Another case of a Hindu women where her children were converted to Islam without her knowledge by her ex-husband who embraced islam last month. Her ex-husband K. Patmanathan, 40, converted without her knowledge on March 11 and forcefully converted her three children without her knowledge nor agreement.
Malaysiakini quoted that she called upon the newly-minted Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to explain the matter, she said: "He talks about an united Malaysia. But what does this mean when only the Muslims have rights." She further said "I am not anti-Islam and I am not saying that they (Muslims) are doing wrong things but why do non-Muslims have to suffer like this?" she asked as tears welled up in her eyes. She claimed that her husband, who has since assumed the name Mohd Ridzuan Abdullah, had also converted their three children - aged one to 12 - on April 12 without their presence and using only their birth certificates."He took my baby (their youngest child) from me and ran away... I have not seen her ever since and I don't know how she's doing," lamented Indira.
I wonder how can any rational human being can do such a lowly act? Assuming Indira was a Muslim and she converted to Christianity, Hindusim or Buddhism and converted her children to her new faith would Ridzuan Abdullah the saudara baru kept quiet. There was also another case many years ago a member of royal family kidnapped his children from Australia, just to ensure that they follow his faith and not of his ex-wife’s. I guess it is all well with Islam but it is not okay with other faith just like the Lina Joy case!
Indira also said that the police didn’t take any action when she went to the police station and lodged a report and since then she has filed six police reports, with one alleging that she feared for her life because her husband had threatened her.
Why are we even surprised about the police in-action as this is what the police been doing for ages towards members of certain faith.
Finally when the police located her husband it was too late as he had converted the children to Islam. She laments that she does not know what to do now and that her husband even called her last Wednesday and promised to return her youngest child by asking her to come to the Islamic Department (Jais) in Ipoh and collect her baby but when she reached there some man was waiting there to serve her some syariah papers granting custody of her children to her husband yet her husband was nowhere in sight. I guess this man is a bloody coward hiding himself behind religious shield!
As for her husband's conversion, Indira said he had spoken about his interest in Islam but she claimed this was related to monetary gains. "I have no idea what his intentions are... but he mentioned once before that we will get RM5,000 each if we 'nikah' (marry according to Islamic rights) and money would also be given on a monthly basis to each of our children for education purposes."Over the past couple of days, he kept calling me and asked me to convert to Islam. He told me that I should convert first and then we, as in the whole family, can opt out later and go back to Hinduism," she said, adding that she wanted to remain a Hindu. I dare not comment on this as I’ll leave to readers to make their own conclusion,
Indira added on "But the question is even if I can get back my children, will they be Hindu again? Why does it only take a day to convert my children but it is so difficult to return to their old religion?" she asked."Don't I have say in it, when I was the one who carried them for nine months... aren't they my children too? What exactly is my right and my children's rights?"The government say this is a country where it is free to practice your own religion but what is the right of a non-Muslim in this situation?" she asked.
Let’s wait till the new PM’s comment if he dares. Well if this is the “1 Malaysia” that Najib is propagating, I surely do not want to be part of his plan! Justice and fairness is highly questionable in this country.
Friday, April 17, 2009
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