what Barack Obama has achieved in America because for the simple fact that Umno and their Malay leaders are too deeply entrenched in their Ketuanan Melayu, period. They are considered untouchables thus even the mere mention of the weaknesses of the policy draws wrath from the Umno leadership. Former Law minister Zaid Ibrahim was called a traitor and many derogating names by the Malays and UMNO leaders. Would these jokers change thus will a Zebra change stripes?
Americans have the shown to the world that they have moved beyond politics based on race and that even a minority race member can become their president. Unfortunately, in Malaysia we are still mired in racial and religious bigotry. Instead of uniting the various races with a multi-racial policy, they have instead embraced a divide-and-rule policy. So can a non Malay ever become the PM of Malaysia, well that is my dream definitely not UMNO’s!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A Historical Win by Obama!
Democrat candidate Barack Obama has been elected as the United States first black president following his historic win over his Republican rival John McCain. The 47-year-old father of two, who will be inaugurated as the 44th US president on Jan 20, 2009, has however inherited an economy mired in the worst financial crisis since the 1930s, two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and a nuclear showdown with Iran.
Obama garnered 338 against McCain's 163 of the 538 electoral college votes. He won 62 million voters (52 percent), while McCain has 55 million voters (47 percent).
Obama's historic inauguration will complete a stunning ascent to the pinnacle of US and global politics from national obscurity just four years ago and close an eight-year era of turbulence under President George W Bush.
What others say about Obama’s historical win being the first ever coloured President of USA.
“The Americans have voted in a president based on character and the principles of rule of law, equality, human rights, justice and democracy, rather than colour of skin,” he said.
"The support that president-elect Obama draws from across racial, religious and generational lines parallels the sentiments felt by Malaysians from all walks of life who earlier this year cast votes in vehement opposition to the failed policies of an incumbent regime,"
"Obama's victory is seen as bringing change and hope to the world."
I reckon that there would have been many more accolades for Obama thus being the first non-white president of the US.
Will the winds of change ever sweep our nation which is infested with racial bigots who are raping this nation for their political agenda or rather their survival?
Will Malaysia ever see our very own leader of the future to be elected for their credential, principles and not for their colour of their skin! This may be a distant dream yet it happened in the US as it took 200 years for them.
I and you may not be alive to see that a reality but the future generation may cherish the moments as the US people of today. Let’s keep the dream alive as it is a pleasant dream indeed!
Obama garnered 338 against McCain's 163 of the 538 electoral college votes. He won 62 million voters (52 percent), while McCain has 55 million voters (47 percent).
Obama's historic inauguration will complete a stunning ascent to the pinnacle of US and global politics from national obscurity just four years ago and close an eight-year era of turbulence under President George W Bush.
What others say about Obama’s historical win being the first ever coloured President of USA.
“The Americans have voted in a president based on character and the principles of rule of law, equality, human rights, justice and democracy, rather than colour of skin,” he said.
"The support that president-elect Obama draws from across racial, religious and generational lines parallels the sentiments felt by Malaysians from all walks of life who earlier this year cast votes in vehement opposition to the failed policies of an incumbent regime,"
"Obama's victory is seen as bringing change and hope to the world."
I reckon that there would have been many more accolades for Obama thus being the first non-white president of the US.
Will the winds of change ever sweep our nation which is infested with racial bigots who are raping this nation for their political agenda or rather their survival?
Will Malaysia ever see our very own leader of the future to be elected for their credential, principles and not for their colour of their skin! This may be a distant dream yet it happened in the US as it took 200 years for them.
I and you may not be alive to see that a reality but the future generation may cherish the moments as the US people of today. Let’s keep the dream alive as it is a pleasant dream indeed!
Monday, November 3, 2008
There goes our EPF money!
Recently you may have read that the PM is waiting made a decision to loan 5 billion to Valuecap Sdn.Bhd after taking the Finance Ministry portfolio as capital injection to revive the sliding stock exchange. So what is wrong about it? Our leader is only doing what is right to save the economy from falling further. Any level minded leader with a heart would do what is natural for the rakyat.
Wait a minute some say they smell a rat some where!
According to Malaysiakini, the recent RM5 billion injection into Valuecap was not intended as "additional" investment to support the flailing stock market as suggested by new Finance Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
Instead it was a rescue package for Valuecap to repay its original multi-billion ringgit debt, which is due in February next year ( 2009).
Citing documents, the website said that Valuecap's bonds were due to be repaid in February 2006, but the company was given another three years.
Tony Pua mentioned in Malaysiakini that "Clearly in this case, the purpose of the RM5 billion ‘loan' from EPF to Valuecap as instructed by the finance minister is a clear case of a mega bail-out of Valuecap whose investment lifespan has already ended nearly three years ago!
This is interesting, why would Najib made that decision when Valuecap cannot even pay back the initial loan during bullish economy and how the hell are they going to salvage this 5 billion during the global economic meltdown. When you can’t even perform during good times how are you going to make it during challenging times. I guess the government is applying the “ Malaysia Boleh” spirit to show to the world how the Malaysian leaders are far better than their counter parts in overcoming the economic crisis!
Don’t we just love the Malaysia Boleh spirit! I am withdrawing my account two (2) immediately!
Wait a minute some say they smell a rat some where!
According to Malaysiakini, the recent RM5 billion injection into Valuecap was not intended as "additional" investment to support the flailing stock market as suggested by new Finance Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
Instead it was a rescue package for Valuecap to repay its original multi-billion ringgit debt, which is due in February next year ( 2009).
Citing documents, the website said that Valuecap's bonds were due to be repaid in February 2006, but the company was given another three years.
Tony Pua mentioned in Malaysiakini that "Clearly in this case, the purpose of the RM5 billion ‘loan' from EPF to Valuecap as instructed by the finance minister is a clear case of a mega bail-out of Valuecap whose investment lifespan has already ended nearly three years ago!
This is interesting, why would Najib made that decision when Valuecap cannot even pay back the initial loan during bullish economy and how the hell are they going to salvage this 5 billion during the global economic meltdown. When you can’t even perform during good times how are you going to make it during challenging times. I guess the government is applying the “ Malaysia Boleh” spirit to show to the world how the Malaysian leaders are far better than their counter parts in overcoming the economic crisis!
Don’t we just love the Malaysia Boleh spirit! I am withdrawing my account two (2) immediately!
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