The call by Mukhriz Mahathir to close down the vernacular schools drew many critics from both politician and the public. I guess he is making sense about having a consolidated school in order to bring about national unity.
Some say that the call by Mukhriz to close down vernacular schools is very irrational and racial in tone. Some call it as revenge against MCA, Gerakan leaders for openly condemning the issues of Ketuanan Melayu and to fish for more votes in the coming Umno elections.
If this is an issue of polarization or social integration I would fully agree with Mukhriz call about racial unity and let's go all out to promote racial unity and do away with everything that has racial connotations.
First we shall abolish the vernacular schools and send all our children to a national type school. Let’s abolish UiTM because it does not promote national unity and also do away with the quota system for enrolment into Malaysian public universities. How about opening up MARA College, Matriculation and all boarding schools to non Malay students as well? Since now the schools are integrated non Malay principals must also head the new integrated schools in the name of unity. How about the Universities, from the Vice Chancellors to head of faculties or lecturers shouldn’t they be selected based on merit and not by the colour of their skin and race?
Every student should take the same exam, either all take STPM or matriculation exam. This will eliminate dissatisfaction among students since matriculation examinations are perceived to be easier compared to STPM. Students should not be coded by race by their exam paper serial numbers to be fair in the marking scheme as we have heard so many horror stories. Worst still in the universities where students from certain race are made to pass the exam when they fail!
I hope that the elite residential schools, as well as the Mara Junior Science Colleges will then open their doors to the Chinese and Indian students. We should also open the MARA, Petronas, TNB and other special privileged scholarship to the non Malays
Let’s do one better how about doing away with race-based affirmative action policies such as the 30% bumiputra participation policy and the 30 % equity ownership? The government should promote meritocracy for all position, promotion and by the way let’s allow PKNS managed by a Chinese or anyone capable.
By the way Umno kids enrolled in international schools should withdrew with immediate effect attend government schools more so by our Education Minister to show leadership by example. There you go Muhkriz, this is a good start for your aspiring political career. Not bad for a visionary leader, like father like son I guess! Way to go Muhkriz!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
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