When the Indians in Malaysia claimed that the government and the authorities especially the police handling them differently compared to certain race they claimed that they are being fair towards the Indians. It has been 50 years of discrimination against this community and late we are hearing that the police are being very hospitable against the Indians. There have been many cases where Indians have been treated less than animals in this country where Indians who were arrested by the police dies mysteriously while in custody, or go missing from detention and later found dead somewhere else and yet the police claim innocence, some being poured hot water on or being sprayed chemical water for lodging police report! Thank you, police for the best treatment towards the Indian as we will be forever indebted to you.
Why is that the police did not sprayed any chemical water when the UNMO youth staged various protest against the opposition throughout the country, or when they shamed the Palestine Embassy in KL by holding Hamas portrait and been told to bring it down. They even escorted some in marching which deemed not to cause any massive traffic jam but others are arrested for public disorder and how about thousands of UiTM students did a street march, where the police then? Didn’t these considered street protest which causes public discomfort?
The latest episode of the police brutality is some 300 supporters of Hindraf Leader P.Utayakumar were sprayed chemical-laced water. The supporters were accompanying nine people representing nine states and a relative of Uthayakumar, who intended to lodge police reports alleging that the Hindraf leader was denied proper medical attention for his ailment. Brickfields police chief Wan Abdul Bari Wan Abdul Khalid ordered chemical-laced water to be fired into the crowd with some 18 individuals who were arrested !
Where is the one and only self claimed Indian champion, the honorable ex-minister Samy Velu to defend these arrested Indians as he claimed to be in discussion with government to release the famous 5. What has the IGP and the government got to say about this treatment against the Indians? Do not push any community too far as history has many examples of backlash!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Allah belongs to the Muslims,Christians,Jew or the Sikhs?
Well I read that when RPK went to China more than 15 years ago he visited the oldest mosque in China., he related this story in MT. It was at Kwangchow (Canton) and was built 100 years after Prophet Muhammad’s time. That’s right, the Chinese were Muslims 700 or 800 years before the Malays and when the Malays were still Hindus, Buddhists, tree worshippers, and so on. But only the Malays are true Muslims while the Chinese are mualaps.
I met the Imam of the Kwangchow mosque and he spoke to me in Arabic. I replied, “Mafi kalam Arabi.” He was surprised because I just did my prayers in the mosque, which he assumed I would have performed in Arabic.
“You don’t speak Arabic?”
“No,” I replied.
“You can read the Quran?”
“Yes,” I replied.
“You can read the Quran but you can’t speak Arabic? How do you do that?”
“I recite only, not read.”
“So you can’t understand what you recite?”
“No,” I replied.
“What kind of Muslim are you? You recite the Quran but can’t understand what you are reciting.”
“Well, I am the same as 99% other Muslims in Malaysia. We all don’t speak Arabic and can’t understand what we are reciting.”
The Imam shook his head and went off to pray for God to have mercy on me -- and the 99% other Malay Muslims in Malaysia.
What’s all this brouhaha about the word Allah in the Malay language translation of the Bible? First, take a look at this:
[Genesis 1:1 - English Bible - King James Version]
"In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth . . . "
[Genesis 1:1 - Arabic transliteration]
"Fee al-badi' khalaqa Allahu as-Samaawaat wa al-Ard . . . "
[Genesis 1:1 - Arabic Bible]
[John 3:16 - English Bible - King James Version]
"For God so loved the world, that . . . "
[John 3:16 - Arabic transliteration]
"Li-annhu haakadha ahabba Allahu al-'Aalama hataa badhala . . . "
[John 3:16 - Arabic Bible]
[Luke 1:30 - English Bible - King James Version]
" . . . Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God."
[Luke 1:30 - Arabic transliteration]
" . . . Laa takhaafee, yaa Maryam, li-annaki qad wajadti ni'amat(an) i'nda Allahi."
[Luke 1:30 - Arabic Bible]
[Luke 3:38 - English Bible - New King James Version]
"the son of Enos, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God."
[Luke 3:38 - Arabic transliteration]
"bini Anoosha, bini Sheeti, bini Aaadama, abni Allahi."
The word Allah is already in the Bible. It is exactly the same word that the Jews, in Hebrew, use for God (eloh), the word that Jesus Christ used in Aramaic when he prayed to God. In Hebrew, Huwa el Elah or HUWA 'L LAH means HE IS ALLAH in the verse QUL HUWAL LAH HU AHAD.
"My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” said Jesus on the cross. In Aramaic this is: "Eli, Eli, l'mana Sabachtani?"
The words El, Elah and Elohim are not three distinctly different words. They all represent the single Arabic word, Allah, which is also the same in Hebrew.
No, Islam does not have monopoly over the use of the word Allah. The Christians and Jews too use this same word. In fact, the biggest ‘selling point’ for Islam is that the Quran recognises all the Prophets of the Jews and Christians and that we all pray to the same ONE God, Allah. If the God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is the same one God, would not then the name of this God also be the same? How can the name of the Muslim God be different from that of the Jews and Christians if we all pray to the same one God?
Some Malays, PKR and PAS Malays included, are very narrow-minded and ignorant. And this is because they recite the Quran like parrots without understanding what they are reciting -- mainly because they do not speak the language of the Quran. And, for sure, they do not read any of the Holy Books of the other religions because they are of the opinion that it is forbidden (haram) to do so. It is said that even Prophet Muhammad sought advice from his wife’s, Khatijah’s cousin, Warakah, a learned Christian scholar of his time, though some scholars refute this (but they do admit that Warakah was a Christian who attended Prophet Muhammad’s and Khatijah’s wedding).
And Prophet Muhammad never prohibited the Jews and Christians from using the word Allah. But then Malays think they are better Muslims and more learned than the Arabs even though Malays recite the Quran without understanding what they are reciting -- unlike the Chinese Muslims in China. And what are 16 million Malay Muslims compared to the more than 100 million in China, the mualaps, as the Malays would call them, who have been Muslims since 1,300 years ago when Malays were still praying to trees and whatnot.
I met the Imam of the Kwangchow mosque and he spoke to me in Arabic. I replied, “Mafi kalam Arabi.” He was surprised because I just did my prayers in the mosque, which he assumed I would have performed in Arabic.
“You don’t speak Arabic?”
“No,” I replied.
“You can read the Quran?”
“Yes,” I replied.
“You can read the Quran but you can’t speak Arabic? How do you do that?”
“I recite only, not read.”
“So you can’t understand what you recite?”
“No,” I replied.
“What kind of Muslim are you? You recite the Quran but can’t understand what you are reciting.”
“Well, I am the same as 99% other Muslims in Malaysia. We all don’t speak Arabic and can’t understand what we are reciting.”
The Imam shook his head and went off to pray for God to have mercy on me -- and the 99% other Malay Muslims in Malaysia.
What’s all this brouhaha about the word Allah in the Malay language translation of the Bible? First, take a look at this:
[Genesis 1:1 - English Bible - King James Version]
"In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth . . . "
[Genesis 1:1 - Arabic transliteration]
"Fee al-badi' khalaqa Allahu as-Samaawaat wa al-Ard . . . "
[Genesis 1:1 - Arabic Bible]
[John 3:16 - English Bible - King James Version]
"For God so loved the world, that . . . "
[John 3:16 - Arabic transliteration]
"Li-annhu haakadha ahabba Allahu al-'Aalama hataa badhala . . . "
[John 3:16 - Arabic Bible]
[Luke 1:30 - English Bible - King James Version]
" . . . Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God."
[Luke 1:30 - Arabic transliteration]
" . . . Laa takhaafee, yaa Maryam, li-annaki qad wajadti ni'amat(an) i'nda Allahi."
[Luke 1:30 - Arabic Bible]
[Luke 3:38 - English Bible - New King James Version]
"the son of Enos, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God."
[Luke 3:38 - Arabic transliteration]
"bini Anoosha, bini Sheeti, bini Aaadama, abni Allahi."
The word Allah is already in the Bible. It is exactly the same word that the Jews, in Hebrew, use for God (eloh), the word that Jesus Christ used in Aramaic when he prayed to God. In Hebrew, Huwa el Elah or HUWA 'L LAH means HE IS ALLAH in the verse QUL HUWAL LAH HU AHAD.
"My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” said Jesus on the cross. In Aramaic this is: "Eli, Eli, l'mana Sabachtani?"
The words El, Elah and Elohim are not three distinctly different words. They all represent the single Arabic word, Allah, which is also the same in Hebrew.
No, Islam does not have monopoly over the use of the word Allah. The Christians and Jews too use this same word. In fact, the biggest ‘selling point’ for Islam is that the Quran recognises all the Prophets of the Jews and Christians and that we all pray to the same ONE God, Allah. If the God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is the same one God, would not then the name of this God also be the same? How can the name of the Muslim God be different from that of the Jews and Christians if we all pray to the same one God?
Some Malays, PKR and PAS Malays included, are very narrow-minded and ignorant. And this is because they recite the Quran like parrots without understanding what they are reciting -- mainly because they do not speak the language of the Quran. And, for sure, they do not read any of the Holy Books of the other religions because they are of the opinion that it is forbidden (haram) to do so. It is said that even Prophet Muhammad sought advice from his wife’s, Khatijah’s cousin, Warakah, a learned Christian scholar of his time, though some scholars refute this (but they do admit that Warakah was a Christian who attended Prophet Muhammad’s and Khatijah’s wedding).
And Prophet Muhammad never prohibited the Jews and Christians from using the word Allah. But then Malays think they are better Muslims and more learned than the Arabs even though Malays recite the Quran without understanding what they are reciting -- unlike the Chinese Muslims in China. And what are 16 million Malay Muslims compared to the more than 100 million in China, the mualaps, as the Malays would call them, who have been Muslims since 1,300 years ago when Malays were still praying to trees and whatnot.
The Malaysian CEO
Tan Sri Rozali Ismail, the chairman of Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas) and Puncak Niaga Sdn Bhd, said today the RM5.1 million salary paid to him in 2007 for running the companies was justified.“If you want professionals to run your company, you have to pay professional fees.” Rozali, was speaking in response to the disclosures from the State Water Review Panel.
Wow what a package for someone who is managing Syabas which was financially stressed due to poor management practices, among them paying Puncak Niaga RM700,000 in management fee every month. When in America the top CEO’s of profit making organisations were only paid an average of USD 400,000 -1,000,000 yet in Malaysia this loser is paid RM 5 Million? He is not alone as the CEO of TNB was also paid handsomely and selected as the best CEO even when the company he is managing is loosing money! It is all possible only in a country governed by UMNO.
How long will the rakyat be able to bear the burden of such daylight robbery? These people are nominated by the elected people representative trusting them to provide a better life to the Malaysian public! What is the Malaysian public waiting for until they scrape the entire bottom of the pot?
Wow what a package for someone who is managing Syabas which was financially stressed due to poor management practices, among them paying Puncak Niaga RM700,000 in management fee every month. When in America the top CEO’s of profit making organisations were only paid an average of USD 400,000 -1,000,000 yet in Malaysia this loser is paid RM 5 Million? He is not alone as the CEO of TNB was also paid handsomely and selected as the best CEO even when the company he is managing is loosing money! It is all possible only in a country governed by UMNO.
How long will the rakyat be able to bear the burden of such daylight robbery? These people are nominated by the elected people representative trusting them to provide a better life to the Malaysian public! What is the Malaysian public waiting for until they scrape the entire bottom of the pot?
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Terminator IV ala Malaysia
By Naragan N.
Today, I tagged along with our Human Rights Activists who have been fighting Police Abuses for a long time – S. Jayathas, S. Surendran, Manickavasagam (MP for Kapar) and M. Manohar (MP for Teluk Intan), to find out what actually transpired when the 6 were killed by the Police in Kulim.
Ever since their killing the other day, I have been very bothered by the event. The media shouted out "criminals" – as if that was the foregone truth. The Police had executed all 6 of them as if they were the Prosecutor, Judge and Executioner all in one and utterly above the law. It was not one, not two; it was six -and it seems with impunity. Every one had their own view of the episode. But I needed some answers.
At the outset, let me say that I am not condoning crimes or criminals; but there are so many questions that this incident raises that we need some good answers, and fast, as this situation seems to be spinning out of control – before the ink dries on one, another seems to happen. Kugan's case before Prabakaran's settled, and now the six before Kugan's case is settled.
We visited the shootout site, the families of 3 of the deceaseds and spent some time with the neighbour at the shootout site. The picture that emerges is different than what the mainstream media has been putting out. The MSM paints a picture that the Police only returned fire after being shot at and that this turn of events was totally unavoidable and that they were dealing with a bunch of unscrupulous criminals.
Let me detail some of the facts we gathered before commenting on them. The scene of the shooting was in a small town of Karangan some 15km from Kulim. It was in a small house which was being renovated in one of the backroads of Karangan, a little off the main road of the town. The fence around the house was a tall wall made up of corrugated sheet – something you would do to cut off from view what was going on inside.
A very forthcoming neighbour told us that when he returned home from work that rainy night at around 10 or so, he was met with a large group of policemen in front of his house, who had already packed his family into the prayer room of his house in the event of stray bullets during the impending ambush. He was asked to get in with them. He only heard the frightening shootout that dreadful night from within his prayer room.
The shootout took place at around 10.30, a very noisy and frightening episode, narrated that neighbour. There did not seem to be any attempt by the Police to try to get the people they were seeking out from the premises, by summoning them out first using hailers or some such device, before the shoot out. The shooting just happened. The neighbour knew nothing more till the bodies of the killed men were removed at somewhere between 4 and 5 am the next morning.
The first of the killed men, the one that the Police probably had a reason to get, the owner of the house where the shootout happened, was shot in the middle of the top of his head, top down it appeared. The family of this victim mentioned he had several more shots on the front side of his body – as if someone shot at him from the front. This individual, we were told by the family had no prior police record.
The second victim that we visited was someone who was actually working in Singapore for a company called SBS (maybe the Singapore Bus Company) who had come back to Kulim for a holiday. He was due to go back shortly and had a return ticket for that. His death certificate also indicated death due to shots in the chest. Apparently he had several shot wounds on the front side of his body also, as if shot from the front. He appeared to be a friend of the first victim.
It is not clear from the little information we got that this person was at all a close accomplice or even a participant in any crime that may have been in the works. Of course, I am concluding this with very little information, but these are the facts as we got them from the family. The family was distraught, because this had damaged the standing of the family in the community, having their dead son branded a criminal. This victim also has no past criminal record, we were told by the family.
The third family we visited was that of a young chap of about 20. His family lives in a dilapidated little estate house in Padang Serai. He had seven siblings and it was obvious the family was just existing. This young chap, it appears, was working for the first victim assisting in the renovation of the house where the shootout happened. The parents did not seem to know much more about what he did. He was obviously not being paid very much, as he had just 2 days before the incident asked one of his family members for 20 ringgit.
He had shot wounds on the forehead and it looked like the back of his head was all bloodied as if from an exiting bullet. He was dressed only in a towel at the time of his death. His parents even had difficulty putting together some money to buy him a shirt and a dhoty for his burial. 36 ringgit was all they had. They could not even afford the coffin in which he was ultimately buried. The Police disallowed the victims' kin to examine the body when they tried to. The body was all bloodied in the front. This victim also had no past record, we were told.
To say the least, this was a carnage. It appears like we are in Gaza or in Iraq or in Afghanistan or even in Sri Lanka – the scale and method of killing suggests nothing short of this. Let me ask, are we in one of these countries or is Malaysia descending there?
It looks like Indian lives have become very cheap, very cheap in this country – the lives of anjing keling, yes that's what it is, the cheap lives of the anjings - that they can be wasted in this manner. Uthayakumar was so right!
By all of this, I am in no way saying crime is alright. What I am saying is the way the problems of crime are being dealt with. Let me lay out some perspectives for you all to consider:
1) What was the need to kill these people? They were not terrorists. They had no previous records. They were not murderers, surely not the mafia. They could have been easily arrested. In fact, where the first victim regularly stays is just a stone's throw from the Police Station. Why were they not apprehended? Or why were they not given a chance to come out with their hands up to surrender themselves for arrest – even in war this is done. Why were they not given this chance?
2) We understand there were a number of sharp shooters from around the country on hand for the job for the Police. This seem to indicate that this was a planned kill event.
3) Why was it that the shot wounds were all in the front side of the victims – not any location on the body, but systematically on the front side?
4) One victim was shot on the top of the head. How could that happen in a normal exchange of fire? That seems to suggest some crouching position and a shot into the head, from the top.
5) Why were the victims not shot at on their legs or where they will not be killed but disabled on being shot?
6) Why were the kin of one of the victims denied their right to inspect the body?
7) If it was a shootout between the Police and the victims, only two could have had the guns, as the police produced two guns; why were the shot wounds so systematic in the chest and the heads on all three of the victims? We do not know about the other two victims – but I suspect they will show similarities.
In summary, this ugly incident in the series of incidents of police killing and atrocities seem to emphasise the following issues.
a) The Police in Malaysia continue killing Indian crime suspects with impunity – taking upon themselves the role of Prosecutor, Judge and Executioner all in one. I am sure that the powers be know exactly what they are doing. So, we have to take it that they are trying to provoke a response from us so they can slam emergency rule or something like that and set us all back?
b) The Police very urgently need to be Policed. That looks like a very remote possibility, as long as UMNO rules this country of ours. See what's happening to the reform-driven MACC, it has become just another tool of UMNO. Any IPCMC will probably end up in that same rubbish bin. In any case, this UMNO regime seems to be promoting Police brutality as a means of maintaining their hold on the levers of power.
c) So many crime suspects in Malaysia are from among the Indian community. I think the answer to this has been already abundantly answered by Uthayakumar – this underclass of Indians are a direct result of the UMNO policies over the last 50 years of marginalizing Indians – neglecting the development of the Indian community. There does not yet seem to be any serious effort to get to the bottom of this problem.
d) The way the Police are shooting Indian crime suspects seem to give additional credence to the racist line of UMNO – the anjing keling line. They seem to be wittingly or unwittingly creating a stereotype of the Indians in the country – despicable, troublecausing and uncouth Indian. What do you think the jibes of children in school reflect – when little Indian children are called "anjing keling" by their Malay classmates.
e) Poverty seems to be intertwined with all of this. Take the case of the third victim that we visited - what kind of money was he making for him to be lumped up and shot. Does this make sense, 20 years old, barely making a living and then shot in the middle. These are the youth of the country who should be nurtured and built up into the the human potential we so much need.This is all very infuriating.
There comes a time when all of this has to stop. This cannot continue. UMNO , stop playing games and get on with doing something positive about the problem. If you do not know how, then get expert help. I am sure there are agencies around the world that can help. Or are we to take it that you just do not want to, and then the only way we can find some resolution to the problem is by replacing you, UMNO.
Today, I tagged along with our Human Rights Activists who have been fighting Police Abuses for a long time – S. Jayathas, S. Surendran, Manickavasagam (MP for Kapar) and M. Manohar (MP for Teluk Intan), to find out what actually transpired when the 6 were killed by the Police in Kulim.
Ever since their killing the other day, I have been very bothered by the event. The media shouted out "criminals" – as if that was the foregone truth. The Police had executed all 6 of them as if they were the Prosecutor, Judge and Executioner all in one and utterly above the law. It was not one, not two; it was six -and it seems with impunity. Every one had their own view of the episode. But I needed some answers.
At the outset, let me say that I am not condoning crimes or criminals; but there are so many questions that this incident raises that we need some good answers, and fast, as this situation seems to be spinning out of control – before the ink dries on one, another seems to happen. Kugan's case before Prabakaran's settled, and now the six before Kugan's case is settled.
We visited the shootout site, the families of 3 of the deceaseds and spent some time with the neighbour at the shootout site. The picture that emerges is different than what the mainstream media has been putting out. The MSM paints a picture that the Police only returned fire after being shot at and that this turn of events was totally unavoidable and that they were dealing with a bunch of unscrupulous criminals.
Let me detail some of the facts we gathered before commenting on them. The scene of the shooting was in a small town of Karangan some 15km from Kulim. It was in a small house which was being renovated in one of the backroads of Karangan, a little off the main road of the town. The fence around the house was a tall wall made up of corrugated sheet – something you would do to cut off from view what was going on inside.
A very forthcoming neighbour told us that when he returned home from work that rainy night at around 10 or so, he was met with a large group of policemen in front of his house, who had already packed his family into the prayer room of his house in the event of stray bullets during the impending ambush. He was asked to get in with them. He only heard the frightening shootout that dreadful night from within his prayer room.
The shootout took place at around 10.30, a very noisy and frightening episode, narrated that neighbour. There did not seem to be any attempt by the Police to try to get the people they were seeking out from the premises, by summoning them out first using hailers or some such device, before the shoot out. The shooting just happened. The neighbour knew nothing more till the bodies of the killed men were removed at somewhere between 4 and 5 am the next morning.
The first of the killed men, the one that the Police probably had a reason to get, the owner of the house where the shootout happened, was shot in the middle of the top of his head, top down it appeared. The family of this victim mentioned he had several more shots on the front side of his body – as if someone shot at him from the front. This individual, we were told by the family had no prior police record.
The second victim that we visited was someone who was actually working in Singapore for a company called SBS (maybe the Singapore Bus Company) who had come back to Kulim for a holiday. He was due to go back shortly and had a return ticket for that. His death certificate also indicated death due to shots in the chest. Apparently he had several shot wounds on the front side of his body also, as if shot from the front. He appeared to be a friend of the first victim.
It is not clear from the little information we got that this person was at all a close accomplice or even a participant in any crime that may have been in the works. Of course, I am concluding this with very little information, but these are the facts as we got them from the family. The family was distraught, because this had damaged the standing of the family in the community, having their dead son branded a criminal. This victim also has no past criminal record, we were told by the family.
The third family we visited was that of a young chap of about 20. His family lives in a dilapidated little estate house in Padang Serai. He had seven siblings and it was obvious the family was just existing. This young chap, it appears, was working for the first victim assisting in the renovation of the house where the shootout happened. The parents did not seem to know much more about what he did. He was obviously not being paid very much, as he had just 2 days before the incident asked one of his family members for 20 ringgit.
He had shot wounds on the forehead and it looked like the back of his head was all bloodied as if from an exiting bullet. He was dressed only in a towel at the time of his death. His parents even had difficulty putting together some money to buy him a shirt and a dhoty for his burial. 36 ringgit was all they had. They could not even afford the coffin in which he was ultimately buried. The Police disallowed the victims' kin to examine the body when they tried to. The body was all bloodied in the front. This victim also had no past record, we were told.
To say the least, this was a carnage. It appears like we are in Gaza or in Iraq or in Afghanistan or even in Sri Lanka – the scale and method of killing suggests nothing short of this. Let me ask, are we in one of these countries or is Malaysia descending there?
It looks like Indian lives have become very cheap, very cheap in this country – the lives of anjing keling, yes that's what it is, the cheap lives of the anjings - that they can be wasted in this manner. Uthayakumar was so right!
By all of this, I am in no way saying crime is alright. What I am saying is the way the problems of crime are being dealt with. Let me lay out some perspectives for you all to consider:
1) What was the need to kill these people? They were not terrorists. They had no previous records. They were not murderers, surely not the mafia. They could have been easily arrested. In fact, where the first victim regularly stays is just a stone's throw from the Police Station. Why were they not apprehended? Or why were they not given a chance to come out with their hands up to surrender themselves for arrest – even in war this is done. Why were they not given this chance?
2) We understand there were a number of sharp shooters from around the country on hand for the job for the Police. This seem to indicate that this was a planned kill event.
3) Why was it that the shot wounds were all in the front side of the victims – not any location on the body, but systematically on the front side?
4) One victim was shot on the top of the head. How could that happen in a normal exchange of fire? That seems to suggest some crouching position and a shot into the head, from the top.
5) Why were the victims not shot at on their legs or where they will not be killed but disabled on being shot?
6) Why were the kin of one of the victims denied their right to inspect the body?
7) If it was a shootout between the Police and the victims, only two could have had the guns, as the police produced two guns; why were the shot wounds so systematic in the chest and the heads on all three of the victims? We do not know about the other two victims – but I suspect they will show similarities.
In summary, this ugly incident in the series of incidents of police killing and atrocities seem to emphasise the following issues.
a) The Police in Malaysia continue killing Indian crime suspects with impunity – taking upon themselves the role of Prosecutor, Judge and Executioner all in one. I am sure that the powers be know exactly what they are doing. So, we have to take it that they are trying to provoke a response from us so they can slam emergency rule or something like that and set us all back?
b) The Police very urgently need to be Policed. That looks like a very remote possibility, as long as UMNO rules this country of ours. See what's happening to the reform-driven MACC, it has become just another tool of UMNO. Any IPCMC will probably end up in that same rubbish bin. In any case, this UMNO regime seems to be promoting Police brutality as a means of maintaining their hold on the levers of power.
c) So many crime suspects in Malaysia are from among the Indian community. I think the answer to this has been already abundantly answered by Uthayakumar – this underclass of Indians are a direct result of the UMNO policies over the last 50 years of marginalizing Indians – neglecting the development of the Indian community. There does not yet seem to be any serious effort to get to the bottom of this problem.
d) The way the Police are shooting Indian crime suspects seem to give additional credence to the racist line of UMNO – the anjing keling line. They seem to be wittingly or unwittingly creating a stereotype of the Indians in the country – despicable, troublecausing and uncouth Indian. What do you think the jibes of children in school reflect – when little Indian children are called "anjing keling" by their Malay classmates.
e) Poverty seems to be intertwined with all of this. Take the case of the third victim that we visited - what kind of money was he making for him to be lumped up and shot. Does this make sense, 20 years old, barely making a living and then shot in the middle. These are the youth of the country who should be nurtured and built up into the the human potential we so much need.This is all very infuriating.
There comes a time when all of this has to stop. This cannot continue. UMNO , stop playing games and get on with doing something positive about the problem. If you do not know how, then get expert help. I am sure there are agencies around the world that can help. Or are we to take it that you just do not want to, and then the only way we can find some resolution to the problem is by replacing you, UMNO.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Racism again
Well another case of racism where a new allegation has surfaced recently by at a school in Selayang Baru, where a 14-year-old student claims that he was physically assaulted and verbally abused by a teacher. A Kuganeshwaran, a form two student at SMK Darul Ehsan lodge a police report at the Selayang Baru police station last night claiming that his teacher called him 'anjing' (dog) and 'keling' (whatever this means)." He also claimed that the teacher had punched him on the back and arm. This is not the first time this happened. last July, a teacher from SMK Telok Panglima Garang in Kuala Langat was transferred after she uttered racial slurs and derogatory remarks at several Indian students. The 35-year-old history teacher had on two occasions called Indian students in a Form Four and Form Five class 'black monkeys', 'negroes' and 'keling pariah'.
Why is this still happening till now? Because we have really good role models in the form of teachers, lecturers, government officers, state assemblymen/women,MP's and ministers as from time to time making degoratory remarks against certain race.
Parents send their children to schools not only to receive an education but also to learn social skills and mutual respect for others. Where is the so called education Minister and what has he done anything about this? A bunch of racists moron camouflage as educators!As usual the school headmistress Siti Aishah Ismail said that they’ll investigate first and submit a report to the Education Ministry for further action.The script shall read like this “The teacher was transferred to a desk job just to protect him”. Is it because they belong to a privileged race! Come another 100 years, these idiots are not going to change!
I guess another “Makkal Sakthi” gathering is required to change this as I think it may be written that it took a black to change the history of America and it may take another in Malaysia! Stop fucking with us!
Why is this still happening till now? Because we have really good role models in the form of teachers, lecturers, government officers, state assemblymen/women,MP's and ministers as from time to time making degoratory remarks against certain race.
Parents send their children to schools not only to receive an education but also to learn social skills and mutual respect for others. Where is the so called education Minister and what has he done anything about this? A bunch of racists moron camouflage as educators!As usual the school headmistress Siti Aishah Ismail said that they’ll investigate first and submit a report to the Education Ministry for further action.The script shall read like this “The teacher was transferred to a desk job just to protect him”. Is it because they belong to a privileged race! Come another 100 years, these idiots are not going to change!
I guess another “Makkal Sakthi” gathering is required to change this as I think it may be written that it took a black to change the history of America and it may take another in Malaysia! Stop fucking with us!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Who is tarnishing Malaysia's image
There have been numerous criticisms on those presumably tarnishing the country’s image which has been the focus by some who believe that it is blatant lie that they are spreading irresponsible stories that Malaysia is discriminating its people and those responsible should be punished.
There are many from both the government and some so called Indian representatives who have been accusing Waytha Moorthy of spreading lies on the racism, injustices, discrimination and marginalisation of the minority Indians in Malaysia! If it is not true lets take a look at some issues that we have been hitting the publics ears; a young and healthy 22-year-old Kugan was severely beaten, abused and murdered while in police custody, the Vallambrosa Tamil Primary School in Kapar was forced to conduct lessons for 69 primary two students at the school canteen, a little girl named Darshini of Standard 5 lives with a fear of being thrown out of school because she does not have a birth certificate and she is one of the thousands, a Hindu woman fell victim to the obnoxious racist abuses of a fellow Malaysian Muslim passenger onboard a Malaysian flight and the government has decided not to pursue the obvious and Tamil Schools have been neglected for the past 50 years. The much needed Race Relations Act was shelved quickly as it surfaced. If these acts are not discrimination, marginalization or racism then what are these?
Vigneswaran and Eswaran both fail to understand that it is not Waytha Moorthy who is tarnishing the image of this country. Rather, it is our beloved ruling government and Umno collectively through their racist and discriminatory policies and practices, injustices, religious extremism and marginalisation of minorities that has put our nation to shame.
The portrayal of Malaysia as being a democratic nation, peaceful and harmonious country is completely false and it does not take Waytha Moorthy to demonstrate this nor is he malicious to spread such false accusation against the government. If only you read the US State Department’s Country Report on Human Rights in Malaysia, you will see for yourself that it is not Waytha Moorthy but our government policies and practices that garnered them this image. The joke is that they have not accepted nor willing to accept that they screwed up big and still failed to identify its faults and mistakes and take stern actions and massive steps to rectify them? If America can make that change why can’t we? A good and responsible government is the one that is willing to change when there is a dire need for change. The Malaysian government has yet to take even the initial steps to demonstrate to its people how it is going to make right what has been wrong for the last 50 years. Worse still they are living in denial!
There are many from both the government and some so called Indian representatives who have been accusing Waytha Moorthy of spreading lies on the racism, injustices, discrimination and marginalisation of the minority Indians in Malaysia! If it is not true lets take a look at some issues that we have been hitting the publics ears; a young and healthy 22-year-old Kugan was severely beaten, abused and murdered while in police custody, the Vallambrosa Tamil Primary School in Kapar was forced to conduct lessons for 69 primary two students at the school canteen, a little girl named Darshini of Standard 5 lives with a fear of being thrown out of school because she does not have a birth certificate and she is one of the thousands, a Hindu woman fell victim to the obnoxious racist abuses of a fellow Malaysian Muslim passenger onboard a Malaysian flight and the government has decided not to pursue the obvious and Tamil Schools have been neglected for the past 50 years. The much needed Race Relations Act was shelved quickly as it surfaced. If these acts are not discrimination, marginalization or racism then what are these?
Vigneswaran and Eswaran both fail to understand that it is not Waytha Moorthy who is tarnishing the image of this country. Rather, it is our beloved ruling government and Umno collectively through their racist and discriminatory policies and practices, injustices, religious extremism and marginalisation of minorities that has put our nation to shame.
The portrayal of Malaysia as being a democratic nation, peaceful and harmonious country is completely false and it does not take Waytha Moorthy to demonstrate this nor is he malicious to spread such false accusation against the government. If only you read the US State Department’s Country Report on Human Rights in Malaysia, you will see for yourself that it is not Waytha Moorthy but our government policies and practices that garnered them this image. The joke is that they have not accepted nor willing to accept that they screwed up big and still failed to identify its faults and mistakes and take stern actions and massive steps to rectify them? If America can make that change why can’t we? A good and responsible government is the one that is willing to change when there is a dire need for change. The Malaysian government has yet to take even the initial steps to demonstrate to its people how it is going to make right what has been wrong for the last 50 years. Worse still they are living in denial!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The mockery at Thaipusam
It has been a while since I wrote as I have neglected my blog for some reason mainly busy at work and I know some of my ardent readers are waiting anxiously for my articles. Recently the Hindus celebrated Thaipusam and many may have witness various mockery been displayed in the name of religion.THE STAR wrote an article dated 9th Feb 2009 with a title "Devotees Show Love For Favourite EPL Teams". What does EPL got to do with Thaipusam? Am I missing something as I am also a great fan of Liverpool as I would not mix my religious faith with my football team! My friend who supports MU would not include MU in her Buddhist practice even though she idol worships MU more specifically Beckham and now Ronaldo!
During the Thaipusam celebration in Penang two MORONS, that’s right MORONS indeed carried Kavadi with Man United and Liverpool logo's! The appalling reason given was he wants to thank Lord Muruga for the birth of his son but he carried a kavadi bearing the logo of Liverpool. So some may ask what is wrong with displaying passion and support to his favorite team. Nothing is wrong in been so expressive for a football team taht you love but doing so during a religious celebration? What is wrong with his upbringing? Why not get Steven Gerrard to solemnise his son or probably get him to grant him a boon to bear him a daughter too!
Then there is another Man United fan who carried its club logo on his kavadi. Where the hell is his brains as Mancester United logo depicts the Devil holding the Trident and here they go trying to tell the world they are carrying it for thanking Lord Muruga who holds a Vel. What is happening to the Hindu Youth as nothing seems to be sacred to them anymore as they have lost all sense in respecting their religion? I would have been proud if they displayed their respective parents photo on their kavadi as it is an noble act.
What are the temple committee doing to prevent such act? I strongly propose the Temple Committee, Hindu Endowment Board or the Hindu Sangam come up with stringent rules for the kavadi bearers. If it is necessary to use the authorities, by all means do so. Do not make a mockery of Hinduism and it is one of the oldest religion and these jokers are taking the advantage of its freedom in expression! Try this with other religion as see what will happen to them they will be dragged to court and charged for blasphemyor worst still stoned to death!
This is our future generation which we trust to uphold the culture, language and religion. Wonder what else would come up in the future; Madonna, Britney Spears or Rajinikanth? Fuming mad with such stupidity!
During the Thaipusam celebration in Penang two MORONS, that’s right MORONS indeed carried Kavadi with Man United and Liverpool logo's! The appalling reason given was he wants to thank Lord Muruga for the birth of his son but he carried a kavadi bearing the logo of Liverpool. So some may ask what is wrong with displaying passion and support to his favorite team. Nothing is wrong in been so expressive for a football team taht you love but doing so during a religious celebration? What is wrong with his upbringing? Why not get Steven Gerrard to solemnise his son or probably get him to grant him a boon to bear him a daughter too!
Then there is another Man United fan who carried its club logo on his kavadi. Where the hell is his brains as Mancester United logo depicts the Devil holding the Trident and here they go trying to tell the world they are carrying it for thanking Lord Muruga who holds a Vel. What is happening to the Hindu Youth as nothing seems to be sacred to them anymore as they have lost all sense in respecting their religion? I would have been proud if they displayed their respective parents photo on their kavadi as it is an noble act.
What are the temple committee doing to prevent such act? I strongly propose the Temple Committee, Hindu Endowment Board or the Hindu Sangam come up with stringent rules for the kavadi bearers. If it is necessary to use the authorities, by all means do so. Do not make a mockery of Hinduism and it is one of the oldest religion and these jokers are taking the advantage of its freedom in expression! Try this with other religion as see what will happen to them they will be dragged to court and charged for blasphemyor worst still stoned to death!
This is our future generation which we trust to uphold the culture, language and religion. Wonder what else would come up in the future; Madonna, Britney Spears or Rajinikanth? Fuming mad with such stupidity!
From The Heart of a Muslim
I received this article by Tawfik Hamid in my mail and want to share with others.
I was born a Muslim and have lived all my life as a follower of Islam.
After the barbaric terrorist attacks done by the hands of my fellow Muslims everywhere on this globe,and after the too many violent acts of Islamists in many parts of the world, I feel responsible as a Muslim and as a human being, to speak out and tell the truth to protect the world and Muslims as well from a coming catastrophe and war of civilizations.
I have to admit that our current Islamic teaching creates violence and hatred toward non-Muslims. We Muslims are the ones who need to change. Until now we have accepted polygamy, the beating of women by men, and killing those who convert from Islam to other religions.
We have never had a clear and strong stand against the concept of slavery or wars to spread our religion and to subjugate others to Islam and force them to pay a humiliating tax called Jizia. We ask others to respect our religion while all the time we curse non-Muslims loudly in Arabic in our Friday prayers in the mosques.
What message do we convey to our children when we call the Jews "Descendants of pigs and monkeys". Is this a message of love and peace, or a message of hate? I have been into churches and synagogues where they were praying for Muslims, while all the time we curse them, and teach our generations to call them infidels and to hate them. We immediately jump on a knee-jerk reflex to defend Prophet Mohammed when someone accuses him of being a pedophile while, at the same time we are proud of the story in our Islamic books, that he married a young girl seven years old (Aisha) when he was more than 50 years old.
I am sad to say that many, if not most of us rejoiced with happiness after September 11th, and after many other terror attacks. Muslims denounce these attacks to look good in front of the media, but we condone the Islamic terrorists and sympathize with their cause. Till now our 'reputable' top religious authorities have never issued a Fatwa or religious statement to proclaim Bin Laden as an apostate, while an author like Rushdie, was declared an apostate who should be killed according to Islamic Sharia law just for writing a book criticizing Islam.
Muslims demonstrated to get more religious rights as we did in France to stop the ban on the Hijab (head scarf), while we did not demonstrate with such passion and in such numbers against the terrorists murders.
It is our absolute silence against the terrorists that gives the energy to these terrorists to continue doing their evil acts. We Muslims need to stop blaming our problems on others or on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. As a matter of honesty, Israel is the only light of democracy, civilization and human rights in the Middle East. We kicked out the Jews with no compensation or mercy from most of the Arab countries to make them "Jew-Free countries" while Israel accepted more than a million Arabs to live there , have its nationality, and enjoy their rights as human beings. In Israel,women cannot be beaten legally by men, and any person can change his/her belief system with no fear of being killed by the Islamic law of 'Apostasy', while in our Islamic world people do not enjoy any of these rights.
I agree that the Palestinians suffer, but they suffer because of their corrupt leaders and not because of Israel. It is not common to see Arabs who live in Israel leaving to live in the Arab world. On the other hand, we see thousands of Palestinians going to work with happiness in Israel, it's 'enemy'. If Israel treats Arabs badly as some people claim, surely we would have seen the opposite happening. We Muslims need to admit our problems and face them. Only then we can treat them and start a new era to live in harmony with the rest of mankind. Our religious leaders have to show a clear and very strong stand against polygamy, pedophilia, slavery, killing those who convert from Islam to other religions, beating of women by men, and declaring wars on non-Muslims to spread Islam. Then and only then, do we have the right to ask others to respect our religion. The time has come to stop our hypocrisy and say it openly: "The Muslims Have To Change".
Tawfik Hamid - "Not all Muslims are terrorists; but all terrorists are Muslims".
I was born a Muslim and have lived all my life as a follower of Islam.
After the barbaric terrorist attacks done by the hands of my fellow Muslims everywhere on this globe,and after the too many violent acts of Islamists in many parts of the world, I feel responsible as a Muslim and as a human being, to speak out and tell the truth to protect the world and Muslims as well from a coming catastrophe and war of civilizations.
I have to admit that our current Islamic teaching creates violence and hatred toward non-Muslims. We Muslims are the ones who need to change. Until now we have accepted polygamy, the beating of women by men, and killing those who convert from Islam to other religions.
We have never had a clear and strong stand against the concept of slavery or wars to spread our religion and to subjugate others to Islam and force them to pay a humiliating tax called Jizia. We ask others to respect our religion while all the time we curse non-Muslims loudly in Arabic in our Friday prayers in the mosques.
What message do we convey to our children when we call the Jews "Descendants of pigs and monkeys". Is this a message of love and peace, or a message of hate? I have been into churches and synagogues where they were praying for Muslims, while all the time we curse them, and teach our generations to call them infidels and to hate them. We immediately jump on a knee-jerk reflex to defend Prophet Mohammed when someone accuses him of being a pedophile while, at the same time we are proud of the story in our Islamic books, that he married a young girl seven years old (Aisha) when he was more than 50 years old.
I am sad to say that many, if not most of us rejoiced with happiness after September 11th, and after many other terror attacks. Muslims denounce these attacks to look good in front of the media, but we condone the Islamic terrorists and sympathize with their cause. Till now our 'reputable' top religious authorities have never issued a Fatwa or religious statement to proclaim Bin Laden as an apostate, while an author like Rushdie, was declared an apostate who should be killed according to Islamic Sharia law just for writing a book criticizing Islam.
Muslims demonstrated to get more religious rights as we did in France to stop the ban on the Hijab (head scarf), while we did not demonstrate with such passion and in such numbers against the terrorists murders.
It is our absolute silence against the terrorists that gives the energy to these terrorists to continue doing their evil acts. We Muslims need to stop blaming our problems on others or on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. As a matter of honesty, Israel is the only light of democracy, civilization and human rights in the Middle East. We kicked out the Jews with no compensation or mercy from most of the Arab countries to make them "Jew-Free countries" while Israel accepted more than a million Arabs to live there , have its nationality, and enjoy their rights as human beings. In Israel,women cannot be beaten legally by men, and any person can change his/her belief system with no fear of being killed by the Islamic law of 'Apostasy', while in our Islamic world people do not enjoy any of these rights.
I agree that the Palestinians suffer, but they suffer because of their corrupt leaders and not because of Israel. It is not common to see Arabs who live in Israel leaving to live in the Arab world. On the other hand, we see thousands of Palestinians going to work with happiness in Israel, it's 'enemy'. If Israel treats Arabs badly as some people claim, surely we would have seen the opposite happening. We Muslims need to admit our problems and face them. Only then we can treat them and start a new era to live in harmony with the rest of mankind. Our religious leaders have to show a clear and very strong stand against polygamy, pedophilia, slavery, killing those who convert from Islam to other religions, beating of women by men, and declaring wars on non-Muslims to spread Islam. Then and only then, do we have the right to ask others to respect our religion. The time has come to stop our hypocrisy and say it openly: "The Muslims Have To Change".
Tawfik Hamid - "Not all Muslims are terrorists; but all terrorists are Muslims".
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