Now that the Permatang Pauh by election is over, and Anwar Ibrahim has won, the question of what lies ahead for the nation comes to my mind? A few to name; will the 16th Sept deadline ever become a reality or will Najib ever become the next Prime Minister. Will Tun Mahathir Mohamed migrate else where as what he has mentioned or will Khairy resign being the MP of Rembau? These are some of the questions that are doing re-runs in the minds of many Malaysians.
So will DSAI become the next PM, it is a million dollar question that not only the PKR members are anxiously waiting but also the nation at large.
Well that is not what I want to write about, before looking at that direction lets turn the pages of history and ask ourselves if we are really free and we have achieved independence or are we still colonized in our minds.
Are we really free, have our nation got independence from the British in the true sense or are we still following the concept of divide and rule which we adopted and adapted from them. We have painted rather a bad picture about the British that they were evil and they purposely did not allow racial integration. How far is it true, anyway that was how and what has been written in the chapters of our history books. If that is indeed true what has changed over the years?
Have the nation’s policies changed now that the British has left us, I don’t think so. Some politicians are still engaged in the divide and rule policies among the races that emphasize race supremacy. Some even vowed to fight till death in order to uphold race supremacy under the pretext of being the champion of their race. Every now and then they continue to ignite the battle cry of race supremacy and raise tension among the other races. I am not sure if they are sincere in their flight or its just a political gimmick thus to cling on to power for their personal ambition. Will they ever change, I am not sure either?
Worst still the government is represented by a coalition of race based political parties which think along the racial line like an incurable disease that has infected some to their very core of their beliefs. These groups of people have been polluting the minds of their respective races in the mask of championing the rights of their race but in truth they are only there to quench their own ambitious thirst. Are the people any better than being under the rule of the British in real sense?
So, will the coming 31st August bring the much awaited hope of change which shall move the country into a new direction. Will Malaysia finally become Merdeka after 50 years of policies that have been segregating the people of Malaysia along racial lines? Will Malaysian finally shred off the false race supremacy fallacy and look beyond race and religion for the sake of the nation? Will a new nation awake like a phoenix arising from its own ash? Only time will tell!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
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