The talk about 1 Malaysia by Najib has been the government’s mantra for the past few weeks and both the government members of parliament and the opposition haave been airing their personal views on this so called 1 Malaysia. Just thought of exploring the notion mooted by Najib or rather the UMNO led BN government on what it is?
Najib said that the concept’s meaning and appreciation should be based on three core principles – acceptance, nationhood, and social justice. “I hope the 1Malaysia concept will lead towards stronger unity. It brings the appreciation of unity to a higher level from tolerance to acceptance. If that is true then why is that he is proposing or rather asking PAS to re-consider its decision on muzakarah (dialogue) between UMNO and PAS for the sake of Malay-Muslim community saying that Islamic party should not allow political considerations to get in the way of uniting the Malay/Muslim cooperation. How interesting? How is that the PAS-UMNO cooperation will benefit the nation at large? How about the rest of the political parties, aren’t they suppose to be involved in this unity talk after all it is about Malaysia that they are discussing? What about the Chinese, Indians, Kadazandusuns, Dayaks, Sikhs, Eurasians and others? What role will they play in a Malay unity government and who will look after their interests?
Where does the 1 Malaysia concept fit into this muzakarah? Well the politicians have answers to all this possible questions? This is what Khairy, yes the guy who won the UMNO Youth leadership but holds no cabinet position. Yes...yes the ONE who was called SIL ( Son In Law) of the PM. If you still did not get it how about this? The guy who is married to Nori the daughter of Abdullah Badawi who happens to be the former PM of Malaysia and the wealthy unemployed graduate.
Anyway it’s not about his credential that we are talking about. He said that surely, neither UMNO nor PAS are going to squander attempts to engage with non-Malay/Muslim communities just by talking to one another. In fact, it is imperative that the muzakarah and any subsequent cooperation between UMNO and PAS continue with the spirit of both 1Malaysia and "PAS for All" to demonstrate the inclusivity of this union towards non-Malays/Muslims. Then why not call all the parties to this unity talk rather than just PAS? Why is that the talk must only happen between both PAS and UMNO? Is Khairy suggesting unity under UMNO?. Can’t the Malays unite under PAS? If all we seek is Malay unity then it does not matter under which banner they unite as long as they unite,right? Will UMNO take such approach? Only in our dreams!
He further added insult by saying that they “would not affect unity among the races," and that MCA was "confident that UMNO is aware of its responsibility to the people of Malaysia” .I wonder what unity is he is talking about; just look at race relations in Malaysia as it is only good on posters and bill boards!
At one side the PM is talking about 1 Malaysia but on the other end his deputy Muhyidin is stirring up Malay racial sentiments with the clarion call that UMNO will fight to the last drop of blood to protect Malay rights in his speech in Pagoh, Johor. Are they singing a different tune to different racial audiences as to one audience they are talking about 1 Malaysia and to another about Malay and Muslim unity and yet to the Malays they will die defending their rights? I am confused with this 1 Malaysia thing?
I suggest that Najib and company should stop talking about whether Malay unity is good for the country or otherwise but they should be focusing on Malaysian unity as it is better than just Malay unity! By the way we a multi-racial, multi-cultural nation so any agenda that should be discussed should include all races and not just the Malays!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
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