The talk about 1 Malaysia by Najib has been the government’s mantra for the past few weeks and both the government members of parliament and the opposition haave been airing their personal views on this so called 1 Malaysia. Just thought of exploring the notion mooted by Najib or rather the UMNO led BN government on what it is?
Najib said that the concept’s meaning and appreciation should be based on three core principles – acceptance, nationhood, and social justice. “I hope the 1Malaysia concept will lead towards stronger unity. It brings the appreciation of unity to a higher level from tolerance to acceptance. If that is true then why is that he is proposing or rather asking PAS to re-consider its decision on muzakarah (dialogue) between UMNO and PAS for the sake of Malay-Muslim community saying that Islamic party should not allow political considerations to get in the way of uniting the Malay/Muslim cooperation. How interesting? How is that the PAS-UMNO cooperation will benefit the nation at large? How about the rest of the political parties, aren’t they suppose to be involved in this unity talk after all it is about Malaysia that they are discussing? What about the Chinese, Indians, Kadazandusuns, Dayaks, Sikhs, Eurasians and others? What role will they play in a Malay unity government and who will look after their interests?
Where does the 1 Malaysia concept fit into this muzakarah? Well the politicians have answers to all this possible questions? This is what Khairy, yes the guy who won the UMNO Youth leadership but holds no cabinet position. Yes...yes the ONE who was called SIL ( Son In Law) of the PM. If you still did not get it how about this? The guy who is married to Nori the daughter of Abdullah Badawi who happens to be the former PM of Malaysia and the wealthy unemployed graduate.
Anyway it’s not about his credential that we are talking about. He said that surely, neither UMNO nor PAS are going to squander attempts to engage with non-Malay/Muslim communities just by talking to one another. In fact, it is imperative that the muzakarah and any subsequent cooperation between UMNO and PAS continue with the spirit of both 1Malaysia and "PAS for All" to demonstrate the inclusivity of this union towards non-Malays/Muslims. Then why not call all the parties to this unity talk rather than just PAS? Why is that the talk must only happen between both PAS and UMNO? Is Khairy suggesting unity under UMNO?. Can’t the Malays unite under PAS? If all we seek is Malay unity then it does not matter under which banner they unite as long as they unite,right? Will UMNO take such approach? Only in our dreams!
He further added insult by saying that they “would not affect unity among the races," and that MCA was "confident that UMNO is aware of its responsibility to the people of Malaysia” .I wonder what unity is he is talking about; just look at race relations in Malaysia as it is only good on posters and bill boards!
At one side the PM is talking about 1 Malaysia but on the other end his deputy Muhyidin is stirring up Malay racial sentiments with the clarion call that UMNO will fight to the last drop of blood to protect Malay rights in his speech in Pagoh, Johor. Are they singing a different tune to different racial audiences as to one audience they are talking about 1 Malaysia and to another about Malay and Muslim unity and yet to the Malays they will die defending their rights? I am confused with this 1 Malaysia thing?
I suggest that Najib and company should stop talking about whether Malay unity is good for the country or otherwise but they should be focusing on Malaysian unity as it is better than just Malay unity! By the way we a multi-racial, multi-cultural nation so any agenda that should be discussed should include all races and not just the Malays!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
PM vs DPM a contradiction
This article by Tony Pua appeared in MT and I thought of sharing it in my blog not that I am supporter of DAP but I guess the questions raised make sense.
"DAP welcomes Najib's statement that “Having quotas is not the right way and is not good for Bumiputeras” but Barisan Nasional should stop the the policy of divide and rule among Malaysians of all races.
At a dinner organised by the MCA and the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ACCCIM), the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak has not only announced a new “National Scholarship” category that will be based on merit, but more importantly he had also hinted at removing quotas in all economic sectors in Malaysia by admitting that “having quotas is not the right way and is not good for Bumiputeras”.
The DAP fully supports all efforts to improve the economic livelihood of all poor bumiputeras and Malaysia, and believe that the quota system as has been implemented under BN's New Economic Policy (NEP) has failed the bumiputeras for it has promoted a rent-seeking culture, and entrenched cronyism and corruption among its politically connected beneficiaries.
Therefore, the DAP is willing to provide full support to the Prime Minister to eliminate the inefficient and ineffective NEP quota system, and in its place promote meritocracy, not only for scholarships, but in all sectors including education and the economy. The policy on meritocracy should be complemented with an affirmative action policy based on needs, and not race.
However, the goodwill and sincerity of Najib's statement is put to question when on the very same evening, his Deputy Prime Minister, continued to stir Malay racial sentiments with the clarion call that “Umno will fight to the last drop of blood to protect Malay rights” in his speech in Pagoh, Johor. Taken together with the Prime Minister's own persistence in Malay and Muslim unity talks with PAS, raises the question as to whether the Barisan Nasional government is continuing the policy of singing a different song to a different racial audience.
This divide and rule concept also clearly flies in the face of the 1Malaysia concept being preached by Najib, as UMNO continues to place Malay unity and Malay rights above everything else under its “ketuanan Melayu” concept where all other BN component parties and ethnic groups are subjugated to the authority of UMNO.
We would like to call upon the Prime Minister to put his words into action by delivering a Ministerial statement in Parliament to call for the removal of the quota-based New Economic Policy and to replace it with a New Economic Agenda which promotes meritocracy and a needs-based affirmative action policy to help all poor, regardless of race, creed or religion.
The DAP will give the Prime Minister our full support in Parliament to ensure that such a New Economic Agenda bill is approved as the new economic paradigm for Malaysia. We believe that a just, fair and equitable economic foundation will serve the interest of all Malaysians and will be the best approach to improve the competitiveness, competence and livelihood of the bumiputeras.
So do you think that the government is sincere in its intentions? It makes us all wonder.
"DAP welcomes Najib's statement that “Having quotas is not the right way and is not good for Bumiputeras” but Barisan Nasional should stop the the policy of divide and rule among Malaysians of all races.
At a dinner organised by the MCA and the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ACCCIM), the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak has not only announced a new “National Scholarship” category that will be based on merit, but more importantly he had also hinted at removing quotas in all economic sectors in Malaysia by admitting that “having quotas is not the right way and is not good for Bumiputeras”.
The DAP fully supports all efforts to improve the economic livelihood of all poor bumiputeras and Malaysia, and believe that the quota system as has been implemented under BN's New Economic Policy (NEP) has failed the bumiputeras for it has promoted a rent-seeking culture, and entrenched cronyism and corruption among its politically connected beneficiaries.
Therefore, the DAP is willing to provide full support to the Prime Minister to eliminate the inefficient and ineffective NEP quota system, and in its place promote meritocracy, not only for scholarships, but in all sectors including education and the economy. The policy on meritocracy should be complemented with an affirmative action policy based on needs, and not race.
However, the goodwill and sincerity of Najib's statement is put to question when on the very same evening, his Deputy Prime Minister, continued to stir Malay racial sentiments with the clarion call that “Umno will fight to the last drop of blood to protect Malay rights” in his speech in Pagoh, Johor. Taken together with the Prime Minister's own persistence in Malay and Muslim unity talks with PAS, raises the question as to whether the Barisan Nasional government is continuing the policy of singing a different song to a different racial audience.
This divide and rule concept also clearly flies in the face of the 1Malaysia concept being preached by Najib, as UMNO continues to place Malay unity and Malay rights above everything else under its “ketuanan Melayu” concept where all other BN component parties and ethnic groups are subjugated to the authority of UMNO.
We would like to call upon the Prime Minister to put his words into action by delivering a Ministerial statement in Parliament to call for the removal of the quota-based New Economic Policy and to replace it with a New Economic Agenda which promotes meritocracy and a needs-based affirmative action policy to help all poor, regardless of race, creed or religion.
The DAP will give the Prime Minister our full support in Parliament to ensure that such a New Economic Agenda bill is approved as the new economic paradigm for Malaysia. We believe that a just, fair and equitable economic foundation will serve the interest of all Malaysians and will be the best approach to improve the competitiveness, competence and livelihood of the bumiputeras.
So do you think that the government is sincere in its intentions? It makes us all wonder.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
No inspiration...
I have lost my inspiration to write and I am not doing justice to my blog! Looking at the turn of events in Malaysia I feel I am losing hope for its future as the rakyat seems will ever change and this nation which was build by our fore fathers may not be truly 1 Malaysia that we aspire.
You may call me a pessimist but that's the way it looks. Take the example of Perak what happened was decided by the courts or at least looks like that. Today in TV3 Muhiddin and Zambry were seen meeting with the Sultan of Perak smiling away. It really makes me wonder what credibility does this man hold,I mean the sultan? I am also angry with the Perak people for being cowards! Ask me why? Just look at Iranian, they have more balls compared to us as they can protest outside their country demanding justice for the recent election at their homeland. Even in Malaysia they were seen marching on the street by hordes. They have more national pride than us so called Malaysian. We will only support people like Raja Petra, Zorrro,Harris Ibrahim's and other bloggers alike by being supportive in our views which are seen as comments at their blogs hero but when we are needed most we wrap our tail in between our legs giving all sorts of excuses to act. lah to change these people..only time can tell maybe another 50 years? By than I may not be around to rejoice the feeling of GE 12.
You may call me a pessimist but that's the way it looks. Take the example of Perak what happened was decided by the courts or at least looks like that. Today in TV3 Muhiddin and Zambry were seen meeting with the Sultan of Perak smiling away. It really makes me wonder what credibility does this man hold,I mean the sultan? I am also angry with the Perak people for being cowards! Ask me why? Just look at Iranian, they have more balls compared to us as they can protest outside their country demanding justice for the recent election at their homeland. Even in Malaysia they were seen marching on the street by hordes. They have more national pride than us so called Malaysian. We will only support people like Raja Petra, Zorrro,Harris Ibrahim's and other bloggers alike by being supportive in our views which are seen as comments at their blogs hero but when we are needed most we wrap our tail in between our legs giving all sorts of excuses to act. lah to change these people..only time can tell maybe another 50 years? By than I may not be around to rejoice the feeling of GE 12.
Monday, June 8, 2009
DPM On English
It came as s shock to me to know that our DPM did not know that English was not a must pass subject! The STAR quoted him to say that “ Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin is surprised to learn that English is not a “must pass” subject for SPM and wants public feedback on the matter”.
The Education Minister said it was a revelation to him as he had always thought that it was a prerequisite since students had to learn English in school and what further schoked him was that national schools no longer taught English grammar. “I don’t know how you can learn English without knowing grammar,” he told newsmen after launching the Kirkby College alumni association.
For the DPM’s knowledge a pass in English has never been compulsory for SPM for a long time it was during the LCE/MCE examination where you need to get a credit to pass the exams, but how times has changed. How do you expect students to be proficient in English when you don’t even teach them the basic which is grammar?
Well what surprised me was that a DPM did not know about this at all, wonder what Kerismuddin the former Education Minister got to say on this? If this is the standard of ministers in the cabinet how the heck are they going to govern the country? Only God knows, save this country!
The Education Minister said it was a revelation to him as he had always thought that it was a prerequisite since students had to learn English in school and what further schoked him was that national schools no longer taught English grammar. “I don’t know how you can learn English without knowing grammar,” he told newsmen after launching the Kirkby College alumni association.
For the DPM’s knowledge a pass in English has never been compulsory for SPM for a long time it was during the LCE/MCE examination where you need to get a credit to pass the exams, but how times has changed. How do you expect students to be proficient in English when you don’t even teach them the basic which is grammar?
Well what surprised me was that a DPM did not know about this at all, wonder what Kerismuddin the former Education Minister got to say on this? If this is the standard of ministers in the cabinet how the heck are they going to govern the country? Only God knows, save this country!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
UMNO Youth Helping Indinas?
UMNO Youth to help family to get their IDs glared the headline in STAR today! It is not for a Malay family but an Indian family. The paper quoted that UMNO Youth has stepped in to work together with MIC to help the children and grandchildren of M. Amara, 48, to obtain identification papers. Umno Youth Community Complaint Bureau chief Datuk Muhd Khairun Aseh visited the family at Pekan Rembia here yesterday and offered to help after learning of their plight in The Star yesterday. Their case was first highlighted by Kesidang assemblyman Goh Leong San .Several MIC representatives assisted Muhd Khairun and his team to gather the necessary information from the family and State MIC chairman Datuk R. Raghavan welcomed Umno Youth’s efforts to help the family.
MIC tak malukah allowing UMNO fellars to do your work? As it is people do not respect MIC members and by allowing this do you all think you can attract more members to MIC? Now UNMO is championing an Indian issue, sound interesting yet skeptical about their intention only now after 50 years of independence. UMNO there are many other equally important issues that need to be addressed; fair economic equity distribution, Tamil School, Temples, Social Issues just to name a few. I would only trust UMNO if there are policies discussed in Parliament to upgrade the Indians plight in Malaysia. Is this one of Khairy’s strategy to become PM before 40!
MIC tak malukah allowing UMNO fellars to do your work? As it is people do not respect MIC members and by allowing this do you all think you can attract more members to MIC? Now UNMO is championing an Indian issue, sound interesting yet skeptical about their intention only now after 50 years of independence. UMNO there are many other equally important issues that need to be addressed; fair economic equity distribution, Tamil School, Temples, Social Issues just to name a few. I would only trust UMNO if there are policies discussed in Parliament to upgrade the Indians plight in Malaysia. Is this one of Khairy’s strategy to become PM before 40!
Another Conversion Case
The Syariah High Court has ruled that deceased art director Mohan Singh was a Muslim at the time of his death on May 25 and should be buried according to Muslim rites. Syariah High Court judge Justice Mohamad Khalid Shaee @ Shaii ruled that Mohan Singh’s conversion was valid after hearing testimony from five witnesses and examining the documents brought before the court yesterday. He issued the order in chambers, allowing the application by the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) to handle the funeral of the deceased and also ordered the Sungai Buloh Hospital director to hand over Mohan Singh’s body to Mais. There could be hundreds of divorce cases been postpone for years by the Syariah Court, at least I know a few such cases! Why are they trigger happy with this conversation cases?
However, the deceased’s family claimed that the 41-year-old who died of a heart attack, had neither converted nor practised Islam, adding that he practised Sikhism and had performed the last rites for his late mother three years ago. On Wednesday, they filed for a judicial review at the civil High Court here against the Sungai Buloh Hospital’s decision not to release Mohan Singh’s body to be cremated according to Sikh rites.
There goes another case of body snatching and why is that the government dragging their feet on such issues? Isn’t this conversion issues a major problem among the different religious practitioners? What the heck is the government waiting for? Why is that the Syariah Court “Gung Ho” about issuing orders without thinking of the sensitivity others? This is not the very first case, there were numerous other cases pending court decision and the question is to which court shall the impcated people go to Syariah or Civil. Such a big headache that is making peoples lives miserable. Wonder is this is Najib’s 1 Malaysia concept!
However, the deceased’s family claimed that the 41-year-old who died of a heart attack, had neither converted nor practised Islam, adding that he practised Sikhism and had performed the last rites for his late mother three years ago. On Wednesday, they filed for a judicial review at the civil High Court here against the Sungai Buloh Hospital’s decision not to release Mohan Singh’s body to be cremated according to Sikh rites.
There goes another case of body snatching and why is that the government dragging their feet on such issues? Isn’t this conversion issues a major problem among the different religious practitioners? What the heck is the government waiting for? Why is that the Syariah Court “Gung Ho” about issuing orders without thinking of the sensitivity others? This is not the very first case, there were numerous other cases pending court decision and the question is to which court shall the impcated people go to Syariah or Civil. Such a big headache that is making peoples lives miserable. Wonder is this is Najib’s 1 Malaysia concept!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Malaysia at a glance II
A quick view of Malaysian scene:
1) The roof of the 50,000-capacity Gong Badak stadium in Terengganu collapsed at about 7.30am today.In the incident, 60 percent of the roof at the stadium collapsed, including that above the royal box at the grand stand. By the way it cost MYR 300 million! Even my rebah ayam ( chiken shed)is stronger only MY 245. No comments lah, let the people see for thmselves.
2)MIC will be monitoring the intake of local public universities for this year to ensure a fair and equitable selection process, said party secretary-general Dr S Subramaniam today.He said although the selection process was based on merit, there was a need to monitor it so that no deserving student would feel he or she has been left out.Same story different face feom Semi Value to Super money!
3)Transport Minister Ong Tee Keat today said the government will not bow to opposition's calls for a closure of the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ), despite the damning disclosure last week following the release of an audit report by PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC). The original estimated cost for the land purchase and development works in 2001 was RM1.957 billion ... (the) project outlay has escalated to RM3.522 billion as at Dec 31, 2008."Interest cost of the deferred payments to KDSB (Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd) amounted to RM1.425 billion resulting in a total project outlay of RM4.947 billion," the report stated. What the....there goes our paper money during Cheng Beng ( hungry ghost)
4) Nizar calims that"We have yet to receive the written grounds of judgment (from the Court of Appeals). Still, we may file the appeal on Monday (June 8) at Federal Court after discussion on the matter with my lawyers," Court of Appeals judge Md Raus Sharif had earlier said the written judgment would be released on May 29.However, a fax from the Court of Appeals office dated June 1 stated that the judges are still in the process of preparing the written judgment, said Nizar's lawyer Leong Cheok Keng. Hello...who is writting the judgment, dah outsource kot!
5)MIC president S Samy Vellu today called for the writer of an offensive article published in the Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia to be charged with sedition.
"I deplore the racial slur made by the writer of the local Malay daily where he had indirectly referred to the Chinese and Indians of Malaysia as 'kaum pendatang' (immigrants). "It is most disgusting, despicable and shocking. I suspect the writer is not part of the newspaper, but has been using it (the newspaper) to promote his own agenda," he said in a statement. Samy...samy calling samy...are you there? After 28 years baru nak buka mulut, oops sorry first time reading Utusan Malaysia all the while Tamil Nesan. My apologies Samy!
Enough of the good news now for the bad news, I am getting sick and tired of writting political news nak try " Mountain Biking" pula....boringlah nothing exciting happening all very, very quiet!
1) The roof of the 50,000-capacity Gong Badak stadium in Terengganu collapsed at about 7.30am today.In the incident, 60 percent of the roof at the stadium collapsed, including that above the royal box at the grand stand. By the way it cost MYR 300 million! Even my rebah ayam ( chiken shed)is stronger only MY 245. No comments lah, let the people see for thmselves.
2)MIC will be monitoring the intake of local public universities for this year to ensure a fair and equitable selection process, said party secretary-general Dr S Subramaniam today.He said although the selection process was based on merit, there was a need to monitor it so that no deserving student would feel he or she has been left out.Same story different face feom Semi Value to Super money!
3)Transport Minister Ong Tee Keat today said the government will not bow to opposition's calls for a closure of the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ), despite the damning disclosure last week following the release of an audit report by PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC). The original estimated cost for the land purchase and development works in 2001 was RM1.957 billion ... (the) project outlay has escalated to RM3.522 billion as at Dec 31, 2008."Interest cost of the deferred payments to KDSB (Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd) amounted to RM1.425 billion resulting in a total project outlay of RM4.947 billion," the report stated. What the....there goes our paper money during Cheng Beng ( hungry ghost)
4) Nizar calims that"We have yet to receive the written grounds of judgment (from the Court of Appeals). Still, we may file the appeal on Monday (June 8) at Federal Court after discussion on the matter with my lawyers," Court of Appeals judge Md Raus Sharif had earlier said the written judgment would be released on May 29.However, a fax from the Court of Appeals office dated June 1 stated that the judges are still in the process of preparing the written judgment, said Nizar's lawyer Leong Cheok Keng. Hello...who is writting the judgment, dah outsource kot!
5)MIC president S Samy Vellu today called for the writer of an offensive article published in the Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia to be charged with sedition.
"I deplore the racial slur made by the writer of the local Malay daily where he had indirectly referred to the Chinese and Indians of Malaysia as 'kaum pendatang' (immigrants). "It is most disgusting, despicable and shocking. I suspect the writer is not part of the newspaper, but has been using it (the newspaper) to promote his own agenda," he said in a statement. Samy...samy calling samy...are you there? After 28 years baru nak buka mulut, oops sorry first time reading Utusan Malaysia all the while Tamil Nesan. My apologies Samy!
Enough of the good news now for the bad news, I am getting sick and tired of writting political news nak try " Mountain Biking" pula....boringlah nothing exciting happening all very, very quiet!
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