Hey Patrick Teoh, curi u punya idea sikit...bolehkah? Bolehloh in bolehland..he.he.he
This is the famous quote by Khir Toyo, the ex-MB of Selangor the prized possession and highly looked upon by the UMNO Malays.Maklumlah tiada true breed Malay leaders semuanya pinjam from Mamak, Jawa,Bugis,Orang Putih, dll.Khir Toyo trying to be ulamak/sami/boddhisatwa or pope... "When you do something bad to people, one day God will do something bad to you. Wait and see. Time will tell"...Khir Toyo
Politicians are well-known for being creative but I think a prize should be given to Khir Toyo, the former chief minister of Selangor. The man is currently being grilled for his and his family's use of state company Permodalan Negeri Selangor Berhad's money to go for what seems like very expensive holidays disguised as 'study tours'.
When he was asked why he needed to fly 1st Class on these trips his reply was almost to say...... "if I as the boss don't travel 1st class then how? Like my underlings have to travel in classes below me, right? So if I travel business class then some of them will have to sit in Economy and then those lower down ones how? There's no more seats after Economy kan? That one cannot la. I cannot treat my people like that."
"I have my entitlement. If I were to reduce my entitlement to what an officer gets then what is the officer going to reduce to? I am the chairman. There is the deputy chairman, board of directors, government officers going along. If I fly business class (not first class), then what happens to my state secretary? He will complain. If I am travelling alone it is easier. But I am travelling with a group of people and if I downgrade myself - it’s a problem for the others. But I never ask (for the pricey presidential suites or first class flights). Whatever they provide, I go along with."
Does the above statement sound familiar? I seem to remember that not so long ago 2 PKR flers used almost the same excuse when they were allegedly offered women for sex in return for something or other in their capacity as officials. "How can I refuse? People offer I must accept la. Cannot be rude kan?" Heh heh heh...
Tell me readers, what do you make out of this article...sheer rubbish and he was an ex-MB and dentist by profession. I truly kesian kat orang-orang dia....bodoh betul!
Read more ofthis great man's interview;
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Brand New Camry Cars for Sale
Recently the new Perak MB who claims to be the official MB of Perak, Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir, the Umno Mentri Besar decided to auction off 16 Toyota Camry cars bought by the previous government in order to buy Proton Perdana cars for himself and his Executive Councillors. What a smart move by a MB from BN?
Is he dumb or just plain stupid to make such a rash decision, when the country is facing the worst economic crisis this idiot is planning to auction off official cars. Who’s money is he thinking he is using, his grandfather’s ? It does not make sense to auction off the newly acquired Toyota Camry cars and incurring a substantial loss of money for the tax-payers. If he claims to be better than the previous MB, he should have acted more prudently with the interest of the people at heart.
This decision would result in the unnecessary loss of hundreds of thousands of ringgit but he seems to have no qualms in wasting this huge amount of money because it is not his money nor his grandfather’s. It is this mental attitude that propels them to act carelessly and I suppose it is a DNA composition for all BN representative more so from UMNO!.
Surely these cars can be used for the next five or six years without any problem and more importantly without incurring any loss. Is it because the Pakatan Executive Councillors had sat in them that the Umno people find it difficult to use the same cars? Is it because their pride has to be satisfied at all costs?
The reason cited was that it is a matter of national pride that they should buy local cars. What the fuck national pride is he talking about? The Terengganu government was the first to buy Mercedes Benz last year discarding the Proton Perdana for cost effective reasons. Nobody pressured the Terengganu government to auction off the Mercedes Benz in the interest of national pride and where were Zambri and his “jakuns”.
These goons are mere hypocrites and the reasoning given in the car episode is nauseating and I truly hope that the people of Perak and Malaysian at large will long remember this hypocrisy and they will punish Umno and BN without fail in the future. The rallying cry for the next general election should be, “Remember Remember …the Perak episode – Remember the injustice!”
Is he dumb or just plain stupid to make such a rash decision, when the country is facing the worst economic crisis this idiot is planning to auction off official cars. Who’s money is he thinking he is using, his grandfather’s ? It does not make sense to auction off the newly acquired Toyota Camry cars and incurring a substantial loss of money for the tax-payers. If he claims to be better than the previous MB, he should have acted more prudently with the interest of the people at heart.
This decision would result in the unnecessary loss of hundreds of thousands of ringgit but he seems to have no qualms in wasting this huge amount of money because it is not his money nor his grandfather’s. It is this mental attitude that propels them to act carelessly and I suppose it is a DNA composition for all BN representative more so from UMNO!.
Surely these cars can be used for the next five or six years without any problem and more importantly without incurring any loss. Is it because the Pakatan Executive Councillors had sat in them that the Umno people find it difficult to use the same cars? Is it because their pride has to be satisfied at all costs?
The reason cited was that it is a matter of national pride that they should buy local cars. What the fuck national pride is he talking about? The Terengganu government was the first to buy Mercedes Benz last year discarding the Proton Perdana for cost effective reasons. Nobody pressured the Terengganu government to auction off the Mercedes Benz in the interest of national pride and where were Zambri and his “jakuns”.
These goons are mere hypocrites and the reasoning given in the car episode is nauseating and I truly hope that the people of Perak and Malaysian at large will long remember this hypocrisy and they will punish Umno and BN without fail in the future. The rallying cry for the next general election should be, “Remember Remember …the Perak episode – Remember the injustice!”
Saturday, April 18, 2009
UTUSAN can say anything
Utusan Malaysia on Wednesday called on the Malays to arise and stay united as the non-malays are going out of control in their demand. I am okay with the editor’s calling for an awakening of the Malays but to raise the feeling of hatred towards the non-malays is unthinkable in this 21st century. Utusan also interviewed some controversial figures including Ibrahim Ali, who talked about disunity in the Malay community and weakening of their political forces, paving way for the Chinese and Indians to bring up "excessive" demands.
The main point raise was that the Malays must rise up and stay united to oppose the increasingly excessive demands from non-bumiputras. If this isn’t seditious than I wonder what would be considered one by the present government under the leadership of Najib.
Only recently he talked from ear to ear about 1 Malaysia and calling upon the Malaysians to abandon the ‘ethnic silo' mentality and ‘stand together, think and act as one people under the One Malaysia concept. The joke is when he was questioned what he thinks about the article he mentioned that it is to individual interpretation. Well said PM, now we know what is your stand and your 1 Malaysia concept, I interpret that as long as it works well for one society it is fine. The same day he “wayang” at a Sikh celebration to show the new PM’s approachable image. Memang wayang kulit ala Pahang!
This is not the first case, some time ago, the Malacca Chief Minister Ali Rustam calling for the non-Malays to be punished because by voting for the opposition they had been ‘treacherous' and had forgotten Umno's willingness to grant non-Malays citizenship before and after Merdeka. I wonder why no action was taken?
Then we had Ahmad Ismail of Penang calling the Chinese ‘pendatang' as though the non-Malays has just fallen of the boat and arrived at the shores of Malaysia. He accused the non-Malays of challenging Malays rights and created a whole racial issue out of his own indiscretion. What action was taken against him by the former home minister, nothing and UMNO just suspended him yet he goes around claiming to be a nationalist.
The police as usual did nothing as if they have two sets of laws one for UMNO and another for others but the home ministry was quick to detain the reporter who covered the news under the draconian ISA, and the reason cited was to ensure her own safety, laughably right?
How can the government allow these so called leaders like Ibrahim Ali, Ahmad Ismail, Ali Rustam and others alike to thump their chest like animals when it comes to their race and religion yet take action against others who questions some of government’s action or inaction; like JERIT, HINDRAF, BERSIH, BAR Council and other organisations?
If we are all children of God and we may not be homogenous in our ways and beliefs but we are all Malaysian. So stop threatening and harming our social fabric and let's start by respecting one another and appreciating our diversity. Najib if you truly claim to be the PM of this nation buck up and stand on your feet rather than following some old hag who raped this country for the past 22 years! Be the man that you need to be for Malaysia!
The main point raise was that the Malays must rise up and stay united to oppose the increasingly excessive demands from non-bumiputras. If this isn’t seditious than I wonder what would be considered one by the present government under the leadership of Najib.
Only recently he talked from ear to ear about 1 Malaysia and calling upon the Malaysians to abandon the ‘ethnic silo' mentality and ‘stand together, think and act as one people under the One Malaysia concept. The joke is when he was questioned what he thinks about the article he mentioned that it is to individual interpretation. Well said PM, now we know what is your stand and your 1 Malaysia concept, I interpret that as long as it works well for one society it is fine. The same day he “wayang” at a Sikh celebration to show the new PM’s approachable image. Memang wayang kulit ala Pahang!
This is not the first case, some time ago, the Malacca Chief Minister Ali Rustam calling for the non-Malays to be punished because by voting for the opposition they had been ‘treacherous' and had forgotten Umno's willingness to grant non-Malays citizenship before and after Merdeka. I wonder why no action was taken?
Then we had Ahmad Ismail of Penang calling the Chinese ‘pendatang' as though the non-Malays has just fallen of the boat and arrived at the shores of Malaysia. He accused the non-Malays of challenging Malays rights and created a whole racial issue out of his own indiscretion. What action was taken against him by the former home minister, nothing and UMNO just suspended him yet he goes around claiming to be a nationalist.
The police as usual did nothing as if they have two sets of laws one for UMNO and another for others but the home ministry was quick to detain the reporter who covered the news under the draconian ISA, and the reason cited was to ensure her own safety, laughably right?
How can the government allow these so called leaders like Ibrahim Ali, Ahmad Ismail, Ali Rustam and others alike to thump their chest like animals when it comes to their race and religion yet take action against others who questions some of government’s action or inaction; like JERIT, HINDRAF, BERSIH, BAR Council and other organisations?
If we are all children of God and we may not be homogenous in our ways and beliefs but we are all Malaysian. So stop threatening and harming our social fabric and let's start by respecting one another and appreciating our diversity. Najib if you truly claim to be the PM of this nation buck up and stand on your feet rather than following some old hag who raped this country for the past 22 years! Be the man that you need to be for Malaysia!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Another Hindu woman's misery
Another case of a Hindu women where her children were converted to Islam without her knowledge by her ex-husband who embraced islam last month. Her ex-husband K. Patmanathan, 40, converted without her knowledge on March 11 and forcefully converted her three children without her knowledge nor agreement.
Malaysiakini quoted that she called upon the newly-minted Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to explain the matter, she said: "He talks about an united Malaysia. But what does this mean when only the Muslims have rights." She further said "I am not anti-Islam and I am not saying that they (Muslims) are doing wrong things but why do non-Muslims have to suffer like this?" she asked as tears welled up in her eyes. She claimed that her husband, who has since assumed the name Mohd Ridzuan Abdullah, had also converted their three children - aged one to 12 - on April 12 without their presence and using only their birth certificates."He took my baby (their youngest child) from me and ran away... I have not seen her ever since and I don't know how she's doing," lamented Indira.
I wonder how can any rational human being can do such a lowly act? Assuming Indira was a Muslim and she converted to Christianity, Hindusim or Buddhism and converted her children to her new faith would Ridzuan Abdullah the saudara baru kept quiet. There was also another case many years ago a member of royal family kidnapped his children from Australia, just to ensure that they follow his faith and not of his ex-wife’s. I guess it is all well with Islam but it is not okay with other faith just like the Lina Joy case!
Indira also said that the police didn’t take any action when she went to the police station and lodged a report and since then she has filed six police reports, with one alleging that she feared for her life because her husband had threatened her.
Why are we even surprised about the police in-action as this is what the police been doing for ages towards members of certain faith.
Finally when the police located her husband it was too late as he had converted the children to Islam. She laments that she does not know what to do now and that her husband even called her last Wednesday and promised to return her youngest child by asking her to come to the Islamic Department (Jais) in Ipoh and collect her baby but when she reached there some man was waiting there to serve her some syariah papers granting custody of her children to her husband yet her husband was nowhere in sight. I guess this man is a bloody coward hiding himself behind religious shield!
As for her husband's conversion, Indira said he had spoken about his interest in Islam but she claimed this was related to monetary gains. "I have no idea what his intentions are... but he mentioned once before that we will get RM5,000 each if we 'nikah' (marry according to Islamic rights) and money would also be given on a monthly basis to each of our children for education purposes."Over the past couple of days, he kept calling me and asked me to convert to Islam. He told me that I should convert first and then we, as in the whole family, can opt out later and go back to Hinduism," she said, adding that she wanted to remain a Hindu. I dare not comment on this as I’ll leave to readers to make their own conclusion,
Indira added on "But the question is even if I can get back my children, will they be Hindu again? Why does it only take a day to convert my children but it is so difficult to return to their old religion?" she asked."Don't I have say in it, when I was the one who carried them for nine months... aren't they my children too? What exactly is my right and my children's rights?"The government say this is a country where it is free to practice your own religion but what is the right of a non-Muslim in this situation?" she asked.
Let’s wait till the new PM’s comment if he dares. Well if this is the “1 Malaysia” that Najib is propagating, I surely do not want to be part of his plan! Justice and fairness is highly questionable in this country.
Malaysiakini quoted that she called upon the newly-minted Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to explain the matter, she said: "He talks about an united Malaysia. But what does this mean when only the Muslims have rights." She further said "I am not anti-Islam and I am not saying that they (Muslims) are doing wrong things but why do non-Muslims have to suffer like this?" she asked as tears welled up in her eyes. She claimed that her husband, who has since assumed the name Mohd Ridzuan Abdullah, had also converted their three children - aged one to 12 - on April 12 without their presence and using only their birth certificates."He took my baby (their youngest child) from me and ran away... I have not seen her ever since and I don't know how she's doing," lamented Indira.
I wonder how can any rational human being can do such a lowly act? Assuming Indira was a Muslim and she converted to Christianity, Hindusim or Buddhism and converted her children to her new faith would Ridzuan Abdullah the saudara baru kept quiet. There was also another case many years ago a member of royal family kidnapped his children from Australia, just to ensure that they follow his faith and not of his ex-wife’s. I guess it is all well with Islam but it is not okay with other faith just like the Lina Joy case!
Indira also said that the police didn’t take any action when she went to the police station and lodged a report and since then she has filed six police reports, with one alleging that she feared for her life because her husband had threatened her.
Why are we even surprised about the police in-action as this is what the police been doing for ages towards members of certain faith.
Finally when the police located her husband it was too late as he had converted the children to Islam. She laments that she does not know what to do now and that her husband even called her last Wednesday and promised to return her youngest child by asking her to come to the Islamic Department (Jais) in Ipoh and collect her baby but when she reached there some man was waiting there to serve her some syariah papers granting custody of her children to her husband yet her husband was nowhere in sight. I guess this man is a bloody coward hiding himself behind religious shield!
As for her husband's conversion, Indira said he had spoken about his interest in Islam but she claimed this was related to monetary gains. "I have no idea what his intentions are... but he mentioned once before that we will get RM5,000 each if we 'nikah' (marry according to Islamic rights) and money would also be given on a monthly basis to each of our children for education purposes."Over the past couple of days, he kept calling me and asked me to convert to Islam. He told me that I should convert first and then we, as in the whole family, can opt out later and go back to Hinduism," she said, adding that she wanted to remain a Hindu. I dare not comment on this as I’ll leave to readers to make their own conclusion,
Indira added on "But the question is even if I can get back my children, will they be Hindu again? Why does it only take a day to convert my children but it is so difficult to return to their old religion?" she asked."Don't I have say in it, when I was the one who carried them for nine months... aren't they my children too? What exactly is my right and my children's rights?"The government say this is a country where it is free to practice your own religion but what is the right of a non-Muslim in this situation?" she asked.
Let’s wait till the new PM’s comment if he dares. Well if this is the “1 Malaysia” that Najib is propagating, I surely do not want to be part of his plan! Justice and fairness is highly questionable in this country.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Its Muhyiddin's time
Muhyiddin hit the right note as DPM's by saying that the Chinese were ungrateful after the Bukit Gantang by election when interviewed by Berita Harian! Welcome on board honorable DPM who pledges to play a pivotal role in making “1 Malaysia” a reality? Great start, but wait a minute, he said that he was misquoted and taken out of context, the usual after thought statement I guess.
His statement drew mixed reaction among the the Chinese community as many thinks that his statement was indeed demeaning being a seasoned politician ( the term politician carries a different meaning in Malaysia anyway) yet the MCA president apa nama Tee Keat said that there is nothing wrong in DPM’s statement as to “ uphold the spirit of democracy, we should respect differing views, even if we cannot concur with”. What it means I do not know? Wa po chi tau!
Muhyiddin even said that he had talked to Ong Tee Keat about the matter and the latter had told him there was nothing wrong with his statement. He claimed that the Chinese papers twisted his statement and his bahasa is very clear and the reporters if can’t understand bahasa he can send them back to school. Interesting remark by DPM, don’t you think so?
Let’s test out bahasa Malaysia or is it called bahasa melayu now? Anyway please help me understand this statement as I may even be told to go back to school even though I scored a credit in SPM and a distinction in STPM!
“ Ya, kadang-kadang kita berasa terpedaya juga kerana zahirnya
nampak macam 'ok', sambutan dengan tepukan gemuruh tetapi mungkin sudah ada
tertanam dalam hati iaitu sesuatu tidak mudah hendak berubah, pokoknya
masalah isu Perak terutamanya di kalangan masyarakat Cina yang mungkin telah
dipengaruhi dengan sentimen simpati kepada Datuk Seri Ir.Mohamad Nizar
Jamaluddin, kononnya dia 'dijatuhkan', lepas itu kononnya dasar memberi
pegangan tanah selama 99 tahun dilihat dasar yang menguntungkan.
‘Walaupun kita fikir bila mereka hendak sekolah Cina dibantu, kita bantu, sepatutnya mereka membalas budi...macam tidak ada penghargaan terhadap apa yang kita lakukan'.
A check with Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka for ‘macam tidak ada penghargaan' or sepatutnya “membalas budi” means:
1. Ungrateful;
2. Showing no gratitude;
3. Unthankful
Does it carry a different meaning in any other dictionary?
Some claims that it is totally irresponsible and ridiculous to call the non-Malays 'ungrateful' purely because the majority of the Chinese and Indians voted for the opposition and this even may has a hidden agenda, ie, to provoke hatred among the Malays and to install the false belief that Malays no longer holding the final say in Malaysia politics.
Well what wouldI know as I am merely a pendatang and I should be grateful for being given a citizenship for been born in this fair and righteous country called Ma-lay-sia!
His statement drew mixed reaction among the the Chinese community as many thinks that his statement was indeed demeaning being a seasoned politician ( the term politician carries a different meaning in Malaysia anyway) yet the MCA president apa nama Tee Keat said that there is nothing wrong in DPM’s statement as to “ uphold the spirit of democracy, we should respect differing views, even if we cannot concur with”. What it means I do not know? Wa po chi tau!
Muhyiddin even said that he had talked to Ong Tee Keat about the matter and the latter had told him there was nothing wrong with his statement. He claimed that the Chinese papers twisted his statement and his bahasa is very clear and the reporters if can’t understand bahasa he can send them back to school. Interesting remark by DPM, don’t you think so?
Let’s test out bahasa Malaysia or is it called bahasa melayu now? Anyway please help me understand this statement as I may even be told to go back to school even though I scored a credit in SPM and a distinction in STPM!
“ Ya, kadang-kadang kita berasa terpedaya juga kerana zahirnya
nampak macam 'ok', sambutan dengan tepukan gemuruh tetapi mungkin sudah ada
tertanam dalam hati iaitu sesuatu tidak mudah hendak berubah, pokoknya
masalah isu Perak terutamanya di kalangan masyarakat Cina yang mungkin telah
dipengaruhi dengan sentimen simpati kepada Datuk Seri Ir.Mohamad Nizar
Jamaluddin, kononnya dia 'dijatuhkan', lepas itu kononnya dasar memberi
pegangan tanah selama 99 tahun dilihat dasar yang menguntungkan.
‘Walaupun kita fikir bila mereka hendak sekolah Cina dibantu, kita bantu, sepatutnya mereka membalas budi...macam tidak ada penghargaan terhadap apa yang kita lakukan'.
A check with Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka for ‘macam tidak ada penghargaan' or sepatutnya “membalas budi” means:
1. Ungrateful;
2. Showing no gratitude;
3. Unthankful
Does it carry a different meaning in any other dictionary?
Some claims that it is totally irresponsible and ridiculous to call the non-Malays 'ungrateful' purely because the majority of the Chinese and Indians voted for the opposition and this even may has a hidden agenda, ie, to provoke hatred among the Malays and to install the false belief that Malays no longer holding the final say in Malaysia politics.
Well what wouldI know as I am merely a pendatang and I should be grateful for being given a citizenship for been born in this fair and righteous country called Ma-lay-sia!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Suggestion for the pakatan government
An article by Naragan which makes sense, a suggestion to the Pakatan government.
74 percent of the Indians (1,295,775 out of a total population of all races of 23,135,685 – year 2000 census) live in the 5 states controlled by the Pakatan Government (AT LEAST TILL Perak fell into a Limbo) and the Federal Territory of KL. Let me suggest a few things that the Pakatan State government should begin doing now so that it will be a win–win situation for the marginalized Indians and the PR governments:
1) Knowing that primary education is Primary, the PR State Governments in all these states should draw up a comprehensive plan to bolster this part of the system. Many of the social ills befalling the Indian community can be traced back to the failure of this Primary education system. This is a priority area.
As a first step, allocate land to all the Primary schools in the state that are not on their own land or are in very confined spaces. This is well within the authority of the Pakatan Governments.
This can prepare the way for a revamp of the Primary School system for the marginalized poor. The state government should get off the mindset that the federal government holds the purse strings in education and therefore they have to wait to get federal government cooperation before they can move on this rather serious issue.
This will all surely take a little time and maybe while this is being done the BN government may not want to be outdone.
2) The Pakatan State governments can begin setting up appropriate Citizens groups (NGOs) to begin understanding the many social issues that invariably exist within marginalized groups to determine what needs to be done and then to draw up plans to address them.
There was a recent report that 100,000 Indian youths are involved in some criminal activity (reported by the erstwhile BN Human Resources Minister). The year 2000 census shows a total of 234,000 male Indian youths in the age group of 15 to 29 years. This means 40% of the Indian male youth are at risk. That is almost one in two. This is a very serious problem.
Think what happens when they become parents in their turn. Think how this problem will multiply. So, who is going to address this problem if it continues to languish because of the racial mindset in everything?
This is a significant opportunity for Pakatan to live out its Electoral promise of a New Dawn.
3) The State Governments should allocate resources to deal with the Citizenship registration issues of this group of citizens. Resources can be applied by the PR State Governments to locate and to resolve the problems.
The problem with the birth certificates and ICs is a problem of poverty, ignorance, mistaken beliefs, attitudes, practices of customary marriages, out of wedlock births, child runaways, broken homes and such issues that directly are caused by poverty, deprivation and abandonment.
To top it all off, the Government Bureaucracy does not provide one iota of assistance to help these people regain their lost rights. The mindsets at the counters in the various Pendaftaran offices are that the applicants deserve the problem they find themselves in. They should have done it right in the first place, but did not, so whose fault is it. Anyway they are of Indian ethnic origin – pendatang, never mind.
Plus, the procedures for correcting this situation are so complicated, that even the strong among us can be brought to our knees. What of these people.
The PR State Governments should allocate resources to this effort - start a publicity campaign, identify the people with such problems, help them to meet all the documentation requirements and then work through the bureaucracy to finally resolve the issues and get these people what is their right.
4) The State Governments should allocate affordable housing for those in dire need of such housing. The State Government sponsored NGOs can be assigned to identify and work with the respective Administrative units to appropriately allocate low cost housing units to those in true need. There apparently are low cost housing projects with one or two room units available – but few people seem to know about this.
All of this can be readily and easily addressed by the Pakatan Governments.
5) Small business help can be provided to create employment opportunities for the poor and marginalized. These include providing micro credit to purchase the basic tools of some trade, providing some licences, maybe identifying spaces and providing for such other basic needs of people in these situations.
These could include training programs in the conduct of business or training in some skills that can create a viable and sustainable income. A Government of the people should take all this seriously and start on some program like this.
6) Training programs to develop employable skills can be initiated for the 18 – 25 group as special programs for the groups at risk. Skills that will help them realize their human potential.
There are agencies that can be recruited to advise the Governments on such programs. There is plenty that has already been done for the Bumiputra community in this area; similar efforts need to be instituted for the marginalized Indian poor.
It is time that something comprehensive like all of this is attempted so that the Indian poor and marginalized can see that they are equal citizens of Malaysia, so they can regain their pride and position in our country. Also this will certainly make them feel they were right in supporting the Pakatan Government in these 5 states. The attempts to address the issues must be sincere, not piecemeal but comprehensive.
The issue is National in character and must not be argued away as a narrow racial issue, as I see being done often whenever this problem is raised. This is what the aggrieved Indians are looking for immediately. All other social and political reforms that are needed only come after.
So, Pakatan Government, what are you waiting for?
74 percent of the Indians (1,295,775 out of a total population of all races of 23,135,685 – year 2000 census) live in the 5 states controlled by the Pakatan Government (AT LEAST TILL Perak fell into a Limbo) and the Federal Territory of KL. Let me suggest a few things that the Pakatan State government should begin doing now so that it will be a win–win situation for the marginalized Indians and the PR governments:
1) Knowing that primary education is Primary, the PR State Governments in all these states should draw up a comprehensive plan to bolster this part of the system. Many of the social ills befalling the Indian community can be traced back to the failure of this Primary education system. This is a priority area.
As a first step, allocate land to all the Primary schools in the state that are not on their own land or are in very confined spaces. This is well within the authority of the Pakatan Governments.
This can prepare the way for a revamp of the Primary School system for the marginalized poor. The state government should get off the mindset that the federal government holds the purse strings in education and therefore they have to wait to get federal government cooperation before they can move on this rather serious issue.
This will all surely take a little time and maybe while this is being done the BN government may not want to be outdone.
2) The Pakatan State governments can begin setting up appropriate Citizens groups (NGOs) to begin understanding the many social issues that invariably exist within marginalized groups to determine what needs to be done and then to draw up plans to address them.
There was a recent report that 100,000 Indian youths are involved in some criminal activity (reported by the erstwhile BN Human Resources Minister). The year 2000 census shows a total of 234,000 male Indian youths in the age group of 15 to 29 years. This means 40% of the Indian male youth are at risk. That is almost one in two. This is a very serious problem.
Think what happens when they become parents in their turn. Think how this problem will multiply. So, who is going to address this problem if it continues to languish because of the racial mindset in everything?
This is a significant opportunity for Pakatan to live out its Electoral promise of a New Dawn.
3) The State Governments should allocate resources to deal with the Citizenship registration issues of this group of citizens. Resources can be applied by the PR State Governments to locate and to resolve the problems.
The problem with the birth certificates and ICs is a problem of poverty, ignorance, mistaken beliefs, attitudes, practices of customary marriages, out of wedlock births, child runaways, broken homes and such issues that directly are caused by poverty, deprivation and abandonment.
To top it all off, the Government Bureaucracy does not provide one iota of assistance to help these people regain their lost rights. The mindsets at the counters in the various Pendaftaran offices are that the applicants deserve the problem they find themselves in. They should have done it right in the first place, but did not, so whose fault is it. Anyway they are of Indian ethnic origin – pendatang, never mind.
Plus, the procedures for correcting this situation are so complicated, that even the strong among us can be brought to our knees. What of these people.
The PR State Governments should allocate resources to this effort - start a publicity campaign, identify the people with such problems, help them to meet all the documentation requirements and then work through the bureaucracy to finally resolve the issues and get these people what is their right.
4) The State Governments should allocate affordable housing for those in dire need of such housing. The State Government sponsored NGOs can be assigned to identify and work with the respective Administrative units to appropriately allocate low cost housing units to those in true need. There apparently are low cost housing projects with one or two room units available – but few people seem to know about this.
All of this can be readily and easily addressed by the Pakatan Governments.
5) Small business help can be provided to create employment opportunities for the poor and marginalized. These include providing micro credit to purchase the basic tools of some trade, providing some licences, maybe identifying spaces and providing for such other basic needs of people in these situations.
These could include training programs in the conduct of business or training in some skills that can create a viable and sustainable income. A Government of the people should take all this seriously and start on some program like this.
6) Training programs to develop employable skills can be initiated for the 18 – 25 group as special programs for the groups at risk. Skills that will help them realize their human potential.
There are agencies that can be recruited to advise the Governments on such programs. There is plenty that has already been done for the Bumiputra community in this area; similar efforts need to be instituted for the marginalized Indian poor.
It is time that something comprehensive like all of this is attempted so that the Indian poor and marginalized can see that they are equal citizens of Malaysia, so they can regain their pride and position in our country. Also this will certainly make them feel they were right in supporting the Pakatan Government in these 5 states. The attempts to address the issues must be sincere, not piecemeal but comprehensive.
The issue is National in character and must not be argued away as a narrow racial issue, as I see being done often whenever this problem is raised. This is what the aggrieved Indians are looking for immediately. All other social and political reforms that are needed only come after.
So, Pakatan Government, what are you waiting for?
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Mongolian Woman
By now the whole world have read that two police special action force personnel - chief inspector Azilah Hadri and corporal Sirul Azhar Umar - were sentenced to death by the Shah Alam High Court for the grisly murder of Mongolian national that the name does not exist in our Immigration records. So how can someone who has not entered our country be murdered and two innocent Malaysian are charged with murder? I smell a dead rat here, honey please spray some freshener.
If you think this is a sandiwara wait till you read the verdict by Justice Mohd Zaki! He said in his judgment that what was required for the court to decide was whether the two accused had managed to cast reasonable doubt to warrant their acquittal to which they failed.
What was considered as reasonable doubt was Azilah to show evidence that he was not at the crime scene at the relevant times and dates of the murder but instead in Wangsa Maju which he could not produce any alibi, so the court sentence him death penalty. Lead prosecutor Majid Hamzah, who is the head of the prosecution division in the Attorney General's Chambers, said the prosecution was satisfied as it had proved that no one else was involved.
To cut the story short as there were a lot of crap going inside the court room which will make your ribs tickle.
These are some of the unanswered questions;
1)What was their motive to kill the Mongolian woman
2)Why did they act on their own if they claimed they do not know the Mongolian lady but only was introduced to them by someone the name shall not be named
3)What happened to their earlier claims during the court proceedings that they acted upon some high level instruction which was not questioned
4)Who was the high level person was not questioned?
5)The Mongolian woman was brutally murdered and her body blown to bits with military-grade explosives; how did these two got hold of the C4?
6)How about the claim of SMS exchange between two high profile people that the name shall not be named?
It sounds more like Harry Potter as we can’t call by their names as it is a jinx in Malaysia! So what’s next,I‘ll be driving my Ferrari in south of France or to Normandy with my beautiful girlfriend by my side!
If you think this is a sandiwara wait till you read the verdict by Justice Mohd Zaki! He said in his judgment that what was required for the court to decide was whether the two accused had managed to cast reasonable doubt to warrant their acquittal to which they failed.
What was considered as reasonable doubt was Azilah to show evidence that he was not at the crime scene at the relevant times and dates of the murder but instead in Wangsa Maju which he could not produce any alibi, so the court sentence him death penalty. Lead prosecutor Majid Hamzah, who is the head of the prosecution division in the Attorney General's Chambers, said the prosecution was satisfied as it had proved that no one else was involved.
To cut the story short as there were a lot of crap going inside the court room which will make your ribs tickle.
These are some of the unanswered questions;
1)What was their motive to kill the Mongolian woman
2)Why did they act on their own if they claimed they do not know the Mongolian lady but only was introduced to them by someone the name shall not be named
3)What happened to their earlier claims during the court proceedings that they acted upon some high level instruction which was not questioned
4)Who was the high level person was not questioned?
5)The Mongolian woman was brutally murdered and her body blown to bits with military-grade explosives; how did these two got hold of the C4?
6)How about the claim of SMS exchange between two high profile people that the name shall not be named?
It sounds more like Harry Potter as we can’t call by their names as it is a jinx in Malaysia! So what’s next,I‘ll be driving my Ferrari in south of France or to Normandy with my beautiful girlfriend by my side!
Aiyo..aiyo khairy
The new PM Najib left out the newly minted Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin and yet Mukhriz Mahathir, who lost to Khairy in the contest for the Umno Youth top post was appointed as deputy international trade and industry minister. Malaysiakini mentioned that to drive the dagger deeper, Najib also announced that Umno Youth deputy chief Razali Ibrahim was appointed deputy youth and sports minister. Furthermore, the new premier had included the heads of the other Umno wings - Wanita and Puteri - in his cabinet.
Aiyo..aiyo everyone was on the train to Putrajaya but not Khairy…what happened? That’s not as half funny has what Khairy gotta say of his exclusion.
When contacted by Malaysiakini, Khairy said he was not upset for being overlooked by Najib as he was given another task by the premier. The MP for Rembau said that he had a meeting with Najib and was told to concentrate on strengthening the party.
"The Umno president wants me to concentrate on party work. He has given me the task to attract more young voters to support Umno and BN.
He even thanked the president for choosing him for the task and sworn to dedicate his work towards strengthening the party citing it as a difficult time that requires extraordinary measures and he was grateful that he was assigned with that task. Anyway good luck Khairy as I feel for you..do I see tear drops? There goes someone’s dream to be the youngest PM of Malaysia!
Aiyo..aiyo everyone was on the train to Putrajaya but not Khairy…what happened? That’s not as half funny has what Khairy gotta say of his exclusion.
When contacted by Malaysiakini, Khairy said he was not upset for being overlooked by Najib as he was given another task by the premier. The MP for Rembau said that he had a meeting with Najib and was told to concentrate on strengthening the party.
"The Umno president wants me to concentrate on party work. He has given me the task to attract more young voters to support Umno and BN.
He even thanked the president for choosing him for the task and sworn to dedicate his work towards strengthening the party citing it as a difficult time that requires extraordinary measures and he was grateful that he was assigned with that task. Anyway good luck Khairy as I feel for you..do I see tear drops? There goes someone’s dream to be the youngest PM of Malaysia!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Najib as PM
It is wide known fact that Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak was sworn in as Malaysia's sixth prime minister today, taking over from Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi who stepped down after leading the country for over five years.
Najib 55, took his oath of office before Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin at Istana Negara.
Dressed in a black baju Melayu complete with sampin, Najib arrived at the palace at 9.42am, accompanied by his wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor. So I wondered what is the sentiment of the people and the quickest way to find out is to serve the net and these are some of the responses by the readers in MT!
Ibabonma: Millions of Malaysian objected to such appointment and yet he was appointed as the 6th Prime Minister of our nation. It has been held by the courts, a person can be insane at one instance and normal on other occasion, so if Umno want to put up an insane while he is sane to become the Prime Minister, our DYMM Agong is obliged under the laws of Malaysia to give assent to such demand? (Ini tidak terkecuali juga orang yang dipercaya terlibat dalam pembunuhan, kaki botol, kaki betina, kaki judi dll.)
Concerned Malaysian: Are we doomed for good? Never in the history of Malaysia a PM is tainted with much baggage! God save malaysia. So is the responsibility lie in the hands of Agung now as he has consented to the appointment? Will UMNO rule another 50 years with their racial tone? Only time will decide.
Masteryoda: DO NOT get upset with the King. What has been predestined by God, no man can change.
Malaysian: I think is WISE. From the King's actions in choosing Ahmed Said and appointing Najib PM, you can see that he does make decisions. He does not meed to make decisions based on what we feel all the time. that would be loopside. He is setting up the stage for the a grand showdown in the next GE. At the GE, is where the King wants to decide on who we want to govern for us. the king is justified in his actions. another view point is that the king cannot go head on with government alone. He need the rakyats support. and that support comes from the votes in the GE. then he can make decisions according to the peoples wishes.... there is timing for everything. Lets hope its the same king.
Live now fight another day!
JJays: I was born in era of Tunku Abd.Rahman. Along the way, i have heard about all the "Prime Minister" up to Abbullah Badawi. It is a very "SAD" and "DARK" day in history of beloved Malaysia, because we are forced to have a "Crime Minister". I will always name him as "Crime Minister" until he clear all the allegation against him the nearest soon. My kid's wil also name his as such. A SAD AND DARK DAY IN THE HISTORY OF M'SIA.
Limau: No use crying at this stage, have faith in god and wait the coming election. Let see how good are our fellow Malaysians. That where we need the real change. Look Malaysians take my word, the ruling goverment is going to play a very clever game by providing all the need of the rayaat, please don't get carried away,because this will only last till the next election,after that they will be the same old broom.
Karyeowl: What a sad day for Malaysia. We placed so high hope for Agong to reject Najib, and yet nothing happen. Agong also never says anything.
Tan Tan :
1) For those who can afford, start to migrate out.
2) Opposition, start running to Australia or Singapore.
3) Got some money but don't have chances to run very far. Go and buy up all the property in Iskandar Johor and then get Singaporean to invest there and turn into Mini Singapore..... RUN!
Iceman: Sigh!!Najib had been sworn in and Big Mama's gonna throw a party to celebrate her ascension to having the nations money at her disposal.Such a sad day for Malaysians.The whole world knows the truth about Najib.Have you realized how similar Najib's statement is to former US president Clinton?Quote unquote "I didn't have sex with that woman ".But in the end the whole world came to know the truth...well,at least Clinton had more honor and didn't blow her up.Oh woe is us!!
Najib 55, took his oath of office before Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin at Istana Negara.
Dressed in a black baju Melayu complete with sampin, Najib arrived at the palace at 9.42am, accompanied by his wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor. So I wondered what is the sentiment of the people and the quickest way to find out is to serve the net and these are some of the responses by the readers in MT!
Ibabonma: Millions of Malaysian objected to such appointment and yet he was appointed as the 6th Prime Minister of our nation. It has been held by the courts, a person can be insane at one instance and normal on other occasion, so if Umno want to put up an insane while he is sane to become the Prime Minister, our DYMM Agong is obliged under the laws of Malaysia to give assent to such demand? (Ini tidak terkecuali juga orang yang dipercaya terlibat dalam pembunuhan, kaki botol, kaki betina, kaki judi dll.)
Concerned Malaysian: Are we doomed for good? Never in the history of Malaysia a PM is tainted with much baggage! God save malaysia. So is the responsibility lie in the hands of Agung now as he has consented to the appointment? Will UMNO rule another 50 years with their racial tone? Only time will decide.
Masteryoda: DO NOT get upset with the King. What has been predestined by God, no man can change.
Malaysian: I think is WISE. From the King's actions in choosing Ahmed Said and appointing Najib PM, you can see that he does make decisions. He does not meed to make decisions based on what we feel all the time. that would be loopside. He is setting up the stage for the a grand showdown in the next GE. At the GE, is where the King wants to decide on who we want to govern for us. the king is justified in his actions. another view point is that the king cannot go head on with government alone. He need the rakyats support. and that support comes from the votes in the GE. then he can make decisions according to the peoples wishes.... there is timing for everything. Lets hope its the same king.
Live now fight another day!
JJays: I was born in era of Tunku Abd.Rahman. Along the way, i have heard about all the "Prime Minister" up to Abbullah Badawi. It is a very "SAD" and "DARK" day in history of beloved Malaysia, because we are forced to have a "Crime Minister". I will always name him as "Crime Minister" until he clear all the allegation against him the nearest soon. My kid's wil also name his as such. A SAD AND DARK DAY IN THE HISTORY OF M'SIA.
Limau: No use crying at this stage, have faith in god and wait the coming election. Let see how good are our fellow Malaysians. That where we need the real change. Look Malaysians take my word, the ruling goverment is going to play a very clever game by providing all the need of the rayaat, please don't get carried away,because this will only last till the next election,after that they will be the same old broom.
Karyeowl: What a sad day for Malaysia. We placed so high hope for Agong to reject Najib, and yet nothing happen. Agong also never says anything.
Tan Tan :
1) For those who can afford, start to migrate out.
2) Opposition, start running to Australia or Singapore.
3) Got some money but don't have chances to run very far. Go and buy up all the property in Iskandar Johor and then get Singaporean to invest there and turn into Mini Singapore..... RUN!
Iceman: Sigh!!Najib had been sworn in and Big Mama's gonna throw a party to celebrate her ascension to having the nations money at her disposal.Such a sad day for Malaysians.The whole world knows the truth about Najib.Have you realized how similar Najib's statement is to former US president Clinton?Quote unquote "I didn't have sex with that woman ".But in the end the whole world came to know the truth...well,at least Clinton had more honor and didn't blow her up.Oh woe is us!!
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