Today our nation celebrates its 52nd Merdeka day and there are still many unanswered questions about unity and racial harmony.
Recently a group of 50 residents of Section 23 in Shah Alam staged the protest against the proposal to relocate a Hindu temple to their area. The protest earned notoriety when a blood-soaked cow's head was paraded, with some of the protesters stomping and spitting on it. Who can we blame on this incident? Is it the UMNO led government’s policies or simply is it because the rakyat have not learned to cohabitate and to cultivate tolerance towards each other. Why is that race relation is so strained in Malaysia?
The Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak was also said to be upset and had ordered the Inspector-General of Police Musa Hassan to look into the matter. He called on Malaysians to "repair the bridges and tear down the divisive walls" that exist between the races. Is that all he can say about this issue? What happened to his 1 Malaysia concept? What are his plans to repair the bridges?
The organiser of the protest and residents' action committee chairperson Mahyuddin Manaf distanced himself from the cow's head, saying it had mysteriously appeared on the scene. He also denied that the head was brought with the intention to belittle the Hindu religion. Have some ballslah admit that it was all pre-planned!
The Selangor police chief Khalid Abu Bakar mentioned that he cannot arrest anyone as he have to consult the DPP and compile evidence first. He further simply cannot arrest people and charge them under the Sedition Act,".
Hello you were quick to arrest people when others hold peaceful demonstration? Did you get DDP’s approval or investigate first before arresting them. Let me refresh your memory; Hindraf protest ( you %$#@ used tear gas and water cannon), Kg.Pala residence protest, numerous temple demolition protest were also handled by police baton and tear gas or should I go any further. So Khalid, do not fuck us! This is what happens when one race dominate the government, Army,Police Force, government Institution, CLC CEO’s and other important positions. So Najib do not talk about your 1 Malaysia concept and repairing the bridge as there is no bridge in the first place.
This is what a MIC Youth leader got to say about this incident; he is planning to organize special prayer session called 'Komatha pooja' nationwide. He said that it is not staging a protest but to have prayers to avoid any mishap from befalling this nation and in the spirit of Mederka. Another scumbag who got no balls to stage a nationwide protest or demand an apology from the residence but he goes so holy with holding prayers for peace and harmony. Dai asshole they do care shit about you holding prayers and you can hold as many prayers that you want to hold but things are not going to change! Have some balls!
I guess the Indians also deserve this sort of treatment first for choosing Samy Velu as their Supreme leader and forming many political parties for a mere two million Indian population. If you jokers want to redeem your pride and dignity, do unite under one umbrella like the saying “United We Stand Divide We Fall. Happy Merdeka Day!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
PR another deflection
Pakatan Rakyat was rocked with a defection today by the Lunas state assemblyperson Mohd Radzhi Salleh, quit PKR citing loss of confidence in the party’s leadership.He has announced himself as an independent state assemblyman.
He claimed that he'll continue as Lunas seat representative as well as the state executive council post.Radzhi’s decision to quit PKR has not come as a surprise to Padang Serai parliamentarian N Gobalakrishnan as he said that he was expecting it for a long time as the reason been that he was close to Mahdzir Khalid (former Kedah menteri besar),”.Meanwhile, PKR election director Saifuddin Nasution said Radzhi’s defection would not cause much harm to PAS’ bid in winning the Permatang Pasir by-election."We have always suspected this scenario would happen since six to seven months ago. PKR will be better without him.”
Hello if you guys knew about it a long time ago, why didn't you do something about it unless you jokers are clueless as usual just like in Perak. If you guys could not govern the states given to Pakatan Rakyat, how the hell do you expect the rakyat to give you the country in the next general election? Buck uplah PR as time is running out for you folks!
He claimed that he'll continue as Lunas seat representative as well as the state executive council post.Radzhi’s decision to quit PKR has not come as a surprise to Padang Serai parliamentarian N Gobalakrishnan as he said that he was expecting it for a long time as the reason been that he was close to Mahdzir Khalid (former Kedah menteri besar),”.Meanwhile, PKR election director Saifuddin Nasution said Radzhi’s defection would not cause much harm to PAS’ bid in winning the Permatang Pasir by-election."We have always suspected this scenario would happen since six to seven months ago. PKR will be better without him.”
Hello if you guys knew about it a long time ago, why didn't you do something about it unless you jokers are clueless as usual just like in Perak. If you guys could not govern the states given to Pakatan Rakyat, how the hell do you expect the rakyat to give you the country in the next general election? Buck uplah PR as time is running out for you folks!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Bridge over trouble water to Sumatra by Ali Rustam
Satu lagi project oleh kerajaan BN(Yet another project by the BN). I read with disbelief the news report that Malacca chief minister Mohd Ali Rustam is considering a proposal to build a bridge from Malacca to Sumatra with an estimated cost of the project is RM44 billion!
Dai @#$$$$*&@, even the second Penang bridge is not completed and there you are proposing for another being the "longest man-made link between two countries". Furthermore he mentioned that an alternative proposal to include an underground tunnel to accompany the bridge across the Straits of Malacca! What a brilliant idea.
His reasons for this proposal:
1) 15 per cent of the funding for the project will come internally ( wonder from where) while the rest from bank borrowings (wonder which bank have such an amount under the economical situation).
2) Malacca has a population of 800,000 and has 40,000 vehicles including buses and lorries entering the state daily ( entering from where Sumatra?).
3) Some 7.2 million tourists entered Malacca last year and furthermore he said in Sumatra, where the bridge is linked through Dumai, there are 70 million people and 10% are rich and they have money and can come to Malacca for health tourism."
4) With 15,000 vehicles a day at RM260 per vehicle works out to about RM4 million in toll collections per day. This means about RM1.5 billion in revenue a year.
Wow what mega money making project from the one time wanna be DPM!
Now lets use our brains for once and ask ourselves the following questions:
1) Why would the rich Sumatrans want to come to Malaysia for health tourism, even so they may not necessarily go to Malacca, KL and Penang have better health care in Malaysia.
2) Why do they want to use the bridge and pay RM 260 per vehicle being rich enables them to fly and more so with many budget airlines where not only the rich but also the ordinary Indonesians are flying ( just check the budget airlines, always full one!)
3) If they take a RM37 billion loan (85% of the estimated RM44 billion) obtained from banks with an interest rate is 5%, the interest expense alone will be RM1.85 billion annually.(Simple maths Revenue - Expenses - Interest rate: 1.5 billion revenue-1.8billion = 0.3Billion deficit) Hoi ingat bapak u akan bayar operating expenses kah!
Enough of satu lagi project oleh kerajaan BN ( another project by the BN government). Take the example of PKFZ with an initial extimates cost of RM2 billion which may eventually cost the country RM12.5 billion. The joke is that the new PM of 1Malaysia is supportive of the idea!I dont believe that these are the guys who are running the state and the country!Aiyo..karavuleh!
Dai @#$$$$*&@, even the second Penang bridge is not completed and there you are proposing for another being the "longest man-made link between two countries". Furthermore he mentioned that an alternative proposal to include an underground tunnel to accompany the bridge across the Straits of Malacca! What a brilliant idea.
His reasons for this proposal:
1) 15 per cent of the funding for the project will come internally ( wonder from where) while the rest from bank borrowings (wonder which bank have such an amount under the economical situation).
2) Malacca has a population of 800,000 and has 40,000 vehicles including buses and lorries entering the state daily ( entering from where Sumatra?).
3) Some 7.2 million tourists entered Malacca last year and furthermore he said in Sumatra, where the bridge is linked through Dumai, there are 70 million people and 10% are rich and they have money and can come to Malacca for health tourism."
4) With 15,000 vehicles a day at RM260 per vehicle works out to about RM4 million in toll collections per day. This means about RM1.5 billion in revenue a year.
Wow what mega money making project from the one time wanna be DPM!
Now lets use our brains for once and ask ourselves the following questions:
1) Why would the rich Sumatrans want to come to Malaysia for health tourism, even so they may not necessarily go to Malacca, KL and Penang have better health care in Malaysia.
2) Why do they want to use the bridge and pay RM 260 per vehicle being rich enables them to fly and more so with many budget airlines where not only the rich but also the ordinary Indonesians are flying ( just check the budget airlines, always full one!)
3) If they take a RM37 billion loan (85% of the estimated RM44 billion) obtained from banks with an interest rate is 5%, the interest expense alone will be RM1.85 billion annually.(Simple maths Revenue - Expenses - Interest rate: 1.5 billion revenue-1.8billion = 0.3Billion deficit) Hoi ingat bapak u akan bayar operating expenses kah!
Enough of satu lagi project oleh kerajaan BN ( another project by the BN government). Take the example of PKFZ with an initial extimates cost of RM2 billion which may eventually cost the country RM12.5 billion. The joke is that the new PM of 1Malaysia is supportive of the idea!I dont believe that these are the guys who are running the state and the country!Aiyo..karavuleh!
Dont pray..pray
Today the MACC Chief Commissioner issued a threat after some hooligans threw Molotov cocktails at a vehicle owned by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). He said “Come and get us but be prepared to face the consequences.”
Is this how a senior government official should react? Nazri giving orders to MACC to use guns and kerismuddin apologising to the Police for not giving them FRU to take action during the recent Permatang Pasir nomination. I guess we are becoming a nation of gangsters?
People who are suppose to serve the public are misusing the funds and facilities for non government activities i.e Deputy Prime Minister, Muhyiddin Yassin using a military helicopter to travel to Umno division meetings in Sabah. Zahid using the army as escorts for his UMNO campaigns and the Ong fella using jet planes for rides and some MB taking the whole family and maid for holiday during official trips? Wow..what a privilege to be BN members, well protected mah!
The joke is that Muhyiddin claim that he is not scared of the allegations of corruption against him. So, Ong Tee Keat, Zahid & the rest of BN fellas don't worry, everything will be taken care.Kow tim one.
Is this how a senior government official should react? Nazri giving orders to MACC to use guns and kerismuddin apologising to the Police for not giving them FRU to take action during the recent Permatang Pasir nomination. I guess we are becoming a nation of gangsters?
People who are suppose to serve the public are misusing the funds and facilities for non government activities i.e Deputy Prime Minister, Muhyiddin Yassin using a military helicopter to travel to Umno division meetings in Sabah. Zahid using the army as escorts for his UMNO campaigns and the Ong fella using jet planes for rides and some MB taking the whole family and maid for holiday during official trips? Wow..what a privilege to be BN members, well protected mah!
The joke is that Muhyiddin claim that he is not scared of the allegations of corruption against him. So, Ong Tee Keat, Zahid & the rest of BN fellas don't worry, everything will be taken care.Kow tim one.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
MACC Again
We have been reading lately how efficient the MACC have been as they are very quick to investigate issues pertaining the opposition but not by the members of present government. In Teoh Beng Hock's case he was taken for investigation for mere few thousand dollars yet some ex-MB with an estimated 24million mansion goes unquestioned. It is just one of the many cases that the opposition's reports that have gone unheard. Is this new, i guess not. We can go back in history to see how selective MACC has been in handling cases that seems to be more pro-government than being fair.
It makes one to wonder why is MACC conducting selective investigation? Don't they think that their pay comes from the rakyat and not from the government more so the government itself is only the representative of the people. All their salary and perks derives from the the rakyat and what they do or say. They have the privilege to use the funds as they are the ministers who can use the helicopter or use private jets that they do not have to pay or even having the army to offer protection. Zahid the defense Minister is claiming that he deserve to be protected by the army while campaigning in Permatang Pasir ( think its your grandfathers funds). He has the audacity to make such a statement and he is doung the party's job and not on official visit ( deserve the government that we choose). What to expect Malaysia Boleh mah!
Anyway coming back to the issue of MACC, another minister even suggested them to use guns if necessary after the recent attack on MACC vehicles. If that comes to action well I guess Teoh may not be the last person to die in MACC custody more so some MP or ADUN or an opposition leader may be shot and they may claim that they did in self defence! Very scary thought.
The rakyat should equally be responsible to the state the country is now.Are we living in the state of denial or merely closing an eye being not bothered as our livelihoods are well taken care off and we'll only react when the very essence of freedom is take away from us.If we do not make an attempt to stop this, Malaysia will be robbed of its wealth and it may become a police state. Well that's another topic for another time. Let's not lose sight of the change that we wanted to bring to this nation,keep the fire burning as it is not possible only by a few. Our money is being embezzled by the politician in the name of development and 1Malaysia and our childrens future is at stake.Please make a difference to our childrens future by making the right decision.
It makes one to wonder why is MACC conducting selective investigation? Don't they think that their pay comes from the rakyat and not from the government more so the government itself is only the representative of the people. All their salary and perks derives from the the rakyat and what they do or say. They have the privilege to use the funds as they are the ministers who can use the helicopter or use private jets that they do not have to pay or even having the army to offer protection. Zahid the defense Minister is claiming that he deserve to be protected by the army while campaigning in Permatang Pasir ( think its your grandfathers funds). He has the audacity to make such a statement and he is doung the party's job and not on official visit ( deserve the government that we choose). What to expect Malaysia Boleh mah!
Anyway coming back to the issue of MACC, another minister even suggested them to use guns if necessary after the recent attack on MACC vehicles. If that comes to action well I guess Teoh may not be the last person to die in MACC custody more so some MP or ADUN or an opposition leader may be shot and they may claim that they did in self defence! Very scary thought.
The rakyat should equally be responsible to the state the country is now.Are we living in the state of denial or merely closing an eye being not bothered as our livelihoods are well taken care off and we'll only react when the very essence of freedom is take away from us.If we do not make an attempt to stop this, Malaysia will be robbed of its wealth and it may become a police state. Well that's another topic for another time. Let's not lose sight of the change that we wanted to bring to this nation,keep the fire burning as it is not possible only by a few. Our money is being embezzled by the politician in the name of development and 1Malaysia and our childrens future is at stake.Please make a difference to our childrens future by making the right decision.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Proud to be Malaysian; Wildlife Smuggling Hub
The STAR today covered news that will make all Malaysian proud as we are one of the major hub for wildlife trafficking! Bravo Malaysia, Malaysia Boleh!
KUALA LUMPUR: In 2006, Taiwanese authorities seized a three-tonne shipment of ivory from Tanzania worth RM25mil that had transited Penang port.
An Indian national who was caught with an illegal consignment of Indian star tortoises at the KL International Airport in 2007 said he was paid to bring it into the country for a Malaysian buyer.
In the second half of 2008, 167 pangolins were seized in four enforcement cases in Muar, indicating that the coastline was a thriving entry point for the anteaters from Indonesia. It is believed that the pangolins were destined for the restaurant and traditional medicine trade, as well as the mainland Chinese market.
Early this year, genetic fingerprinting of seized tiger parts in southern Thailand shows that the Malaya tiger, endemic to Malaysia and numbering only 500 in the wild, have been blatantly poached and smuggled through our land borders.
These are some of the cases that point to illegal trafficking of wildlife and its parts, and to Malaysia being a transit point, a source country, as well as a consumer hub for endangered wildlife.
Globally, Interpol estimated the illegal trade to be worth US$10bil (RM35bil) to US$20bil (RM70bil) a year. Wow a big business for Malaysian, wonder if it has 30% Bumi quoted imposed on it?
KUALA LUMPUR: In 2006, Taiwanese authorities seized a three-tonne shipment of ivory from Tanzania worth RM25mil that had transited Penang port.
An Indian national who was caught with an illegal consignment of Indian star tortoises at the KL International Airport in 2007 said he was paid to bring it into the country for a Malaysian buyer.
In the second half of 2008, 167 pangolins were seized in four enforcement cases in Muar, indicating that the coastline was a thriving entry point for the anteaters from Indonesia. It is believed that the pangolins were destined for the restaurant and traditional medicine trade, as well as the mainland Chinese market.
Early this year, genetic fingerprinting of seized tiger parts in southern Thailand shows that the Malaya tiger, endemic to Malaysia and numbering only 500 in the wild, have been blatantly poached and smuggled through our land borders.
These are some of the cases that point to illegal trafficking of wildlife and its parts, and to Malaysia being a transit point, a source country, as well as a consumer hub for endangered wildlife.
Globally, Interpol estimated the illegal trade to be worth US$10bil (RM35bil) to US$20bil (RM70bil) a year. Wow a big business for Malaysian, wonder if it has 30% Bumi quoted imposed on it?
Kg.Buah Pala,another twist
This article appeared in anilnetto's blog and i am posting it as i too wanted to write something about Lim Guan Eng's statement to the press.
Kg Buah Pala: That RM3.5 million figure...
The Kg Buah Pala villagers have been portrayed as greedy, demanding, and unreasonable. This is partly due to the mixed signals coming from the committee, the seemingly conflicting statements and misrepresentations of those speaking on their behalf including those with vested interests and even those in the state government.
Guan Eng even claimed – incorrectly as it turned out – the villagers want RM3.5 million bungalows or compensation. Where did he get that from? But the damage is already done as it all over the media.
As a result of such statements in the media by those intent on portraying the villagers as greedy – and the village committee’s own public relations blunders along with outsiders taking advantage – public opinion may have swayed against the villagers.
I have been to the village a few times, and I have never heard of a demand for RM3.5 million bungalows or any similar demand.
I did see the RM3.5 million figure mentioned once, in one of the handouts given. But look at the context: that was when the residents were reacting to accusations that they were greedy. They retorted that the real greedy parties were those who were coveting their respective property lots, some of which they claimed could be worth up to RM3.5 million. That’s quite different from asking for compensation of RM3.5 million or demanding a RM3.5 million bungalow.
I contacted Sugumaran, the residents committee chairperson, for comment and he agreed with my observation and said the claim that the villagers wanted RM3.5 million bungalows is baseless. “They are just using that figure to turn public opinion against the villagers and to portray the villagers as unreasonable,” he lamented.
Few have actually walked in their shoes and lived in the village to experience what life is like for them. It’s a different life-style closer to nature than what most city folk can understand – and I don’t claim to fully understand it either. Only the villagers know their real situation and what they really need to continue living in dignity, if and when they are wrenched apart not only from their homes but their land, their livelihoods and their community".
So this is what Anil got to say anout this issue. Lim Guan Eng even asked the press folks if they own a double story house and someone replied to which he diverted the topic to make look the villages as greedy? What kind of stupid question was that and making refenrence to the "people of penang" behind him! He even mentioned that the press should talk to the people of Penang for a poll! So this is how DAP a leader or more so a Chief Minister twist tales! This is good lesson for the Indians to trust politicians rather than to be united to help themselves!
Kg Buah Pala: That RM3.5 million figure...
The Kg Buah Pala villagers have been portrayed as greedy, demanding, and unreasonable. This is partly due to the mixed signals coming from the committee, the seemingly conflicting statements and misrepresentations of those speaking on their behalf including those with vested interests and even those in the state government.
Guan Eng even claimed – incorrectly as it turned out – the villagers want RM3.5 million bungalows or compensation. Where did he get that from? But the damage is already done as it all over the media.
As a result of such statements in the media by those intent on portraying the villagers as greedy – and the village committee’s own public relations blunders along with outsiders taking advantage – public opinion may have swayed against the villagers.
I have been to the village a few times, and I have never heard of a demand for RM3.5 million bungalows or any similar demand.
I did see the RM3.5 million figure mentioned once, in one of the handouts given. But look at the context: that was when the residents were reacting to accusations that they were greedy. They retorted that the real greedy parties were those who were coveting their respective property lots, some of which they claimed could be worth up to RM3.5 million. That’s quite different from asking for compensation of RM3.5 million or demanding a RM3.5 million bungalow.
I contacted Sugumaran, the residents committee chairperson, for comment and he agreed with my observation and said the claim that the villagers wanted RM3.5 million bungalows is baseless. “They are just using that figure to turn public opinion against the villagers and to portray the villagers as unreasonable,” he lamented.
Few have actually walked in their shoes and lived in the village to experience what life is like for them. It’s a different life-style closer to nature than what most city folk can understand – and I don’t claim to fully understand it either. Only the villagers know their real situation and what they really need to continue living in dignity, if and when they are wrenched apart not only from their homes but their land, their livelihoods and their community".
So this is what Anil got to say anout this issue. Lim Guan Eng even asked the press folks if they own a double story house and someone replied to which he diverted the topic to make look the villages as greedy? What kind of stupid question was that and making refenrence to the "people of penang" behind him! He even mentioned that the press should talk to the people of Penang for a poll! So this is how DAP a leader or more so a Chief Minister twist tales! This is good lesson for the Indians to trust politicians rather than to be united to help themselves!
UMNO Ultimate aim
This was in Bernama and it came from a so called Malaysian Ministry - Umno’s training bureau will soon organise a course for Umno Youth division chiefs based on a commando-type training module, Umno vice-President Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said.
Ahmad Zahid, who is the bureau’s chairman, said the course would enhance resilience and competitiveness among Umno Youth leaders.
“For them to win back the young voters, they need to be resilient and this can be achieve through the commando-style training,” he told reporters after opening the Jasin Umno delegates’ meeting at the Dewan Alamanda, here today.
He said the course would be carried out by the Umno Youth movement, National Civics Bureau (Biro Tatanegara) and the Malaysia Veteran Commandos Club.
“This was the kind of course we had when Datuk Seri Najib Razak was the youth chief.
“Camaraderie needs to be instilled in today’s youths; that is why (Umno Youth Chief) Khairy Jamaluddin and his executive council members have agreed to take part in the course, to be held soon,” he said.
The training bureau would also provide a course with a different module for Wanita and Puteri Umno leaders, he said.
Dear readers please make up your mind on the direction of this nation under UMNO! Beware of UMNO leaders!
Ahmad Zahid, who is the bureau’s chairman, said the course would enhance resilience and competitiveness among Umno Youth leaders.
“For them to win back the young voters, they need to be resilient and this can be achieve through the commando-style training,” he told reporters after opening the Jasin Umno delegates’ meeting at the Dewan Alamanda, here today.
He said the course would be carried out by the Umno Youth movement, National Civics Bureau (Biro Tatanegara) and the Malaysia Veteran Commandos Club.
“This was the kind of course we had when Datuk Seri Najib Razak was the youth chief.
“Camaraderie needs to be instilled in today’s youths; that is why (Umno Youth Chief) Khairy Jamaluddin and his executive council members have agreed to take part in the course, to be held soon,” he said.
The training bureau would also provide a course with a different module for Wanita and Puteri Umno leaders, he said.
Dear readers please make up your mind on the direction of this nation under UMNO! Beware of UMNO leaders!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Demonstrasi budaya siapa?
‘Mahathir Mohamad kata yang demontrasi bukan budaya kita’
“Najib kata sekiranya orang nak demonstrasi beliau boleh menyediakan stadium untuk berbuat demikian” (Mungkin pengalaman beliau sendiri kot di Stadium TPCA)
‘Saya akan menyeru pihak polis mengambil tindakan keras terhadap sesiapa yang berkumpul berdemonstrasi kerana ia adalah haram’
“Demonstrasi adalah budaya Anwar Ibhahim kata Mahathir Mohamad lagi’
Marilah kita imbas kembali adalah berdemonstrasi ini satu budaya baru atau sesuatu yang juga digunakan oleh UMNO masa dulu-dulu. Perhimpunan menentang Malayan Union oleh segolongan orang Melayu adalah sebab lahirnya UMNO. Sejarah telah merakamkan bahawa setelah orang Melayu keluar beramai-ramai dan berdemonstrasi menentang Malayan Union, mereka telah berkumpul dan menubuhkan UMNO. Sekiranya orang Melayu pada masa itu menunggu permit polis dari Kerajaan British nescaya Malayan Union tidak dapat dihalang dan UMNO tidak akan wujud.Malaya akan tetap dibawah British sehingga kini.
Jadi demo dan himpunan rakyat untuk menyatakan ketidak puasan hati adalah budaya kita sejak dulu, budaya UMNO,budaya PAS, budaya NGO dan sebahagiaan mereka yang berprinsip dan bangun mewakili rakyat majoriti.
Jangan buat buat lupa pula atau apa yang disarankan oleh Mahathir dulu yang ‘Melayu Mudah Lupa’
“Najib kata sekiranya orang nak demonstrasi beliau boleh menyediakan stadium untuk berbuat demikian” (Mungkin pengalaman beliau sendiri kot di Stadium TPCA)
‘Saya akan menyeru pihak polis mengambil tindakan keras terhadap sesiapa yang berkumpul berdemonstrasi kerana ia adalah haram’
“Demonstrasi adalah budaya Anwar Ibhahim kata Mahathir Mohamad lagi’
Marilah kita imbas kembali adalah berdemonstrasi ini satu budaya baru atau sesuatu yang juga digunakan oleh UMNO masa dulu-dulu. Perhimpunan menentang Malayan Union oleh segolongan orang Melayu adalah sebab lahirnya UMNO. Sejarah telah merakamkan bahawa setelah orang Melayu keluar beramai-ramai dan berdemonstrasi menentang Malayan Union, mereka telah berkumpul dan menubuhkan UMNO. Sekiranya orang Melayu pada masa itu menunggu permit polis dari Kerajaan British nescaya Malayan Union tidak dapat dihalang dan UMNO tidak akan wujud.Malaya akan tetap dibawah British sehingga kini.
Jadi demo dan himpunan rakyat untuk menyatakan ketidak puasan hati adalah budaya kita sejak dulu, budaya UMNO,budaya PAS, budaya NGO dan sebahagiaan mereka yang berprinsip dan bangun mewakili rakyat majoriti.
Jangan buat buat lupa pula atau apa yang disarankan oleh Mahathir dulu yang ‘Melayu Mudah Lupa’
Why People March on the Streets
“It is not our culture to do street demonstration said one”
“Do not take it to the street as we have proper channels to voice out say another”
“It cost millions in losses for the business says another”
“This is the culture by Anwar says another”
Doesn’t it make people to realise why do 100,000 people hit the street to protest?
Is it that people have nothing to do and the wake up one morning and marched down the street for fun?
The UMNO controlled main media have been spinning stories purposely to divert and further divide the races in Malaysia with the Ministers adding fuel to it.
Let me provide you with few reasons as to why the “rakyat” took to the streets or why I would walk with the demonstrators:
1.Tens and hundreds of Malaysians died while in police detention cannot march or speak any more and now they are dying in MACC office.
2.Rakyat’s suggestions to implement; Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC), Royal Commission for Kugan, Teoh’s death, PKFZ Scandal and other financial scandal have fallen into deaf ears
3.Emergence of cronyism which made the elite few millionaires and the rest paupers. The people eventually woke up to realise the repeated lies and things were done in certain ways purportedly “for their benefit”.
4.Wealth is not distributed equally among the people and there is unbalance distribution of wealth among Malaysians and the have-nots, the oppressed, the discriminated and the persecuted have been marginalized and they had enough
5.The race card which is cleverly played for such a long time, is visible now for what it really is – a tool to divide the rakyat for easier political manipulation.
6.Malaysia, a country with abundant natural resources, does not have the same standard of living or higher than that of Singapore, an island with no natural resources and that has to import human resources from elsewhere.
7.Gandhi marched, Mandela marched, Martin Luther King marched, and Tunku Abdul Rahman marched for a cause. If the marchers in history had been stopped in their tracks, places like India, Malaysia and many others would still be colonies today, apartheid would still be thriving in South Africa, Nelson Mandela would still be scribbling on the walls of Cell 5, and Obama would probably be a slave somewhere in Mississippi plotting to make his next midnight dash for the river and not in White House.
Because more and more people realised that peaceful assemblies are not threat at all to the security of the nation. Although it is a threat to the current government whom does not want to lose their perks and benefits that they have been enjoying for a very long time. Change will definitely come soon or later and my personal wish is that to be sooner!
“Do not take it to the street as we have proper channels to voice out say another”
“It cost millions in losses for the business says another”
“This is the culture by Anwar says another”
Doesn’t it make people to realise why do 100,000 people hit the street to protest?
Is it that people have nothing to do and the wake up one morning and marched down the street for fun?
The UMNO controlled main media have been spinning stories purposely to divert and further divide the races in Malaysia with the Ministers adding fuel to it.
Let me provide you with few reasons as to why the “rakyat” took to the streets or why I would walk with the demonstrators:
1.Tens and hundreds of Malaysians died while in police detention cannot march or speak any more and now they are dying in MACC office.
2.Rakyat’s suggestions to implement; Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC), Royal Commission for Kugan, Teoh’s death, PKFZ Scandal and other financial scandal have fallen into deaf ears
3.Emergence of cronyism which made the elite few millionaires and the rest paupers. The people eventually woke up to realise the repeated lies and things were done in certain ways purportedly “for their benefit”.
4.Wealth is not distributed equally among the people and there is unbalance distribution of wealth among Malaysians and the have-nots, the oppressed, the discriminated and the persecuted have been marginalized and they had enough
5.The race card which is cleverly played for such a long time, is visible now for what it really is – a tool to divide the rakyat for easier political manipulation.
6.Malaysia, a country with abundant natural resources, does not have the same standard of living or higher than that of Singapore, an island with no natural resources and that has to import human resources from elsewhere.
7.Gandhi marched, Mandela marched, Martin Luther King marched, and Tunku Abdul Rahman marched for a cause. If the marchers in history had been stopped in their tracks, places like India, Malaysia and many others would still be colonies today, apartheid would still be thriving in South Africa, Nelson Mandela would still be scribbling on the walls of Cell 5, and Obama would probably be a slave somewhere in Mississippi plotting to make his next midnight dash for the river and not in White House.
Because more and more people realised that peaceful assemblies are not threat at all to the security of the nation. Although it is a threat to the current government whom does not want to lose their perks and benefits that they have been enjoying for a very long time. Change will definitely come soon or later and my personal wish is that to be sooner!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
1st of August 09
Sorry to dissapoint some of you, I was not at the ISA March in KL but save and sound in Pearl of the Island. Enough of being chased after by the FRU and Police some time ago.
So, what is all this,its about a bunch of middle aged male being finding some adrenaline rush. You may call us crazy, out of our minds or plain middle age crisis blokes yet I like to call us as serious bikers. Let me tell the whole story. I got up as usual at 6.30am like any other Saturdays’ the one day that we look forward to and saw few SMS from Arthur about our ride today may be postponed as it rained earlier in the morning. I was not in the mood to postpone my ride today but decided to ride alone despite rain or shine. Arthur sends me another sms saying that the rest of the team also wanted to ride immaterial of the rain. I set out with clouds looking gloomy and ready to pour out its frustration after a week long hot week. I rode alone towards our meeting place and saw Sufian waiting there and slowly one by one members joined us, Afendi, Zaidi ( I think), Arthur the GREAT, Yazid, KB,KL and Zul(who got his visa approved today).
While discussing where to ride either to Karpet or to Blue House,Yazid mentioned "lets ride and we'll decide at the midpoint". So we set cycling towards the midpoint and upon reaching midpoint we rested and it started to pour dogs and cats. We were contemplating to turn back, but everyone decided to head towards Karpet after the rain slowed down. After the rain receded we rode towards karpet on the slippery road with rain water running down the path which made the trail more difficult. Even our wheel skipped and skidded while going uphill. After the usual puffing and grasping for breath we managed to reach the peak. It was a splendid view along the trail with mist enveloping the hills. We stopped and took pictures which happen to be our routine. It was breath taking view and we stopped from time to time to click our camera. I managed to ride towards karpet without pushing the bike today but with some stop overs though..he.he.he but no pushing ok. Some of the team members were thinking of abandoning me as I did not join them to push the bike today. We reached Karpet and some other riders joined us there. It rained heavily again and we found some shelter to keep ourselves dry not that we need one as our bodies were already drenched with rain water and covered with mud.
Idris,Suri and their friend from MAS who was riding KONA ( sorry kawan lupanama)joined us. Some suggested to go down to Balik Pulau from Karpet some decided otherwise as they have limited visa approval from their respective home ministry's. I was up for any challenge today and Arthur said if I go he'll go to Balik Pulau too. Affendi, Zaidi & KB decided to head back and 8 of us decided to go towards Balik Pulau. The path was wet and slippery after the downpour and we need to go down slowly but that did not stop some of the team members to be downhill heroes. After a while we reached Balik Pulau and had our usual breakfast. It started to rain heavily again and we waited till the rain stopped. Again we were contemplating which path to follow either the Pondok Upeh tar road or hill trail. Idris decided to take the hills and it was a big mistake for some of us, I shall not mention their names here. The bike pusher gang lived up to our rapport again and started pushing our bikes and after some distance we tried to cycle on the wet uphill path which was really difficult. We pushed and cycled until the peak and the wet downhill ride did not allow us to go on our usual fast ride but slowly holding on our breaks or our dear lives. While descending downhill one of our bikers tyre punctured and Suri is our handyman as he had all the necessary tools to mend the puncture. I respect this soft spoken guy as he comes with plenty of technical skills with no air about himself. Thanks kawan. Another member of ours had muscle spasm( cramp) and needed medical attention from time to time so Idris, Yazid and I rode with him for moral support or an excuse to slow down and push the bike if necessary under the pretext of helping..he.he.he!
We had another mishap with one of our member falling down while going downhill and we rushed to his assistance. I helped him to his feet and he said he was okay and we continued with our ride after Idris fixed his bike as the fall forced the gear inwards touching the spokes. we reached the main road going uphill and the downhill ride was fun until we took a right turn going into Bukit Dato which was another uphill ride...sigh. The downhill ride was great with the usual heroes were nowhere in sight namely Arthur, Suri, Suffian,and Mr.MAS. By the way the Zul who was with us all the while raced downhill with all enthusiasm leaving Idris, Yazid and myself behind! We reached the foothill around 12.30 pm. It was our longest ride ever which was a real test of endurance and mental strength yet all fun as usual. Call us crazy bunch who were willing to take risks by riding in the rain on slippery trails getting wet and muddy, falling down, skidding off the track, getting cramps but it didn't stop us from managing a successful ride. Will we do it again, definitely a a big YES and we'll do it again next week for another cheap fun adventure ride!
So, what is all this,its about a bunch of middle aged male being finding some adrenaline rush. You may call us crazy, out of our minds or plain middle age crisis blokes yet I like to call us as serious bikers. Let me tell the whole story. I got up as usual at 6.30am like any other Saturdays’ the one day that we look forward to and saw few SMS from Arthur about our ride today may be postponed as it rained earlier in the morning. I was not in the mood to postpone my ride today but decided to ride alone despite rain or shine. Arthur sends me another sms saying that the rest of the team also wanted to ride immaterial of the rain. I set out with clouds looking gloomy and ready to pour out its frustration after a week long hot week. I rode alone towards our meeting place and saw Sufian waiting there and slowly one by one members joined us, Afendi, Zaidi ( I think), Arthur the GREAT, Yazid, KB,KL and Zul(who got his visa approved today).
While discussing where to ride either to Karpet or to Blue House,Yazid mentioned "lets ride and we'll decide at the midpoint". So we set cycling towards the midpoint and upon reaching midpoint we rested and it started to pour dogs and cats. We were contemplating to turn back, but everyone decided to head towards Karpet after the rain slowed down. After the rain receded we rode towards karpet on the slippery road with rain water running down the path which made the trail more difficult. Even our wheel skipped and skidded while going uphill. After the usual puffing and grasping for breath we managed to reach the peak. It was a splendid view along the trail with mist enveloping the hills. We stopped and took pictures which happen to be our routine. It was breath taking view and we stopped from time to time to click our camera. I managed to ride towards karpet without pushing the bike today but with some stop overs though..he.he.he but no pushing ok. Some of the team members were thinking of abandoning me as I did not join them to push the bike today. We reached Karpet and some other riders joined us there. It rained heavily again and we found some shelter to keep ourselves dry not that we need one as our bodies were already drenched with rain water and covered with mud.
Idris,Suri and their friend from MAS who was riding KONA ( sorry kawan lupanama)joined us. Some suggested to go down to Balik Pulau from Karpet some decided otherwise as they have limited visa approval from their respective home ministry's. I was up for any challenge today and Arthur said if I go he'll go to Balik Pulau too. Affendi, Zaidi & KB decided to head back and 8 of us decided to go towards Balik Pulau. The path was wet and slippery after the downpour and we need to go down slowly but that did not stop some of the team members to be downhill heroes. After a while we reached Balik Pulau and had our usual breakfast. It started to rain heavily again and we waited till the rain stopped. Again we were contemplating which path to follow either the Pondok Upeh tar road or hill trail. Idris decided to take the hills and it was a big mistake for some of us, I shall not mention their names here. The bike pusher gang lived up to our rapport again and started pushing our bikes and after some distance we tried to cycle on the wet uphill path which was really difficult. We pushed and cycled until the peak and the wet downhill ride did not allow us to go on our usual fast ride but slowly holding on our breaks or our dear lives. While descending downhill one of our bikers tyre punctured and Suri is our handyman as he had all the necessary tools to mend the puncture. I respect this soft spoken guy as he comes with plenty of technical skills with no air about himself. Thanks kawan. Another member of ours had muscle spasm( cramp) and needed medical attention from time to time so Idris, Yazid and I rode with him for moral support or an excuse to slow down and push the bike if necessary under the pretext of helping..he.he.he!
We had another mishap with one of our member falling down while going downhill and we rushed to his assistance. I helped him to his feet and he said he was okay and we continued with our ride after Idris fixed his bike as the fall forced the gear inwards touching the spokes. we reached the main road going uphill and the downhill ride was fun until we took a right turn going into Bukit Dato which was another uphill ride...sigh. The downhill ride was great with the usual heroes were nowhere in sight namely Arthur, Suri, Suffian,and Mr.MAS. By the way the Zul who was with us all the while raced downhill with all enthusiasm leaving Idris, Yazid and myself behind! We reached the foothill around 12.30 pm. It was our longest ride ever which was a real test of endurance and mental strength yet all fun as usual. Call us crazy bunch who were willing to take risks by riding in the rain on slippery trails getting wet and muddy, falling down, skidding off the track, getting cramps but it didn't stop us from managing a successful ride. Will we do it again, definitely a a big YES and we'll do it again next week for another cheap fun adventure ride!
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