I enjoyed G.Krishnan's articles in his blog, thought to share with others.
Stupid: lacking in intelligence, reason or common sense; slow to learn or understand; unable to think clearly.
Above are some adjectives of ‘stupid.’
Now, consider the following.
UMNO and the MIC have been repeatedly irritated by Hindraf’s ability to keep the spotlight on the problems of systematic discrimination, neglect and marginalisation of large segments of the Indian population. This was most recently evident from the MIC’s response to Hindraf’s report - Malaysian Indian Minority and the Human Rights Violations Annual Report 2008 - on the deterioration of civil and human rights and the increasingly bleak state of many Indians in the country.
Having repeatedly denied that there were - and are - serious problems of marginalisation of the Indian population, the MIC finds itself in a transparent conundrum: one the one hand, it has persistently refused to acknowledge that Indians have been progressively discriminated against, yet, it has signed on to the regime’s gimmick to address problems in the Indian population in the form of the ‘Cabinet Committee on the Development of Indians.’
This of course begs the obvious question: if we Indians are not marginalised, as repeatedly purported by the MIC, either vis-à-vis other segments of the population or even relative to our own past accomplishments and condition thirty years ago, why then the need for a committee on the development of Indians? Surely the regime does not have a so-called ‘Cabinet Committee on the Development of the Chinese? Is there one on the development of the Eurasians? Have you heard of such committee for the Chinese? Why must there be one for the Indians if, as the regime claims, the Indians have not - and are not - being particularly disadvantaged or marginalised?
The fact is one does not have to review the data in Hindraf’s report or the regime’s own information to come to the realisation that trends over the past three decades show that on aggregate, the state of affairs and condition of Indians have gone in one unambiguous direction – and it’s not up!
Compared to thirty years ago…
we know that as a percentage, there are far fewer Indian students in our public universities today,
we know that far fewer Indian students complete their secondary school education,
we know that there are far fewer Indians in the civil service today,
we know that there are more Indians in prison today,
we know that as a percentage, more Indians live in poverty today.
We know that Indians barely own over 1 percent of the nation’s privately held wealth.
Well, the list goes on and on, and you get the point, right?
So we know what the evidence is regarding the state of Indians. Yet, the MIC insists that the UMNO regime has been ‘very fair’ to Indians. Now as a reasonable person, I suspect you would say that if you’re discriminated against, that would not be ‘fair.’ I imagine you would also agree that if your rights and concerns were being ignored and you were being deprived reasonable access to opportunity that would not be ‘fair.’
But the MIC and the UMNO regime claim it is, and has been, fair to Indians! So let’s consider further the implications of this dubious claim of fairness by MIC and UMNO. One has to ask, if the regime has been ‘fair’ and has not been systematically discriminating against Indians, surely some other factor(s) must account for how the state of Indians in the country today is far worse than it was thirty years ago?!
The MIC and UMNO regime purport their policies and practices have not been the catalyst for nor have they perpetuated the marginalisation of Indians. If we believe the MIC and UMNO, that over the past three decades we have not been systematically discriminated against; that we have not been denied fair access to education; that we have been given ample support in the form of government loans and assistance to purchase low-cost housing; that Indians have had ample opportunity to be hired in civil service jobs over the past thirty years; and that the regime must have also implemented significant initiatives to overcome the chronic poverty conditions that inflict large segments of our population, then what happened?
What happened to the Indians? How in one generation, did these enterprising and industrious people who, like others, toiled, sacrificed, thrived and persevered suddenly become so marginalised?
Did Indians forget how to work and could no longer hold on to their civil service jobs? Did Indians become incompetent? Did we gradually lose our knowledge? Did we Indians stop using common sense? Did we become stupid and not know how to apply for the wonderful resources the regime was making available to low-income people to buy homes? Did the vast majority of our brilliant students just lose their senses and decide they did not want to go to university? Did we simply become imbeciles and incapable to think clearly for ourselves in the last 30 years? Did we suddenly and magically begin to lose our ability to reason? Is that why our condition started to deteriorate? If not, then what exactly happened? UMNO and MIC say it was not because we were discriminated against and marginalised.
If you believe that the regime has supposedly been ‘very fair’ and not discriminated against Indians, then surely – ultimately - the reason many of the conditions of our community have gotten worse over the past thirty years must be because we Indians just miraculously became more stupid!
You see, I know what I’m being asked to believe – but I’m not stupid.
G. Krishnan
Friday, January 30, 2009
Indians in Malaysia
What else does the Indian community in Malaysia is waiting for to be more united? We are witnessing how the community is constantly stereotyped by the authorities and the media to have criminal tendencies and the government is continuously neglecting their needs.
Those arrested by the police will either disappear mysteriously from the lock-up and later found floating in the river or being poured hot water on or even been beaten to death while in custody. These seem to be the treatment received by the Indian Malaysians for the past 52 years of independence.
Is the Indian community paying the price for their Nov 2007 marching in Kuala Lumpur to voice the grievances against the government whereby they being paid handsomely by both the authorities and the government on that day?
If not for this gathering the rest of Malaysia would not have woken up from their long slumber and caused the hard hitting tsunami on the ruling BN coalition.
The ethnic Indians have been on the receiving end way before the Hindraf syndrome took place by the slow victimisation and negligence in policy by the government way too long. Indians need to wake up and stand united as there are still some running dogs of the BN government who are belittling the effort and cry of the majority Indians of this country. One such individual is Datuk Kenneth Eswaran,the President of Malaysian Chambers of Commerce mentioned that he was fed up with all the lies spoken against the government by some individuals overseas. More so he claimed that he was self made man without any favours from the government. He is claiming that there are proper avenues to bring forward issues and marching down the street is not one of the ways that will solve any problem? We need to bring proper working paper to the right authorities, so he said to a Malaysiakini interview. Please tell us what avenues are available to bring forth the issues related to the Indian community? Numerous discussions were held with the various Ministers and nothing was done until makkal sakthi took matters in its own hand to march down the streets in KL. The so called one and only Indian leader condemned all Indians who participated in the marching and the minister in the prime minister department even called them as rogues and mind you Kenneth he was one of the minister with whom a meeting was held and memorandum submitted! Please enlighten us of the avenues that you claim existed? By the way we know of your history of how self-made you are from a humble beginning into a businessman!
To add salt our honorable Home Minister who happens to be lawyer by training, (wonder which University he read law) recently said the Kugan is a criminal when the deceased was not even brought to court and charged. He must have been gifted with some supernatural power that allows him to see the truth that others do not posses. While speaking to reporters, the IGP was noticed busy playing with his handphone and giggling at the remarks made by Hamid as broadcasted by TV3 on their 8pm news. I truly hope the rest of the non-committal Indians to sit up and take notice on how they handle Indian issues. Even a criminal does not deserve to die while in custody and it does not matter if they are Indian, Chinese or Malay.
Until and unless there is change in our own mindset in totality by the community all the effort by some to bring change may be not futile. For this barbarism to stop and in ensuring good governance the entire government needs to be changed and only then there is hope for the Indians in this country!
Those arrested by the police will either disappear mysteriously from the lock-up and later found floating in the river or being poured hot water on or even been beaten to death while in custody. These seem to be the treatment received by the Indian Malaysians for the past 52 years of independence.
Is the Indian community paying the price for their Nov 2007 marching in Kuala Lumpur to voice the grievances against the government whereby they being paid handsomely by both the authorities and the government on that day?
If not for this gathering the rest of Malaysia would not have woken up from their long slumber and caused the hard hitting tsunami on the ruling BN coalition.
The ethnic Indians have been on the receiving end way before the Hindraf syndrome took place by the slow victimisation and negligence in policy by the government way too long. Indians need to wake up and stand united as there are still some running dogs of the BN government who are belittling the effort and cry of the majority Indians of this country. One such individual is Datuk Kenneth Eswaran,the President of Malaysian Chambers of Commerce mentioned that he was fed up with all the lies spoken against the government by some individuals overseas. More so he claimed that he was self made man without any favours from the government. He is claiming that there are proper avenues to bring forward issues and marching down the street is not one of the ways that will solve any problem? We need to bring proper working paper to the right authorities, so he said to a Malaysiakini interview. Please tell us what avenues are available to bring forth the issues related to the Indian community? Numerous discussions were held with the various Ministers and nothing was done until makkal sakthi took matters in its own hand to march down the streets in KL. The so called one and only Indian leader condemned all Indians who participated in the marching and the minister in the prime minister department even called them as rogues and mind you Kenneth he was one of the minister with whom a meeting was held and memorandum submitted! Please enlighten us of the avenues that you claim existed? By the way we know of your history of how self-made you are from a humble beginning into a businessman!
To add salt our honorable Home Minister who happens to be lawyer by training, (wonder which University he read law) recently said the Kugan is a criminal when the deceased was not even brought to court and charged. He must have been gifted with some supernatural power that allows him to see the truth that others do not posses. While speaking to reporters, the IGP was noticed busy playing with his handphone and giggling at the remarks made by Hamid as broadcasted by TV3 on their 8pm news. I truly hope the rest of the non-committal Indians to sit up and take notice on how they handle Indian issues. Even a criminal does not deserve to die while in custody and it does not matter if they are Indian, Chinese or Malay.
Until and unless there is change in our own mindset in totality by the community all the effort by some to bring change may be not futile. For this barbarism to stop and in ensuring good governance the entire government needs to be changed and only then there is hope for the Indians in this country!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Cong Xi Fa Cai
The Avathar wishes all Chinese Gong Xi Fa Cai and hopes that the Year of the Ox will bring peace and justice to all Malaysians. I was in Kota Bharu during the CNY as I was suprised to see how the non malays were living there as the Malay muslims were patronizing both the Indian and Chinese restaurants and it is a state controlled by PAS. I do not think that is a common practice in any BN governed states and the government is ostracizing PAS being an extremist. That is not all during the eve of CNY as I was driving through the town, my eyes practically popped out as I saw tudung clad Malay Muslim women dressed on red participating in the dragon dance processing while distributing oranges to the onlookers. I think I was in dreamland. I wonder would UMNO do such a think or would it be considered an act of participating in a kafir practice? Isn’t their members are the ones who are doing a war cry song titled “ Kaum Pendatang” which was top of the chart for the past one year!
The lesson learned. PAS may not be as bad as they are being portrait by UMNO and all of it was just their political game to incited fear and hatred amongst the non malays. I guess we have no reason to fear PAS but fear itself.
HAPPY GONG XI FA CAI and may all of us be blessed with love, happiness and joy!
The lesson learned. PAS may not be as bad as they are being portrait by UMNO and all of it was just their political game to incited fear and hatred amongst the non malays. I guess we have no reason to fear PAS but fear itself.
HAPPY GONG XI FA CAI and may all of us be blessed with love, happiness and joy!
Don't make it political..so says Khalid
The man is back with a warning to the Indians not to turn Kugan Ananthan's funeral into a political rally! He is non other than Selangor police chief Khalid Abu Bakar , rememner the guy who is involved with saving the Jerit Cyclist from being misused by political parties and who refused to issue any permit to them but said it is okay for the UiTM students to march in thousands as it was perceived as a peaceful demonstration and did not interrupt the public at all. Yeah..yeah…tell us about it!
He is warning that funeral procession scheduled to be held tomorrow afternoon is considered illegal gathering and advised the public not to participate nor carry banners and posters. Behold, all of you have been warned!Kugan, 22, who was detained on Jan 15 at the Taipan police station in Subang Jaya died while being questioned on Jan 20. The police initial statement was he died of water in the lungs and no foul play in his death and only upon the family members’ insistence on a second autopsy we’ll know the truth or else it would be classified as any other Indians mysteriously dying while in police custody. Why is that we are not reading any Chinese or Malays dying during police custody? The police claims that they are not discriminating the Indians nor practicing double standard.
”King” Khalid said that the funeral should not be politicised or turned into an illegal demonstration as it would disrupt public order and lead to chaos. Hello kawan how about the Palestine march did they not disrupt public order or the Pro-ISA march or all the pro government so called NGO marches? Please do not take us for a ride as it is true that the police are running dogs of the BN government and practicing double standard against certain race only or certain political parties, period.
Every form of discrimination and ethnic cleansing will come to an end some time in history and it would be a serious backlash. Never underestimate the oppressed, if you turn the pages of history and you’ll find many synopsis of such instances. Beware of the changing history, you need not to look far, just at America will suffice.
He is warning that funeral procession scheduled to be held tomorrow afternoon is considered illegal gathering and advised the public not to participate nor carry banners and posters. Behold, all of you have been warned!Kugan, 22, who was detained on Jan 15 at the Taipan police station in Subang Jaya died while being questioned on Jan 20. The police initial statement was he died of water in the lungs and no foul play in his death and only upon the family members’ insistence on a second autopsy we’ll know the truth or else it would be classified as any other Indians mysteriously dying while in police custody. Why is that we are not reading any Chinese or Malays dying during police custody? The police claims that they are not discriminating the Indians nor practicing double standard.
”King” Khalid said that the funeral should not be politicised or turned into an illegal demonstration as it would disrupt public order and lead to chaos. Hello kawan how about the Palestine march did they not disrupt public order or the Pro-ISA march or all the pro government so called NGO marches? Please do not take us for a ride as it is true that the police are running dogs of the BN government and practicing double standard against certain race only or certain political parties, period.
Every form of discrimination and ethnic cleansing will come to an end some time in history and it would be a serious backlash. Never underestimate the oppressed, if you turn the pages of history and you’ll find many synopsis of such instances. Beware of the changing history, you need not to look far, just at America will suffice.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Mahathir's loose cannon...his mouth
He was quoted in Malaysiakini yesterday that Barisan Nasional which has ruled for half a century will be dumped at the next elections if it continues to embrace corrupt leaders.
Who was he referring to, once again at Pak Dollah, he never stopped his criticism against Dollah! Mahathir said BN's crushing defeat in yesterday's Kuala Terengganu by-election, which has given the opposition a major boost, was a vote of no confidence in the leadership of outgoing premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. He still wants to hit on this man even when he is retiring in Mac 09 and he is supposed to take this fall again.
Not a word against Najib; and these are Mahathir’s own words " I think Najib is not to be blamed for (the by-election loss)". Hello Maha Keralathir, I thought it was Najib who led the KT by election and failed miserably and not Dollah. Think again Mahathir, just don't pile up accusation against Dollah. Just becase this poor man did not belittle you does not give you the right to kick on ass every time. I think it is about time Pak Lah pay back to Mahathir on his blatant remarks!
Leaders who are discredited, who are involved with corruption, are still being chosen as candidates," he said, without naming names. If this is true to the fact why did Najib agreed with the candidate assuming the candidate is Dollah's man? He must be a good YES MAN with no guts to stand on his own feet or make decision.
"If they want to win, get rid of these people."Mahathir continued which I agree and it is about time that we get rid of the BN led government with its half past and out of date leaders from UMNO which by the way was groomed by the man himself. Not to sideline MIC,MCA & other spineless goons, please follow your masters!
Mahathir let me tell you that it was you who should take the blame for all that Malaysia is today. I guess at your age you may be suffering from a clinical syndrome called “ selective memory” which allows only selective recollection of events. Its akin you wake up from coma and utter some noise to make your presence felt and slip back to coma. Please stick to your blog where you'll have people kiss your hand and feet or literally idol worship you. By the way isn't it an anti-islamic practice!
Who was he referring to, once again at Pak Dollah, he never stopped his criticism against Dollah! Mahathir said BN's crushing defeat in yesterday's Kuala Terengganu by-election, which has given the opposition a major boost, was a vote of no confidence in the leadership of outgoing premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. He still wants to hit on this man even when he is retiring in Mac 09 and he is supposed to take this fall again.
Not a word against Najib; and these are Mahathir’s own words " I think Najib is not to be blamed for (the by-election loss)". Hello Maha Keralathir, I thought it was Najib who led the KT by election and failed miserably and not Dollah. Think again Mahathir, just don't pile up accusation against Dollah. Just becase this poor man did not belittle you does not give you the right to kick on ass every time. I think it is about time Pak Lah pay back to Mahathir on his blatant remarks!
Leaders who are discredited, who are involved with corruption, are still being chosen as candidates," he said, without naming names. If this is true to the fact why did Najib agreed with the candidate assuming the candidate is Dollah's man? He must be a good YES MAN with no guts to stand on his own feet or make decision.
"If they want to win, get rid of these people."Mahathir continued which I agree and it is about time that we get rid of the BN led government with its half past and out of date leaders from UMNO which by the way was groomed by the man himself. Not to sideline MIC,MCA & other spineless goons, please follow your masters!
Mahathir let me tell you that it was you who should take the blame for all that Malaysia is today. I guess at your age you may be suffering from a clinical syndrome called “ selective memory” which allows only selective recollection of events. Its akin you wake up from coma and utter some noise to make your presence felt and slip back to coma. Please stick to your blog where you'll have people kiss your hand and feet or literally idol worship you. By the way isn't it an anti-islamic practice!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Hey..hey PAS Won
Was it a victory written in heaven? It looks like it with PAS candidate winning by a 2631 vote majority with its candidate receiving a total 32,883 votes and BN candidate receiving some… who cares, he lost anyway.
It shows that the winds of change is still blowing strong after the 12th general election and this time in the east coast of peninsular. Shall I say that "The Monsoon Cup" arrived sooner than expected in KT! Hail Pakatan Rakyat and the emergence of new politics beyond race and religion.
During the KT by election we witness many non-muslims and non-malays supporting PAS and some even came from other states just to show support. One such person was Apalasamy who rode his motorcycle from Cameroon Highlands just to show support to Pakatan Rakyat and the others were Aisha & Asiah from Selangor and Afri from Bangi.
Such were their enthusiasm being at KT just to be part of the winds of change to build a better future for both our future generation and Malaysia.
The PM in waiting, not referring Anwar but the self pro-claimed UMNO President, Najib said "Of course, this is a setback for us... We will not be disheartened by the result," Najib told a press conference, rejecting the suggestion that the outcome reflected badly on him. "It's nothing to do with that," he said. I guess he is waiting for the 13th General Election to admit defeat that the rakyat is rejecting the BN led government lead by UMNO and more so by him. Najib wake up, you have too many baggage’s one being right at home figuratively speaking.
Meanwhile, the opposition was quoted in Malaysiakini saying that its performance showed the alliance is working well despite being an unlikely partnership of PAS, Anwar's multiracial PKR, and the predominantly Chinese DAP. "The two factors that contributed to our success are the combined efforts of all alliance partners and the credibility of the PAS candidate,"
I reckon this to be the signal that the rakyat’s support to BN is diminishing and I suggest that the members of UMNO, MIC,MCA,PPP and others immediately revoke their membership and join the Pakatan Alliance. That’s the only way to move forward! Better belief it. Jangan Tunggu Lama Lama!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
It is not bribes
Some RM2.7 million in cash was distributed to about 9,000 needy and elderly Chinese on the 5th of Jan 09. BN claimed that the RM200 to RM300 handout per person is an annual event which usually happens either a week before or after Chinese New Year. Hence it is not bribery as claimed by the opposition!
That’s not the end;
1)Menteri Besar Ahmad Said has thus far pledged RM3.3 million for the construction of a hall for the Chinese community in Bukit Kecil, with the ground breaking ceremony slated for Jan 13.
2)The state government further approved RM2.8 million for the refurbishing of the sole Chinese school in Kuala Terengganu, SJK (C) Chung Hwa Wei Sin.
3)The school's brass band will receive another RM200,000.
4)Another RM110,000 was allocated to 40 Chinese religious organisations. In addition to the allocations from the state government.
5)The state MCA has obtained federal allocation worth RM205,000 for two temples.
6)Education Minister Hishamuddin Hussien on Jan 5 announced a RM2,926,000 allocation for 10 Chinese schools in the state.
Wow what a windfall for the Chinese community in KT, maybe it is their CNY “angpow”? Well that didn’t come without a catch I think as several Chinese guild leaders expressed hope that Chinese voters in Kuala Terengganu would not bite the hand that feeds, especially since the community forms a mere three percent population in the state and both the state and federal government have been very generous towards their community. This is not a vote winning measure but just the routine plan by our loving leaders towards its “rakyat” particularly in KT.
Even the Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak himself held a closed-door dialogue with guild leaders for more than two hours on Friday night! Wonder why?
Other than that the federal government also awarded a whopping RM15.8 million worth of small infrastructural projects today to 583 class-F contractors through a computerised ‘bidding’ system. All the projects - worth between RM30,000 and RM200,000 - were limited to the Kuala Terengganu district.Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, who officiated the event, said that the event today was a ‘world record’ where every participant was able to obtain a contract and quoted saying "In this lucky draw, everyone wins. Everyone gets a contract," he said. The future PM is also setting new world records akin his mentor Mahathir!
I don’t understand why the opposition is claiming foul and saying that the government is bribing the KT people during the by election. Well all these are not bribes but just the initiates planned much earlier by a concerned state and federal government towards its “rakyats”. By the way I was told that the roads were also tarred!
That’s not the end;
1)Menteri Besar Ahmad Said has thus far pledged RM3.3 million for the construction of a hall for the Chinese community in Bukit Kecil, with the ground breaking ceremony slated for Jan 13.
2)The state government further approved RM2.8 million for the refurbishing of the sole Chinese school in Kuala Terengganu, SJK (C) Chung Hwa Wei Sin.
3)The school's brass band will receive another RM200,000.
4)Another RM110,000 was allocated to 40 Chinese religious organisations. In addition to the allocations from the state government.
5)The state MCA has obtained federal allocation worth RM205,000 for two temples.
6)Education Minister Hishamuddin Hussien on Jan 5 announced a RM2,926,000 allocation for 10 Chinese schools in the state.
Wow what a windfall for the Chinese community in KT, maybe it is their CNY “angpow”? Well that didn’t come without a catch I think as several Chinese guild leaders expressed hope that Chinese voters in Kuala Terengganu would not bite the hand that feeds, especially since the community forms a mere three percent population in the state and both the state and federal government have been very generous towards their community. This is not a vote winning measure but just the routine plan by our loving leaders towards its “rakyat” particularly in KT.
Even the Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak himself held a closed-door dialogue with guild leaders for more than two hours on Friday night! Wonder why?
Other than that the federal government also awarded a whopping RM15.8 million worth of small infrastructural projects today to 583 class-F contractors through a computerised ‘bidding’ system. All the projects - worth between RM30,000 and RM200,000 - were limited to the Kuala Terengganu district.Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, who officiated the event, said that the event today was a ‘world record’ where every participant was able to obtain a contract and quoted saying "In this lucky draw, everyone wins. Everyone gets a contract," he said. The future PM is also setting new world records akin his mentor Mahathir!
I don’t understand why the opposition is claiming foul and saying that the government is bribing the KT people during the by election. Well all these are not bribes but just the initiates planned much earlier by a concerned state and federal government towards its “rakyats”. By the way I was told that the roads were also tarred!
Now it is Kerismudin's turn
Some time ago it was Khairy who made him well known for his stupid remark (as usual ) and now it is his bosses turn. What do I mean by this, our beloved Education Minister Kerismudin is going to educate the school children and prepare them for “global issues like peace, environment and the economic crisis".
The New Straits Times reported that the education minister is planning a nation-wide protest against Israel’s actions in Gaza, involving about five million children and 360,765 teachers from more than 10,000 schools.
Hey, isn’t he exploiting the children, just like Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (Jerit) had been previously blame for using school children for political reason?
Secondly shouldn’t the minister get parental consent before involving children in such "dangerous" activities? Is the Minister making decision without even consulting the parents or is it all going to be BN members children alone.
That’s not the only joke, how would the police react to this statement? Shouldn’t they take any action against the organizers? Fist of all is this an illegal assembly or procession and shouldn’t the police save these children just like what they did against the “Jerit” participants and cordoned them in the open area with yellow ribbon? Would there also be numerous roadblocks all in the name of saving the children from being abused?
During the Jerit campaign a total of 111 participants faced arrests, including 28 under-aged participants who were held in the Rawang police station for one night. Our Bersih, Cekap dan whatever crap Selangor chief of police Khalid Abu Bakar had then however justified the police’s move in holding the children, saying that they were just "saving the under-aged from being exploited". Now where would they place the five million schoolchildren?
More so the Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Al-Haj of Selangor had also allegedly expressed his disappointment that children in the country were being exploited by irresponsible people out to further their own causes and asked Khalid to take stern action against those who exploited children into taking part in certain activities. So Khalid claimed!
When asked by Malaysiakini, today about the minister’s proposal to involve schoolchildren in protests, Khalid said: "This is a national issue. Since a minister has made such statements, only the Inspector-General of Police Musa Hassan must respond, not me". Musa could not be reached for comments today!
Isn’t this funny? Let’s see what would be Musa’s comments once he resurfaces and what the Sultan of Selangor would say about the minister using some 5 million students nationwide?
This is the poor state of our country being governed by a bunch of idiots calling themselves ministers and civil servants!
The New Straits Times reported that the education minister is planning a nation-wide protest against Israel’s actions in Gaza, involving about five million children and 360,765 teachers from more than 10,000 schools.
Hey, isn’t he exploiting the children, just like Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (Jerit) had been previously blame for using school children for political reason?
Secondly shouldn’t the minister get parental consent before involving children in such "dangerous" activities? Is the Minister making decision without even consulting the parents or is it all going to be BN members children alone.
That’s not the only joke, how would the police react to this statement? Shouldn’t they take any action against the organizers? Fist of all is this an illegal assembly or procession and shouldn’t the police save these children just like what they did against the “Jerit” participants and cordoned them in the open area with yellow ribbon? Would there also be numerous roadblocks all in the name of saving the children from being abused?
During the Jerit campaign a total of 111 participants faced arrests, including 28 under-aged participants who were held in the Rawang police station for one night. Our Bersih, Cekap dan whatever crap Selangor chief of police Khalid Abu Bakar had then however justified the police’s move in holding the children, saying that they were just "saving the under-aged from being exploited". Now where would they place the five million schoolchildren?
More so the Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Al-Haj of Selangor had also allegedly expressed his disappointment that children in the country were being exploited by irresponsible people out to further their own causes and asked Khalid to take stern action against those who exploited children into taking part in certain activities. So Khalid claimed!
When asked by Malaysiakini, today about the minister’s proposal to involve schoolchildren in protests, Khalid said: "This is a national issue. Since a minister has made such statements, only the Inspector-General of Police Musa Hassan must respond, not me". Musa could not be reached for comments today!
Isn’t this funny? Let’s see what would be Musa’s comments once he resurfaces and what the Sultan of Selangor would say about the minister using some 5 million students nationwide?
This is the poor state of our country being governed by a bunch of idiots calling themselves ministers and civil servants!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I read the news regarding how Khairy Jamaluddin led a group of people protesting outside the Palestine embassy to show their support to Palestine due to the air strike by Israel.
"I am here to tell you that we, Malaysians - Muslims and non-Muslims - want to show our support to the Palestinians as this is concerning humanitarian and economic issues. This is about unity, freedom and justice of the Palestinians," said Khairy. Quoted from "Protest against Israel turns into war of words", Malaysiakini.com, Jan 2, 2009.
Based on what you said, I have several questions for you Khairy,
When you said, you support Palestinians since it is concerning humanitarian and economic issues. My question is: where were you when you heard of all the voices of your own people, crying out to the government asking for political justice and equal treatment. I am sure you must be aware of the actions of your own party and how your fellow Malaysians have suffered the violence of various actions and racist remarks coming from your party.
How about the violence of various actions and racist remarks coming from your party. So my question to you is: are you showing favoritism toward Palestinians, but not lending your hands out to all victims of the current BN's policies? They would love to have you fight for them too,why not just join them there!
What's your claim of "support from Malaysians – Muslims and non-Muslims" based on? Did you got the signatures from majority of Malaysians? Who are you to represent all of us? Be realistic, you are not favorable by many Malaysians, including the fellows of your own party. Did you apply the permit for this protest? Where were the police? Shouldn't they have arrested you because of the potential risk the protest could have posed to the national security? I do not oppose the protest since Malaysians should have the rights to hold a gathering without arms. I was just deeply disappointed by the double standard held by our government and the police force. Racist!
Let me bring some light to you, how about the Sri Lankan government air attack towards the Tamils and the raping of young children and women by the army. How about the recent attack by the army on a school bus where about 50 children either died or were seriously injured? Where were you and the so called Malaysian fighting for justice and humanitarian rights. Pleaselah you can fool some people some time but not all the time!Over to you Khairy!
"I am here to tell you that we, Malaysians - Muslims and non-Muslims - want to show our support to the Palestinians as this is concerning humanitarian and economic issues. This is about unity, freedom and justice of the Palestinians," said Khairy. Quoted from "Protest against Israel turns into war of words", Malaysiakini.com, Jan 2, 2009.
Based on what you said, I have several questions for you Khairy,
When you said, you support Palestinians since it is concerning humanitarian and economic issues. My question is: where were you when you heard of all the voices of your own people, crying out to the government asking for political justice and equal treatment. I am sure you must be aware of the actions of your own party and how your fellow Malaysians have suffered the violence of various actions and racist remarks coming from your party.
How about the violence of various actions and racist remarks coming from your party. So my question to you is: are you showing favoritism toward Palestinians, but not lending your hands out to all victims of the current BN's policies? They would love to have you fight for them too,why not just join them there!
What's your claim of "support from Malaysians – Muslims and non-Muslims" based on? Did you got the signatures from majority of Malaysians? Who are you to represent all of us? Be realistic, you are not favorable by many Malaysians, including the fellows of your own party. Did you apply the permit for this protest? Where were the police? Shouldn't they have arrested you because of the potential risk the protest could have posed to the national security? I do not oppose the protest since Malaysians should have the rights to hold a gathering without arms. I was just deeply disappointed by the double standard held by our government and the police force. Racist!
Let me bring some light to you, how about the Sri Lankan government air attack towards the Tamils and the raping of young children and women by the army. How about the recent attack by the army on a school bus where about 50 children either died or were seriously injured? Where were you and the so called Malaysian fighting for justice and humanitarian rights. Pleaselah you can fool some people some time but not all the time!Over to you Khairy!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Happy New Year
Hi All,
Wish all of you a Happy New Year and be bleseed wth happiness, joy,love and health.
My wish in 2009 is that Malaysian change in making Malaysia a best place to live in for all races!
Wish all of you a Happy New Year and be bleseed wth happiness, joy,love and health.
My wish in 2009 is that Malaysian change in making Malaysia a best place to live in for all races!
Another Case of Police Brutality
Our police force was been recently blamed as being partial towards certain political party, being arrogant towards NGO which march against government policies viz ANTI-ISA Movement, JERIT,BERSIH and many others. They did it again to a carpark attendant who was taken in for interrogation and assaulted him, yet the cruelest act to any human being by pouring boiling hot water on him. How could a decent human could do such an act upon another fellow human being or have the degraded themselves to lesser being as I do not want to call them animals as animals will never do such a thing towards their species?
Malaysiakini quoted that Prabakar was picked up from his work place at Sri Hartamas on Dec 23 and taken for interrogation at the Brickfields police district headquarters where he was repeatedly beaten, kicked and stepped on by at least 10 police personnel. He said the police officers involved then scalded him with boiling water after he could not identify several persons in some photographs. Prabakar further said that during his five-day remand period, police had hung a long piece of cloth from the interrogation room ceiling and tied it around his neck while he stood on a chair. They then threatened to knock away the chair, he said.
So I guess this is how the police release bodies of detainees saying they committed suicide while in custody?
Prabakar added that he was now worried over what has happened to his 18-year-old cousin, C Soloman, who was also picked up by police on the same day as him. His location to date is still unknown.
"When asked about Soloman, the officer pretended not to know anything. After pressing him on the matter several times, he then admitted that a statement had been taken from Soloman," said his lawyer Surendran
I reckon this may not bee another case of missing detainees as recorded in the police file! Hopefully he is still alive?
Hello, Musa where are you now? Call upon every Malaysian to call in this stupid police chief to taken action and call for his masters to take responsibilities.
For more reading click the below link;http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/95752
Malaysiakini quoted that Prabakar was picked up from his work place at Sri Hartamas on Dec 23 and taken for interrogation at the Brickfields police district headquarters where he was repeatedly beaten, kicked and stepped on by at least 10 police personnel. He said the police officers involved then scalded him with boiling water after he could not identify several persons in some photographs. Prabakar further said that during his five-day remand period, police had hung a long piece of cloth from the interrogation room ceiling and tied it around his neck while he stood on a chair. They then threatened to knock away the chair, he said.
So I guess this is how the police release bodies of detainees saying they committed suicide while in custody?
Prabakar added that he was now worried over what has happened to his 18-year-old cousin, C Soloman, who was also picked up by police on the same day as him. His location to date is still unknown.
"When asked about Soloman, the officer pretended not to know anything. After pressing him on the matter several times, he then admitted that a statement had been taken from Soloman," said his lawyer Surendran
I reckon this may not bee another case of missing detainees as recorded in the police file! Hopefully he is still alive?
Hello, Musa where are you now? Call upon every Malaysian to call in this stupid police chief to taken action and call for his masters to take responsibilities.
For more reading click the below link;http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/95752
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