Saturday, January 3, 2009

Another Case of Police Brutality

Our police force was been recently blamed as being partial towards certain political party, being arrogant towards NGO which march against government policies viz ANTI-ISA Movement, JERIT,BERSIH and many others. They did it again to a carpark attendant who was taken in for interrogation and assaulted him, yet the cruelest act to any human being by pouring boiling hot water on him. How could a decent human could do such an act upon another fellow human being or have the degraded themselves to lesser being as I do not want to call them animals as animals will never do such a thing towards their species?
Malaysiakini quoted that Prabakar was picked up from his work place at Sri Hartamas on Dec 23 and taken for interrogation at the Brickfields police district headquarters where he was repeatedly beaten, kicked and stepped on by at least 10 police personnel. He said the police officers involved then scalded him with boiling water after he could not identify several persons in some photographs. Prabakar further said that during his five-day remand period, police had hung a long piece of cloth from the interrogation room ceiling and tied it around his neck while he stood on a chair. They then threatened to knock away the chair, he said.
So I guess this is how the police release bodies of detainees saying they committed suicide while in custody?
Prabakar added that he was now worried over what has happened to his 18-year-old cousin, C Soloman, who was also picked up by police on the same day as him. His location to date is still unknown.
"When asked about Soloman, the officer pretended not to know anything. After pressing him on the matter several times, he then admitted that a statement had been taken from Soloman," said his lawyer Surendran
I reckon this may not bee another case of missing detainees as recorded in the police file! Hopefully he is still alive?
Hello, Musa where are you now? Call upon every Malaysian to call in this stupid police chief to taken action and call for his masters to take responsibilities.
For more reading click the below link;

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, police brutality is just a perception. dotn agree? just check with our great Chor, deputy minister from the Most Corrupted Asociation.