Bernama wrote a article about Najib's walkabout and I extracted some for sharing.
"He has been working hard since becoming the sixth prime minister on April 3 last year, and has been going down to the ground even under the hot sun to mingle with the people."
One day walking in the sun,making sensational news,how about those of us working in the hot sun all year long? Telur sebiji riuh sekampung.
"Everyone, regardless of whether they are farmers, fishermen, night-market hawkers or villagers, will be greeted by the prime minister during his visits across the length and breadth of the country."
So, what?
"The visits certainly benefit the communities of the areas concerned, regardless of their age, ethnic group, skin colour or religion."
But how come you and your cronies cry "ketuanan Melayu" and your famous war cry "Bathe my damned Keris with Chinese Blood" in 1988.
"(From this walkabout) I can not only meet them (people)... I can personally look at their real situation."
Isn't it part of your Job Description?
"It is not surprising that having worked hard for the sake of the people, and forgetting to rest himself, the prime minister had to "go on leave" after being taken ill with chicken pox at the end of October."
Ape cerita ni, you ada MC mah, sudah ambil kan? By the way berapa hari MC balance?
"In terms of foreign policy, Najib has brought Malaysia closer to many countries, particularly the United States. He met US President Barack Obama in Washington in April."
Hello Bernama, even my cousin in US ada gambar dengan Barack, so what's the big deal. Then again I heard some APCO connection involved in this meeting arrangement? May be rumours.
Bernama, are you in journalism or public relation work for PM's office or has the contract been given to you,does it mean bye bye APCO?
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
History the Malaysian way
History is the issue of the day in Malaysia as recently two historians spoke out as to why the history book has given prominence to Islamic civilization than a fair share of history. Well I am not a historian but I did extract some points from a mail by a concerned mother which was published in MT. Some of the points that were highlighted were as below and that makes us wonder what kind of history is the government and education ministry trying to teach the young minds.
a) The Form 4 history textbook devoted 100 pages to Islamic civilization while the other religious civilizations are barely mention with 460 and out of 10 chapters, 5 bulky chapters are devoted to Islamic history.
That's makes us all as parents to question why 5 chapters to Islamic civilization and why it is so great that it need such space? Why not write about the current Islamic civilization? I thought it was under Islamic History those days!
b) There is a detailed study of the life of the prophet Muhammad (pg 102 – 107). He is repeatedly praised throughout the chapters. Students are then repeatedly exhorted throughout the book, to emulate him as a ROLE MODEL in life (pg 106, 111, 124, 133, 137, 138). I wonder why?Is the Malay-Muslim emulating him?
c) Religiously biased viewpoint some statements found in the textbook:-
(1) Islam is described as a religion easily acceptable and not confined to any race, nation or geography (pg 185).
(2) Islam can be accepted by many people because of the purity of its teaching (pg 110).
(3) The uniqueness of Islam resulted in many people embracing the religion (pg162, 163, 185).
(4) The conversion of some Arab leaders to Islam in 629 AD is described as “an act done after rational investigation into the truth of Islam” (pg 133).
(5) Islamic social policies are described as so attractive that European Christians converted to Islam during the Byzantine era (pg 163).
(6) Islam requires rational thinking and therefore is accepted by all levels of society. (pg 185).( Really not seeing any in Malaysia at least)
Why is that the Malay-Muslim mind think with such narrow view about history and religion. Enough is done to educate the Malays in the religion and why such an emphasize in history lesson? It clearly show how shallow they are in their thinking and talking about the past and never about the present Islamic civilization? I wonder what they can talk about?
a) The Form 4 history textbook devoted 100 pages to Islamic civilization while the other religious civilizations are barely mention with 460 and out of 10 chapters, 5 bulky chapters are devoted to Islamic history.
That's makes us all as parents to question why 5 chapters to Islamic civilization and why it is so great that it need such space? Why not write about the current Islamic civilization? I thought it was under Islamic History those days!
b) There is a detailed study of the life of the prophet Muhammad (pg 102 – 107). He is repeatedly praised throughout the chapters. Students are then repeatedly exhorted throughout the book, to emulate him as a ROLE MODEL in life (pg 106, 111, 124, 133, 137, 138). I wonder why?Is the Malay-Muslim emulating him?
c) Religiously biased viewpoint some statements found in the textbook:-
(1) Islam is described as a religion easily acceptable and not confined to any race, nation or geography (pg 185).
(2) Islam can be accepted by many people because of the purity of its teaching (pg 110).
(3) The uniqueness of Islam resulted in many people embracing the religion (pg162, 163, 185).
(4) The conversion of some Arab leaders to Islam in 629 AD is described as “an act done after rational investigation into the truth of Islam” (pg 133).
(5) Islamic social policies are described as so attractive that European Christians converted to Islam during the Byzantine era (pg 163).
(6) Islam requires rational thinking and therefore is accepted by all levels of society. (pg 185).( Really not seeing any in Malaysia at least)
Why is that the Malay-Muslim mind think with such narrow view about history and religion. Enough is done to educate the Malays in the religion and why such an emphasize in history lesson? It clearly show how shallow they are in their thinking and talking about the past and never about the present Islamic civilization? I wonder what they can talk about?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Runs in the family kot
Bernama Reported: The news portal quoted Indonesian military spokesman First Admiral Iskandar Sitompul as saying that the BAE 146-200 aircraft left Dili, Timor Leste, and landed at the airport yesterday afternoon.As such, when the aircraft had to refuel in Surabaya, it was detained. It was allowed to take off at about 8pm last night.According to Kompas, the flight was carrying members of the Malacca government, a cabinet minister and “Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's son”.
The unnamed minister and premier's son, plus four others, were however allowed to fly out of Surabaya on a commercial airliner.
Interesting,wonder if that is the dad's or mum's side!
The unnamed minister and premier's son, plus four others, were however allowed to fly out of Surabaya on a commercial airliner.
Interesting,wonder if that is the dad's or mum's side!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Malaysia distorted history
By Zakiah Koya, The Sun
History textbooks are biased and littered with errors, claim two authors and academicians. Dr Ranjit Singh Malhi and Ng How Kuen, who writes history textbooks for Chinese schools, say their experience with officialdom does not augur well for the teaching of history in our classrooms.Ranjit, author of secondary school history textbooks since 1990, and adviser to the Ministry of Education (MOE) on history textbooks, said such material were littered with factual errors and distortions. He said that when he pointed out the errors and distortions, a ministry official labelled him “anti-national”.
“Five out of 10 chapters of the Form Four history textbook deal with Islamic history as compared to only one chapter in the earlier textbook. Why 5 chapters on Islam?
Historical distortion:
1) Yap Ah Loy (the third Kapitan China of Kuala Lumpur),who played a major role in the development of Kuala Lumpur as a commercial and tin-mining centre, particularly after the fire of 1881,”was only mentioned in one sentence in Form Two history textbook.
2) “There is also no mention of freedom fighters such as Gurchan Singh (“Lion of Malaya”) and Sybil Karthigesu who resisted the Japanese Occupation of Malaya,” he said. (Gurchan secretly distributed a newspaper during the Japanese occupation while Sybil, who was tortured by the Japanese, and her husband treated wounded guerillas of the Malayan People’s Anti-Japanese Army).
3) The most glaring example of bias, he said, was related to the downfall of the Malay Sultanate of Malacca. "The 1996 Form One textbook stated inter alia that a few Indian merchants lent their junks to the Portuguese in their attack on Malacca.
Ranjit claims that there is no historical evidence to support this fact.
This is how the UMNO led BN wants history to be remembered!
History textbooks are biased and littered with errors, claim two authors and academicians. Dr Ranjit Singh Malhi and Ng How Kuen, who writes history textbooks for Chinese schools, say their experience with officialdom does not augur well for the teaching of history in our classrooms.Ranjit, author of secondary school history textbooks since 1990, and adviser to the Ministry of Education (MOE) on history textbooks, said such material were littered with factual errors and distortions. He said that when he pointed out the errors and distortions, a ministry official labelled him “anti-national”.
“Five out of 10 chapters of the Form Four history textbook deal with Islamic history as compared to only one chapter in the earlier textbook. Why 5 chapters on Islam?
Historical distortion:
1) Yap Ah Loy (the third Kapitan China of Kuala Lumpur),who played a major role in the development of Kuala Lumpur as a commercial and tin-mining centre, particularly after the fire of 1881,”was only mentioned in one sentence in Form Two history textbook.
2) “There is also no mention of freedom fighters such as Gurchan Singh (“Lion of Malaya”) and Sybil Karthigesu who resisted the Japanese Occupation of Malaya,” he said. (Gurchan secretly distributed a newspaper during the Japanese occupation while Sybil, who was tortured by the Japanese, and her husband treated wounded guerillas of the Malayan People’s Anti-Japanese Army).
3) The most glaring example of bias, he said, was related to the downfall of the Malay Sultanate of Malacca. "The 1996 Form One textbook stated inter alia that a few Indian merchants lent their junks to the Portuguese in their attack on Malacca.
Ranjit claims that there is no historical evidence to support this fact.
This is how the UMNO led BN wants history to be remembered!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Najib's claim
By The Star
It is impossible for the Opposition to take over Barisan Nasional’s role in leading the country, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
He said the idea of the Opposition emulating Barisan’s success was implausible when they did not even have a common ideology.
Najib said Barisan had a proven track record of holding true to its promises, as compared to opposition parties which were only good at making empty promises.
“From the days of the Alliance until the Barisan leadership, we have proven that we keep to our promises".
What track record may I ask you PM?
1) The 100s of billions that BN has squandered over the last 52 years including by the so called father of modern Malaysia
2) The rise in fuel and other essential goods prices over the years
3) Cronyism and corruption of the highest level;Bank Bumiputra,PKFZ,IPP,submarine deal etc
4) Selective prosecution of certain individuals or race
5) Millions or billions spent on by elections just to win vote
7) Marginalization of the minority race
Tell me which country in the world implements affirmative policy to help the the majority or shouts race supremacy? Only in Malaysia and all under BN rule!
Just to summarize, poodah..puth!
It is impossible for the Opposition to take over Barisan Nasional’s role in leading the country, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
He said the idea of the Opposition emulating Barisan’s success was implausible when they did not even have a common ideology.
Najib said Barisan had a proven track record of holding true to its promises, as compared to opposition parties which were only good at making empty promises.
“From the days of the Alliance until the Barisan leadership, we have proven that we keep to our promises".
What track record may I ask you PM?
1) The 100s of billions that BN has squandered over the last 52 years including by the so called father of modern Malaysia
2) The rise in fuel and other essential goods prices over the years
3) Cronyism and corruption of the highest level;Bank Bumiputra,PKFZ,IPP,submarine deal etc
4) Selective prosecution of certain individuals or race
5) Millions or billions spent on by elections just to win vote
7) Marginalization of the minority race
Tell me which country in the world implements affirmative policy to help the the majority or shouts race supremacy? Only in Malaysia and all under BN rule!
Just to summarize, poodah..puth!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Zahid again
I am not sure why but this bloke Ahmad Zahid seems to grab my attention more than Najib or even Rosmah. He was heard still saying that he never said that Non-Malays lack of patriotism but their spirit of patriotism is not high enough. Well what difference does it makes whether lack of patriotism or low in the scale of measurement?
He went on to shoot down MP Kula saying that he maybe don't understand Bahasa Malaysia and didn't get A-plus for the subject. He was seen even to shout at the top of his lungs that he was not "race prejudice" and that he shared a room in the dorm with an Indian, which he reiterated twice. So what?
So what is that you shared a room with a non-malay during your university days? This is how intelligent he is, who never answer's the question but blabber something else.You are just another Malay racist just like your leaders in UMNO,period!
He went on to shoot down MP Kula saying that he maybe don't understand Bahasa Malaysia and didn't get A-plus for the subject. He was seen even to shout at the top of his lungs that he was not "race prejudice" and that he shared a room in the dorm with an Indian, which he reiterated twice. So what?
So what is that you shared a room with a non-malay during your university days? This is how intelligent he is, who never answer's the question but blabber something else.You are just another Malay racist just like your leaders in UMNO,period!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Meaning of Melayu
Melayu are stupid: Written by John Doe ( published in MT)
Who says that it is arbitrarily wrong to state the above? How many people even know who is a Melayu, and who is not? Do Malaysians even know the difference? Well, take a walk with me, and see how you fare on this educational journey.
The next time you meet someone who claims to be a “Melayu”, ask him, or her if he/she is a “Melayu Deli” or “Melayu Riau”. That’s the first question the individual needs to answer. A Javanese is definitely NOT a Melayu. He is a Javanese. The same applies to a Batak, Achehnese, Bugis, Sundanese, Sumba, Florence, Balinese, and so on. BTW, the Bataks are further subdivided into Karonese, Toba, PakPak, and so on. And NONE see eye to eye, and have much heated debates on which group is more “Pure”. I guess that they forgot that the concept of Thoroughbreds is directly propagating the concept of in-breeding. Somewhere, somehow, people just forgot this.
You see, in Indonesia, there are more than 164 suku’s, and Melayu is but one of them. Why is it so hard for goons like Abraham Ali to convince these Austronesian Migrants to call themselves a Melayu? The answer is so really simple. It’s because, in Indonesia, the Melayu are called “Lazy”, and “Stupid”, and “Totally Useless”. Go ahead, ask your Indonesian Maid what she knows about “Melayu”. And then call her a Melayu, and watch her putrid reaction. The original location for the Melayu is contested between the Medan regions, but more and more are agreeing that it was really in Jambi. Regardless, of which “camp” is correct, Medan is today, nearly void of any Melayu Deli. Most who have been to Medan, will quickly tell you that the Melayu are really really lazy people. Thus, no one wants to hire them, or to do business with them in Indonesia. It is so rare to find any Melayu who is hardworking here.
Read more:
Who says that it is arbitrarily wrong to state the above? How many people even know who is a Melayu, and who is not? Do Malaysians even know the difference? Well, take a walk with me, and see how you fare on this educational journey.
The next time you meet someone who claims to be a “Melayu”, ask him, or her if he/she is a “Melayu Deli” or “Melayu Riau”. That’s the first question the individual needs to answer. A Javanese is definitely NOT a Melayu. He is a Javanese. The same applies to a Batak, Achehnese, Bugis, Sundanese, Sumba, Florence, Balinese, and so on. BTW, the Bataks are further subdivided into Karonese, Toba, PakPak, and so on. And NONE see eye to eye, and have much heated debates on which group is more “Pure”. I guess that they forgot that the concept of Thoroughbreds is directly propagating the concept of in-breeding. Somewhere, somehow, people just forgot this.
You see, in Indonesia, there are more than 164 suku’s, and Melayu is but one of them. Why is it so hard for goons like Abraham Ali to convince these Austronesian Migrants to call themselves a Melayu? The answer is so really simple. It’s because, in Indonesia, the Melayu are called “Lazy”, and “Stupid”, and “Totally Useless”. Go ahead, ask your Indonesian Maid what she knows about “Melayu”. And then call her a Melayu, and watch her putrid reaction. The original location for the Melayu is contested between the Medan regions, but more and more are agreeing that it was really in Jambi. Regardless, of which “camp” is correct, Medan is today, nearly void of any Melayu Deli. Most who have been to Medan, will quickly tell you that the Melayu are really really lazy people. Thus, no one wants to hire them, or to do business with them in Indonesia. It is so rare to find any Melayu who is hardworking here.
Read more:
Peace of Mind
Came across this piece in the i was searching for peace!
A Beautiful Method to Find Peace of MindPost written by Leo Babauta.
How many times have you gotten upset because someone wasn’t doing their job, because your child isn’t behaving, because your partner or friend isn’t living up to his or her end of the bargain?
How many times have you been irritated when someone doesn’t do things the way you’re used to? Or when you’ve planned something carefully and things didn’t go as you’d hoped?
This kind of anger and irritation happens to all of us — it’s part of the human experience.
One thing that irritates me is when people talk during a movie. Or cut me off in traffic. Or don’t wash their dishes after eating. Actually, I have a lot of these little annoyances — don’t we all?
And it isn’t always easy to find peace when you’ve become upset or irritated.
Let me let you in on a little secret to finding peace of mind: see the glass as already broken.
See, the cause of our stress, anger and irritation is that things don’t go the way we like, the way we expect them to. Think of how many times this has been true for you.
And so the solution is simple: expect things to go wrong, expect things to be different than we hoped or planned, expect the unexpected to happen. And accept it.
One quick example: on our recent trip to Japan, I told my kids to expect things to go wrong — they always do on a trip. I told them, “See it as part of the adventure.”
And this worked like a charm. When we inevitably took the wrong train on a foreign-language subway system, or when it rained on the day we went to Disney Sea, or when we took three trains and walked 10 blocks only to find the National Children’s Castle closed on Mondays … they said, “It’s part of the adventure!” And it was all OK — we didn’t get too bothered.
So when the nice glass you bought inevitably falls and breaks, someday, you might get upset. But not if you see the glass as already broken, from the day you get it. You know it’ll break someday, so from the beginning, see it as already broken. Be a time-traveler, or someone with time-traveling vision, and see the future of this glass, from this moment until it inevitably breaks.
And when it breaks, you won’t be upset or sad — because it was already broken, from the day you got it. And you’ll realize that every moment you have with it is precious.
Expect your child to mess up — all children do. And don’t get so upset when they mess up, when they don’t do what they’re “supposed” to do … because they’re supposed to mess up.
Expect your partner to be less than perfect.
Expect your friend to not show up sometimes.
Expect things to go not according to plan.
Expect people to be rude sometimes.
Expect coworkers not to come through sometimes.
Expect roommates not to wash their dishes or pick up their clothes, sometimes.
Expect the glass to break.
And accept it.
You won’t change these inevitable facts — they will happen, eventually. And if you expect it to happen — even see it as already happening, before it happens — you won’t get so upset.
You won’t overreact. You’ll respond appropriately, but not overreact. You can talk to the person about their behavior, and ask them kindly to consider your feelings when they do this … but you won’t get overly emotional and blow things out of proportion.
You’ll smile, and think, “I expected that to happen. The glass was already broken. And I accept that.”
You’ll have peace of mind. And that, my friends, is a welcome surprise.
Find peace my friends!
A Beautiful Method to Find Peace of MindPost written by Leo Babauta.
How many times have you gotten upset because someone wasn’t doing their job, because your child isn’t behaving, because your partner or friend isn’t living up to his or her end of the bargain?
How many times have you been irritated when someone doesn’t do things the way you’re used to? Or when you’ve planned something carefully and things didn’t go as you’d hoped?
This kind of anger and irritation happens to all of us — it’s part of the human experience.
One thing that irritates me is when people talk during a movie. Or cut me off in traffic. Or don’t wash their dishes after eating. Actually, I have a lot of these little annoyances — don’t we all?
And it isn’t always easy to find peace when you’ve become upset or irritated.
Let me let you in on a little secret to finding peace of mind: see the glass as already broken.
See, the cause of our stress, anger and irritation is that things don’t go the way we like, the way we expect them to. Think of how many times this has been true for you.
And so the solution is simple: expect things to go wrong, expect things to be different than we hoped or planned, expect the unexpected to happen. And accept it.
One quick example: on our recent trip to Japan, I told my kids to expect things to go wrong — they always do on a trip. I told them, “See it as part of the adventure.”
And this worked like a charm. When we inevitably took the wrong train on a foreign-language subway system, or when it rained on the day we went to Disney Sea, or when we took three trains and walked 10 blocks only to find the National Children’s Castle closed on Mondays … they said, “It’s part of the adventure!” And it was all OK — we didn’t get too bothered.
So when the nice glass you bought inevitably falls and breaks, someday, you might get upset. But not if you see the glass as already broken, from the day you get it. You know it’ll break someday, so from the beginning, see it as already broken. Be a time-traveler, or someone with time-traveling vision, and see the future of this glass, from this moment until it inevitably breaks.
And when it breaks, you won’t be upset or sad — because it was already broken, from the day you got it. And you’ll realize that every moment you have with it is precious.
Expect your child to mess up — all children do. And don’t get so upset when they mess up, when they don’t do what they’re “supposed” to do … because they’re supposed to mess up.
Expect your partner to be less than perfect.
Expect your friend to not show up sometimes.
Expect things to go not according to plan.
Expect people to be rude sometimes.
Expect coworkers not to come through sometimes.
Expect roommates not to wash their dishes or pick up their clothes, sometimes.
Expect the glass to break.
And accept it.
You won’t change these inevitable facts — they will happen, eventually. And if you expect it to happen — even see it as already happening, before it happens — you won’t get so upset.
You won’t overreact. You’ll respond appropriately, but not overreact. You can talk to the person about their behavior, and ask them kindly to consider your feelings when they do this … but you won’t get overly emotional and blow things out of proportion.
You’ll smile, and think, “I expected that to happen. The glass was already broken. And I accept that.”
You’ll have peace of mind. And that, my friends, is a welcome surprise.
Find peace my friends!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The sultan selangor is sadden
(The Star) - Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah is saddened by certain quarters who question the special privileges of the Malays, the relevance of the Malay royal institution and its role in the country’s administration.
Hello, you folks are masyarakat kebajikan..allowance for everything and everyone..what crap is he talking? His sister took millions by just signing papers!
The Sultan said the Malay Rulers were very important in the administration of the country and played a role in protecting the interests and well being of the country’s multi-racial citizens.
Like how the minorities were protected under the monarch; Orang Asal, and the Indians were protected..poorah!
Sultan Sharafuddin also said he was happy and proud that the Government had made History a compulsory subject in schools.This move, he said, would open up minds and create an understanding of the country’s historical events, thus preventing misunderstanding among the people.
Aiseh man than why our history only started with Melaka Sultanate, why not with Lembah Bujang? Have you forgotten that your forefathers paid protection money to China and Siam?
Hello, you folks are masyarakat kebajikan..allowance for everything and everyone..what crap is he talking? His sister took millions by just signing papers!
The Sultan said the Malay Rulers were very important in the administration of the country and played a role in protecting the interests and well being of the country’s multi-racial citizens.
Like how the minorities were protected under the monarch; Orang Asal, and the Indians were protected..poorah!
Sultan Sharafuddin also said he was happy and proud that the Government had made History a compulsory subject in schools.This move, he said, would open up minds and create an understanding of the country’s historical events, thus preventing misunderstanding among the people.
Aiseh man than why our history only started with Melaka Sultanate, why not with Lembah Bujang? Have you forgotten that your forefathers paid protection money to China and Siam?
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Current issues in Malaysia
1. PKR in a mess with electoral irregularities...which the President and her gentlemen are vehemently denying. Claims of election fraud surfaces.
2. Wan Azizah, claims that DSAI is god's gift to Malaysia..seriously..get real
3. Najib opens up for Third Force joining in as BN friendly nampak.
4. Zaid Ibrahim to form new political party in Jan..something to look for.
5. Another Malay teacher calls the non-malays to balik China and what's new with the malay government servants..satu lagi project BN-BTN. Najib..najis..oops
6.Muhamd Taib is still standing,after series of scandals,claims to received inspiration after his Mecca trip.How to make more i suppose!
2. Wan Azizah, claims that DSAI is god's gift to Malaysia..seriously..get real
3. Najib opens up for Third Force joining in as BN friendly nampak.
4. Zaid Ibrahim to form new political party in Jan..something to look for.
5. Another Malay teacher calls the non-malays to balik China and what's new with the malay government servants..satu lagi project BN-BTN. Najib..najis..oops
6.Muhamd Taib is still standing,after series of scandals,claims to received inspiration after his Mecca trip.How to make more i suppose!
Anwar...god's gift to Malaysia
PETALING JAYA: PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ibrahim today proclaimed that God has chosen her husband, Anwar Ibrahim, to lead Malaysians towards a better future, and there is no one else who could surpass his leadership strength.In her keynote address to 1,500 delegates at the second day of the PKR national congress here, the doctor-turned-politician said that Anwar was no ordinary man. wonder PKR is in a mess...just read the papers!Purtrajaya dream...dream on..buddy! wonder PKR is in a mess...just read the papers!Purtrajaya dream...dream on..buddy!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Another UMNO Idiot
Zahid the kononnya Minister of Defence recently said that the Non-Bumis are less patriotic and that is the reason why they make up lower number of personnel's. Later the idiot minister denied questioning the loyalty and integrity of the non-Malays and instead defended that his parliamentary reply stated that the “sense patriotism is not strong enough”.
Anyway some comments in Malaysiakini for your reading pleasure:
Anonymous Ahmad Zahid is just being Racist when he intentionally used that Phrase in his reply in Parliament. He was trying to score political Brownies not realising that it will ruffle feathers across the Divide. This irresponsible Action of Ahmad Zahid should be reprimanded by the Prime Minister.
Gerard Samuel Vijayan: The reasons why Chinese, Indians and non-Muslim bumiputeras from Sabah and Sarawak shun the armed forces are two fold: (a) no prospect of promotion based on merit, experience, ability and competence unless you convert to being a Muslim and be classified as a Malay and (b) the reluctance of the Malay/Muslim majority rank and file to serve under a non-Malay/Muslim commanding officer thanks to the indoctrination by UMNO/BN and the BTN of the armed forces with the "Ketuanan Melayu" racist ideology which renders non-Malays/Muslims as the enemy. The fact that the Royal Malay Regiment has more battalions then the Royal Rangers Regiment only points to the insecurity of the Malay/Muslim majority, and the military establishment's insistence that political and operational command over the armed forces be in Malay/Muslim hands since 1969 has ensured that the armed forces of Malaysia is Malay/Muslim dominated although they only make up 52% of the present population.
KETUA KAMPUNG The Ministry of Defence is one of the most corrupted ministries. Zahid should talk less and put his house in order first. Zahid has also tried to make himself a hero as Penang UMNO chief but again and again he had proved himself to be an empty vassel.
Anyway some comments in Malaysiakini for your reading pleasure:
Anonymous Ahmad Zahid is just being Racist when he intentionally used that Phrase in his reply in Parliament. He was trying to score political Brownies not realising that it will ruffle feathers across the Divide. This irresponsible Action of Ahmad Zahid should be reprimanded by the Prime Minister.
Gerard Samuel Vijayan: The reasons why Chinese, Indians and non-Muslim bumiputeras from Sabah and Sarawak shun the armed forces are two fold: (a) no prospect of promotion based on merit, experience, ability and competence unless you convert to being a Muslim and be classified as a Malay and (b) the reluctance of the Malay/Muslim majority rank and file to serve under a non-Malay/Muslim commanding officer thanks to the indoctrination by UMNO/BN and the BTN of the armed forces with the "Ketuanan Melayu" racist ideology which renders non-Malays/Muslims as the enemy. The fact that the Royal Malay Regiment has more battalions then the Royal Rangers Regiment only points to the insecurity of the Malay/Muslim majority, and the military establishment's insistence that political and operational command over the armed forces be in Malay/Muslim hands since 1969 has ensured that the armed forces of Malaysia is Malay/Muslim dominated although they only make up 52% of the present population.
KETUA KAMPUNG The Ministry of Defence is one of the most corrupted ministries. Zahid should talk less and put his house in order first. Zahid has also tried to make himself a hero as Penang UMNO chief but again and again he had proved himself to be an empty vassel.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Reply mail to Mahathir
Interesting reply by Valerie Mohan in Malaysian Chronicle
I really don't understand how someone as intelligent as you can come up with statements that are so blatantly ignorant. I'm 25 years old, my grandparents came from Kerala and I only speak English and Malay. I've never been to India, don't speak the language and all I can say is tanah tumpahnya darahku.
How dare you talk about fair distribution when you and your cronies have amassed vast fortunes at the expense of others? I don't see you going out among the less fortunate Malays and equitably distributing your wealth! If I follow from what you wrote you didn't deserve a place at medical school which means you took the place of someone who better deserved it. Which is what is happening all over this country in every arena.
Its not racial issues that the people are most concerned about its a lack of competency that is perpetuated because of racial policies. Malaysians would not care if the vast majority of the government were Malay if they were able to discharge their duties competently. If there were 10 doctors and only one was Malay I would go to him if he was best at his job. But we have idiots running this country (the government, the police, the MACC, the judiciary) to the ground and they happen to be a Malay majority so of course people are pissed.
For further reading go to the below link:
I really don't understand how someone as intelligent as you can come up with statements that are so blatantly ignorant. I'm 25 years old, my grandparents came from Kerala and I only speak English and Malay. I've never been to India, don't speak the language and all I can say is tanah tumpahnya darahku.
How dare you talk about fair distribution when you and your cronies have amassed vast fortunes at the expense of others? I don't see you going out among the less fortunate Malays and equitably distributing your wealth! If I follow from what you wrote you didn't deserve a place at medical school which means you took the place of someone who better deserved it. Which is what is happening all over this country in every arena.
Its not racial issues that the people are most concerned about its a lack of competency that is perpetuated because of racial policies. Malaysians would not care if the vast majority of the government were Malay if they were able to discharge their duties competently. If there were 10 doctors and only one was Malay I would go to him if he was best at his job. But we have idiots running this country (the government, the police, the MACC, the judiciary) to the ground and they happen to be a Malay majority so of course people are pissed.
For further reading go to the below link:
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Najib's maintenance cost
Do the rakyat know how much does it takes to maintain PM and DPM's maintenance?
Malaysiakini quoted that the Prime Minister Najib Razak's recently announced Budget 2011 has revealed shocking details about the amount of money put into the "rental and maintenance" of the official residences of the country's top politicians.
According to Budget 2011, a whopping RM26,000 a day is spent on the rental and maintenance of the official residences of the prime minister and deputy prime minister, Bukit Bendera MP Liew Chin Tong said in Penang.
a) RM4,149,000 was paid a year as rental to Putrajaya Holdings - the master developer of the federal administrative capital Putrajaya
2)RM1,896,616 on maintenance.
3)RM6 million a year for the rental and maintenance works for his official residence, Seri Perdana.
4)RM3.4 million (RM2,273,888 for rental and RM1,129,992 as maintenance for Seri Setia, for deputy premier's official residence
"This makes up a total of RM9.4 million a year; in total, or about RM26,000 a day for the residences of the PM and DPM alone," added Liew, who is also Seri executive director.
Liew also told a press conference at the Parliament lobby that a whopping RM65 million is needed to carry out on Najib's official residence over the next two years! Wow, imagine what 65M can do for the poor Malaysian.
Malaysiakini quoted that the Prime Minister Najib Razak's recently announced Budget 2011 has revealed shocking details about the amount of money put into the "rental and maintenance" of the official residences of the country's top politicians.
According to Budget 2011, a whopping RM26,000 a day is spent on the rental and maintenance of the official residences of the prime minister and deputy prime minister, Bukit Bendera MP Liew Chin Tong said in Penang.
a) RM4,149,000 was paid a year as rental to Putrajaya Holdings - the master developer of the federal administrative capital Putrajaya
2)RM1,896,616 on maintenance.
3)RM6 million a year for the rental and maintenance works for his official residence, Seri Perdana.
4)RM3.4 million (RM2,273,888 for rental and RM1,129,992 as maintenance for Seri Setia, for deputy premier's official residence
"This makes up a total of RM9.4 million a year; in total, or about RM26,000 a day for the residences of the PM and DPM alone," added Liew, who is also Seri executive director.
Liew also told a press conference at the Parliament lobby that a whopping RM65 million is needed to carry out on Najib's official residence over the next two years! Wow, imagine what 65M can do for the poor Malaysian.
Monday, October 18, 2010
The PKR Fiasco
It is so unbecoming of the so called PKR leaders who are not only irresponsible but also silly as some making strong press statements, some making uncall remarks about other leaders, playing dirty politics during the nomination and other unethical behaviours all this while since 2008 winning. I am becoming disillusioned about them taking over Putrajaya as they have not given enough reasons for the rakyat to believe that they are a capable of take over Putrajaya as they are busy with fighting each other for positions. The joke is that they whack BN for playing dirty politics in fact they are the same. If they are not careful they can forget about marching into Putrajaya as the dream is slowly fading away. Why you may ask, they are not showing the public that they are united as party neither displaying any leadership qualities including DSAI. DAP with their Perak fiasco and PRK with the internal politics as seen during this election is not very pleasing. Beware BN is gaining mileage recently with their “Bersama Rakyat” Programs all over the country as they are solving some grass root problems which should be your focus which you have failed misreably. If you jokers are going to continue with your infightings than you don’t deserve to be leaders of this nation either the rakyat shall vote for BN once again or a third force may become a reality.DSAI either you show your leadership qualities in managing your party or make way for others to lead!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Perkasa or Perkosa
Perkasa claimed today that remarks made by a National Civics Bureau (BTN) official had been “misinterpreted” by news reports as being racist. Perkasa Youth chief Arman Azha Abu Hanifah said he had accompanied BTN deputy director Hamim Husain to lodge a police report against The Malaysian Insider for “misinterpreting” the contents of his speech during a Puteri Umno function last week.Hamim, during a closed-door Puteri Umno function, referred to the Chinese and Indian communities as “Si Mata Sepet” and “Si Botol” respectively when asking Puteri Umno members to approach the non-Malays for votes.
“He (Hamim) had lodged a report against the reporter and the news company for entering a private function, as well as misinterpreting what he had said,” claimed Arman.He is not wrong with what he said... it was said during a private closed-door function. Media has to respect when it is a private function. If you report about what was said privately, you are jeopardising the country’s racial harmony,” said Arman.
Now he is making a police report, wow, how twisted this bloke can be. So Arman,it is okay to make racist remarks under closed door? Hang ni...betul..betul pandai bin cerdik!Now we know why Perkasa's upstairs is empty.Now we know why the nation is so divided as all the while they have been fueling racism and hatred amongst the Malays!Good for 1 Malaysia.
“He (Hamim) had lodged a report against the reporter and the news company for entering a private function, as well as misinterpreting what he had said,” claimed Arman.He is not wrong with what he said... it was said during a private closed-door function. Media has to respect when it is a private function. If you report about what was said privately, you are jeopardising the country’s racial harmony,” said Arman.
Now he is making a police report, wow, how twisted this bloke can be. So Arman,it is okay to make racist remarks under closed door? Hang ni...betul..betul pandai bin cerdik!Now we know why Perkasa's upstairs is empty.Now we know why the nation is so divided as all the while they have been fueling racism and hatred amongst the Malays!Good for 1 Malaysia.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Ridhuan Tee Abdullah
What I read in Ridhuan Tee's blog.
"Lihatlah toleransi kita di sini. Pada saya kerana Melayu memeluk Islam 600 tahun lalulah yang menyebabkan orang bukan Islam boleh hidup senang-lenang di bumi bertuah ini. Nilai-nilai Islam mengajar orang Melayu supaya menjaga hak bukan Islam dan jangan menganiayai mereka. Andainya orang Melayu tidak memeluk Islam, apakah nasib bukan Melayu akan menjadi seperti umat Islam di negeri China atau di India, yang begitu tertindas dan teraniaya? Sebenarnya Islamlah yang melembutkan hati orang Melayu untuk menerima orang bukan Melayu di negara ini.
Cuba kita bandingkan bagaimana keadaan orang Islam yang tinggal di kawasan majoriti bukan Islam. Toleransinya amat tinggi. Umat Islam tidak menimbulkan masalah kepada bukan Islam, kecuali haknya diambil dan mereka ditindas, seperti yang berlaku di Selatan Thai, Filipina dan Palestin. Melayu Islam di Singapurapun tidak bising-bising walaupun tanahair mereka dirampas."
You make your own conclusion!
"Lihatlah toleransi kita di sini. Pada saya kerana Melayu memeluk Islam 600 tahun lalulah yang menyebabkan orang bukan Islam boleh hidup senang-lenang di bumi bertuah ini. Nilai-nilai Islam mengajar orang Melayu supaya menjaga hak bukan Islam dan jangan menganiayai mereka. Andainya orang Melayu tidak memeluk Islam, apakah nasib bukan Melayu akan menjadi seperti umat Islam di negeri China atau di India, yang begitu tertindas dan teraniaya? Sebenarnya Islamlah yang melembutkan hati orang Melayu untuk menerima orang bukan Melayu di negara ini.
Cuba kita bandingkan bagaimana keadaan orang Islam yang tinggal di kawasan majoriti bukan Islam. Toleransinya amat tinggi. Umat Islam tidak menimbulkan masalah kepada bukan Islam, kecuali haknya diambil dan mereka ditindas, seperti yang berlaku di Selatan Thai, Filipina dan Palestin. Melayu Islam di Singapurapun tidak bising-bising walaupun tanahair mereka dirampas."
You make your own conclusion!
Mukhriz for better future of Malaysia
(Bernama) - Measures taken by the federal government have helped to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) this year contrary to the poor showing in 2008 and 2009 resulting from the opposition's disparaging remarks about the country, Mukhriz Mahathir said yesterday.The Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister said the disparaging remarks directed at the BN government had instilled fear in foreign investors, so much so that FDI in 2008 and 2009 dropped by up to 81 percent. When the investors kept away, the opposition blamed the federal government for what they claimed to be inefficiency in drawing investments. "They cause the problem and they blame us for it. However, the government always does its best to attract foreign investors," he told reporters when met at the Aidilfitri open house in Pendang.
So rakyat Malaysia, there you go, we could not attract any FDI because of the opposition and not any wrong doings of the government, thanks Mukhriz for your brilliant analysis and for revealing the truth or else we the rakyat shall be blaming the UMNO led BN government! Thank god it is so clear now.
So rakyat Malaysia, there you go, we could not attract any FDI because of the opposition and not any wrong doings of the government, thanks Mukhriz for your brilliant analysis and for revealing the truth or else we the rakyat shall be blaming the UMNO led BN government! Thank god it is so clear now.
Malaysia a Failed Nation
Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim mentioned that a recent report that Malaysia was now the “least favoured market” in Asia Pacific for investors has, which is a stark contrast with what the government has portrayed about the country's economy.
“Although the government has been trying to paint it beautifully, but the fact it we dropped two spots from 10th place to dead last,” said Anwar in a statement, responding to the report based by wealth management advisor Merill Lynch, a division of Bank of America, on its Fund Managers Survey.
“Our neighbour, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF) has surged 10 places to 44th,” noted Anwar referring to the World Economic Forum (WEF)’s ranking of 139 nations which also showed a decline in Malaysia’s ratings where the country had slipped two places in global competitiveness rankings to 26th in the past year.
Pleaselah Mr.Anwar, they used a different ranking criteria like the university ranking! We have our own criteria for ranking than World Economic Forum, so it is not true as we are better than Indonesia as we have their citizens working as construction workers and maids in this country whereas our Malaysian are not. So they you go we are better than others in the region even better than Singapore!
“Although the government has been trying to paint it beautifully, but the fact it we dropped two spots from 10th place to dead last,” said Anwar in a statement, responding to the report based by wealth management advisor Merill Lynch, a division of Bank of America, on its Fund Managers Survey.
“Our neighbour, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF) has surged 10 places to 44th,” noted Anwar referring to the World Economic Forum (WEF)’s ranking of 139 nations which also showed a decline in Malaysia’s ratings where the country had slipped two places in global competitiveness rankings to 26th in the past year.
Pleaselah Mr.Anwar, they used a different ranking criteria like the university ranking! We have our own criteria for ranking than World Economic Forum, so it is not true as we are better than Indonesia as we have their citizens working as construction workers and maids in this country whereas our Malaysian are not. So they you go we are better than others in the region even better than Singapore!
Now we know why
Malaysiakini quoted the Deputy Education Minister Dr Mohd Puad Zarkashi said right-wing group Perkasa was merely championing the people's rights as spelt out in the constitution."In my view, Perkasa is not being provocative or encouraging people to hate each other unlike the outlawed Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf)," he said when met by reporters at his Aidilfitri open house at Dewan Senggarang in Batu Pahat.
Mohd Puad (right), who is also an Umno supreme council member, added that matters related to Perkasa were made political issues but close associations between political parties and extreme organisations like Dong Zhong did not merit the same treatment.
Now you know why teachers are racist!UMNO is not gong to change....please vote for change in the next GE.
Mohd Puad (right), who is also an Umno supreme council member, added that matters related to Perkasa were made political issues but close associations between political parties and extreme organisations like Dong Zhong did not merit the same treatment.
Now you know why teachers are racist!UMNO is not gong to change....please vote for change in the next GE.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Not racial but something else
It was sad to hear that a successful Malay business woman was killed brutally. Some UMNO leaders, even the DPM had something to say about this murder and few visited the victims house. I wonder why? Who is Sosilawati, is she a business woman, or an UMNO member or just Malay woman. What if we replace Sosilawati's name with Ah Moi or Letchumi, would these UMNO leaders make a stand or even visit the victims family? The police appealing to the public not to treat this incident into a racial issue.Is there any reason to make it racial? It is a sad incident that many Malaysian despises. But let's ask ourselves why is that similar acts or deaths were not handled in a speedy manner such as Sosilawati's? I am not making it a racial issue either but why did the police not act promptly in solving some other murders over the years?Let me quote some; Triptipal Singh, 60, outside his home in Jalan Yeap Chor Ee on Oct 15, 1992; S Pathmanathan, 29, in his office in China Street on Oct 19, 1997; Chew Sien Chee, 39, in Bukit Mertajam on March 2, 2000; senior civil lawyer SP Annamalai, 59, outside his office in Green Hall on Nov 6, 2007; and R Thinakaran Raman, 37 in Prai on July 27, 2009. These cases are still unsolved and the Selangor Police Chief is saying that they have not closed the case and are still pending investigation! Strange isn't it that the police force still has open cases after 10 years or is it because the victims are all non-malays?
Not being a racist here...just a thought...would it be any different if the victims were Malays!
Not being a racist here...just a thought...would it be any different if the victims were Malays!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Mahathir Inc
Malaysiakini quoted what Mahathir said during Hari Raya Celebration recently.
It would be suicidal for Umno to cut ties with Malay rights movement Perkasa as the party needs all the support it can get, said former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Mahathir, who is also Perkasa's patron, defended the right-wing movement, saying that they are voicing out the feelings of the Malay community who find that Umno is no longer protecting them.
Mukhriz Mahathir begs to differ with Umno's move to distance themselves from Perkasa, saying that the two organisations shared the same struggle to uphold Malay rights.He explained that since they shared similar “root struggles” there was thus no need for Umno to alienate Perkasa
There you go! Both father and son should run for election and form the next government with UMNO and Perkasa members; Mahathir would be the PM and his son as his deputy under the Mahathir Inc banner!
It would be suicidal for Umno to cut ties with Malay rights movement Perkasa as the party needs all the support it can get, said former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Mahathir, who is also Perkasa's patron, defended the right-wing movement, saying that they are voicing out the feelings of the Malay community who find that Umno is no longer protecting them.
Mukhriz Mahathir begs to differ with Umno's move to distance themselves from Perkasa, saying that the two organisations shared the same struggle to uphold Malay rights.He explained that since they shared similar “root struggles” there was thus no need for Umno to alienate Perkasa
There you go! Both father and son should run for election and form the next government with UMNO and Perkasa members; Mahathir would be the PM and his son as his deputy under the Mahathir Inc banner!
Sunday, August 29, 2010 it true
Merdeka, what does this really mean to all of us? Do we really feel that we are free, some how I don't feel so when I read in the local newspapers how the people of the nation are divided under the racial and religious barrier which is an integral part of our society and every inch of sensitivity has been unearthed. Anyway that would be my other article.
Our nation may free from the British but another form colonism has taken over the minds and hearts of the people. Race and religion are the major stumbling block that Malaysia need to overcome as it is our common enemy and more so it is from within!
We are in dire need to be free from the dogmas of race,religion, creed and colour, only than can we truly say that we are Independent!A distant dream may be nevertheless a good dream to have. Wishing all True Malaysians a Happy Merdeka in the future!
Our nation may free from the British but another form colonism has taken over the minds and hearts of the people. Race and religion are the major stumbling block that Malaysia need to overcome as it is our common enemy and more so it is from within!
We are in dire need to be free from the dogmas of race,religion, creed and colour, only than can we truly say that we are Independent!A distant dream may be nevertheless a good dream to have. Wishing all True Malaysians a Happy Merdeka in the future!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Current state of Malaysia
Case 1
Penang Umno liaison chief Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi this week reported to have revealed the use of Lim's name in the "doa" recited after the Friday sermon at some mosques in the Permatang Pauh and Jelutong areas recently."What happened was clearly against the state Islamic Religious Council's ruling and this should be investigated by the relevant authorities, and action taken in accordance with the stipulated procedures," said Najib.
So Zahid and Najib, what's wrong with mentioning Lim's name in a prayer? Is it against your religion or UMNO Malays are so shallow in their thinking? So what if non-muslim mentioned your name in their prayers?
Case 2
In the incident on Aug 12, SMK Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra principal Siti Inshah Mansor allegedly uttered derogatory, offensive, insensitive and racist statements against non-Malay Muslim pupils during the launching of the school's national day celebrations.The principal was reported to have said that "Chinese students should go back to China" and likened Indian students to "dogs".The principal had also allegedly labelled non-Malays as “penumpang” (passengers) in the country during her speech.
This idiot is an educationist? Wonder how Najib is going to drive his 1Malaysia?
Case 3
Several Chinese newspapers today gave prominence to reports of a Sungai Petani secondary school principal accusing non-Muslim students of "disrespecting" the fasting month of Ramadan.According to the report the school cafeteria had closed for the fasting month and non-Muslim students were left to their own devices to find food.Later, at the school assembly, the principal was alleged to have said that the Chinese students - comprising 10 percent of the student population of 780 - had been disrespectful and that "they should go back to China".
It was claimed that when the assembly was over, another teacher approached the Chinese students to say sarcastically that they should take an AirAsia flight, since the fares were cheap now.
So the mere sight of food makes the Malays to lose control of their faith and batal puasa? The joke is that these teachers are involved in nation building?
Country in a dire need for change!
Penang Umno liaison chief Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi this week reported to have revealed the use of Lim's name in the "doa" recited after the Friday sermon at some mosques in the Permatang Pauh and Jelutong areas recently."What happened was clearly against the state Islamic Religious Council's ruling and this should be investigated by the relevant authorities, and action taken in accordance with the stipulated procedures," said Najib.
So Zahid and Najib, what's wrong with mentioning Lim's name in a prayer? Is it against your religion or UMNO Malays are so shallow in their thinking? So what if non-muslim mentioned your name in their prayers?
Case 2
In the incident on Aug 12, SMK Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra principal Siti Inshah Mansor allegedly uttered derogatory, offensive, insensitive and racist statements against non-Malay Muslim pupils during the launching of the school's national day celebrations.The principal was reported to have said that "Chinese students should go back to China" and likened Indian students to "dogs".The principal had also allegedly labelled non-Malays as “penumpang” (passengers) in the country during her speech.
This idiot is an educationist? Wonder how Najib is going to drive his 1Malaysia?
Case 3
Several Chinese newspapers today gave prominence to reports of a Sungai Petani secondary school principal accusing non-Muslim students of "disrespecting" the fasting month of Ramadan.According to the report the school cafeteria had closed for the fasting month and non-Muslim students were left to their own devices to find food.Later, at the school assembly, the principal was alleged to have said that the Chinese students - comprising 10 percent of the student population of 780 - had been disrespectful and that "they should go back to China".
It was claimed that when the assembly was over, another teacher approached the Chinese students to say sarcastically that they should take an AirAsia flight, since the fares were cheap now.
So the mere sight of food makes the Malays to lose control of their faith and batal puasa? The joke is that these teachers are involved in nation building?
Country in a dire need for change!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Sex Education in Malaysia
This was my friend's experience with her 8 year old's Bahasa Melayu homework.
"It was one of the days about three weeks ago, when my 8-year old daughter duly informed me that I was assigned some of her school homework. After a long day at work, I marvelled at the way she coolly delegated her homework to me. And I thought that only my office boss could delegate work to me. What a fallacy!
My homework that night was to log into my Internet connection and access a website listed in the following textbook:
Bahasa Melayu Tahun 2
Sekolah Kebangsaan
Buku Teks, Jilid 2
Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (2006)
Authors: Abdul Jalil bin Othman and Faizul Mashura binti Ismail
Editors: Zaleha binti Hussain & Fazilah binto Mohamedeni
Page 28
According to my daughter, the class teacher had asked those who had an Internet connection at home to access the site and discuss the online content the next day. There seemed to be no other specific instructions. After taking a look at the website address, my gut feeling told me that something was amiss.
So I decided to access the site without the presence of my daughter. A good thing that I followed my gut feeling for lo and behold, the website address pointed to various pornographic sites. I double-checked, used a different web browser, called up another parent (who did not do the homework), and rang a friend. Everyone who accessed the website address reconfirmed my discovery. What was supposed to be a website on consumerism (Fomca) turned out to be X-rated.
Trying to convince my daughter that the 'anglefire' website was “invalid” was another challenge in itself. She insisted that I show her the “invalid” message displayed on the website and I had to concoct creative excuses to assure her that it was perfectly okay not to complete her 'homework' that night. I know that I did not convince her totally. In retrospect, I am just thankful that I did not have to explain the birds and the bees prematurely to her had I let her surf on her own.
Soon after, I duly informed the school about this grave error. Armed with the textbook, I insisted on the Senior Assistant (who was the most senior person in the office at that time) accessing the website according to what was printed in the textbook. I told him that I could not explain the problem unless he sees the website like how I saw it.
He seemed taken aback with the colourful display of images and links. He took a second look and perhaps, a third. He then looked at me and said “Alamak, ini kinky punya website!” (Whoever said the standard of English is low in 1Malaysia…. 'kinky' was in his vocabulary list!).
And my response was “Ya la, Encik, dan ini homework untuk darjah dua. Ini masalah besar.” Up to now, I cannot figure out the teaching methodology of this class teacher.
Two hours after I was at the school, the headmaster rang me to explain the actions that he had taken. The Education Ministry and also Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka had been informed. Personally, I am not convinced that anything will be done effectively. The text book is still with my daughter. Malaysia’s censorship board should be activated and be kept busy blacking out the website address from this text book nation-wide. They have demonstrated their great “blacking-out” skills with magazines like TIME.
It was so ironic reading an article in the Star (17 August, page N8) titled 'Need for sex education to combat social ills, says council (Malaysian Council for Child Welfare)'. There is a renewed interest in sex education due to more cases of baby dumping. It makes me wonder if the website link provided is part of a brilliant, if peverse, plan for sex education for 8-year old school children in 1Malaysia."
So, there you go sex education in Malaysia started earlier some 5 years ago hence the Education Ministry need not to review nor implement anything...just continue with Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka's publicaton to promote Bahasa Melayu or Malaysia!
"It was one of the days about three weeks ago, when my 8-year old daughter duly informed me that I was assigned some of her school homework. After a long day at work, I marvelled at the way she coolly delegated her homework to me. And I thought that only my office boss could delegate work to me. What a fallacy!
My homework that night was to log into my Internet connection and access a website listed in the following textbook:
Bahasa Melayu Tahun 2
Sekolah Kebangsaan
Buku Teks, Jilid 2
Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (2006)
Authors: Abdul Jalil bin Othman and Faizul Mashura binti Ismail
Editors: Zaleha binti Hussain & Fazilah binto Mohamedeni
Page 28
According to my daughter, the class teacher had asked those who had an Internet connection at home to access the site and discuss the online content the next day. There seemed to be no other specific instructions. After taking a look at the website address, my gut feeling told me that something was amiss.
So I decided to access the site without the presence of my daughter. A good thing that I followed my gut feeling for lo and behold, the website address pointed to various pornographic sites. I double-checked, used a different web browser, called up another parent (who did not do the homework), and rang a friend. Everyone who accessed the website address reconfirmed my discovery. What was supposed to be a website on consumerism (Fomca) turned out to be X-rated.
Trying to convince my daughter that the 'anglefire' website was “invalid” was another challenge in itself. She insisted that I show her the “invalid” message displayed on the website and I had to concoct creative excuses to assure her that it was perfectly okay not to complete her 'homework' that night. I know that I did not convince her totally. In retrospect, I am just thankful that I did not have to explain the birds and the bees prematurely to her had I let her surf on her own.
Soon after, I duly informed the school about this grave error. Armed with the textbook, I insisted on the Senior Assistant (who was the most senior person in the office at that time) accessing the website according to what was printed in the textbook. I told him that I could not explain the problem unless he sees the website like how I saw it.
He seemed taken aback with the colourful display of images and links. He took a second look and perhaps, a third. He then looked at me and said “Alamak, ini kinky punya website!” (Whoever said the standard of English is low in 1Malaysia…. 'kinky' was in his vocabulary list!).
And my response was “Ya la, Encik, dan ini homework untuk darjah dua. Ini masalah besar.” Up to now, I cannot figure out the teaching methodology of this class teacher.
Two hours after I was at the school, the headmaster rang me to explain the actions that he had taken. The Education Ministry and also Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka had been informed. Personally, I am not convinced that anything will be done effectively. The text book is still with my daughter. Malaysia’s censorship board should be activated and be kept busy blacking out the website address from this text book nation-wide. They have demonstrated their great “blacking-out” skills with magazines like TIME.
It was so ironic reading an article in the Star (17 August, page N8) titled 'Need for sex education to combat social ills, says council (Malaysian Council for Child Welfare)'. There is a renewed interest in sex education due to more cases of baby dumping. It makes me wonder if the website link provided is part of a brilliant, if peverse, plan for sex education for 8-year old school children in 1Malaysia."
So, there you go sex education in Malaysia started earlier some 5 years ago hence the Education Ministry need not to review nor implement anything...just continue with Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka's publicaton to promote Bahasa Melayu or Malaysia!
Another Wayang by BN Youth
BN Youth has urged the federal government view seriously allegations against a secondary school headmaster who uttered racist remarks against Chinese and Indian students in Kulai, Johor, recently. “If it is true, severe punishment must be meted out to give a strong signal that actions that are against the 1Malaysia concept, which instils national unity, should be handled appropriately,” said BN Youth in a statement, which was posted on the movement's leader Khairy Jamaluddin's website.
Hello stop this wayang kulitlah..don't you all know that 90% of civil servants says" tolong orang kito sajo"!
Aren't you guys aware about BTN that spills racism and ketuanan Melayu! Sudahlah we have seen enough drama minggu ini and UMNO will never have the political will to change that shall bring out fairness and equality. By the way the Constitution says" Special Rights" not privileges both are two diffrent meaning!
Hello stop this wayang kulitlah..don't you all know that 90% of civil servants says" tolong orang kito sajo"!
Aren't you guys aware about BTN that spills racism and ketuanan Melayu! Sudahlah we have seen enough drama minggu ini and UMNO will never have the political will to change that shall bring out fairness and equality. By the way the Constitution says" Special Rights" not privileges both are two diffrent meaning!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Progressive Malays led by Perkasa
Datuk Ibrahim Ali described the MCA’s Chinese Economic Congress as “ungrateful” after the congress called for economic liberalisation, adding that the demands showed they are “extremists”. “Perkasa denounces and condemns outright their request for the government to lower the 30 per cent equity for Bumiputera. This shows their ungrateful attitude to the Malay community and Bumiputeras who have compromised and tolerated because of the social contract in our constitution.
I guess Ibrahim wants the Malays to be "masyarakat kebajikan" for rest of their lives without making any attempts on their own to be successful. I have many Malay friends who very successful working in the private sector without any assistance from the government. How can they be successful without any affirmative plans?
Some facts;
1) UMNO has been ruling the country for the last 50 years
2) Head of all GLC's are Malays
3) Head of most government department are Malays
4) Most or all district officer are Malays
5) MARA is fully owned by Malays
6) Most Ministers and deputy ministers are Malays
7) ALL Prime Ministers were Malays (may be not all)
9) More Malays study oversea using government funds
10) Vice Chancellors of Public Universities are Malays
11) Most Menteri Besars are Malays
The Malays had all the privileges all this while and yet they are not progressive who shall we blame? Either the Malays are really dumb or their own kind have sold them off stock log and barrel! Renung renunglah dan fikir-fikirlah sejenak!
I guess Ibrahim wants the Malays to be "masyarakat kebajikan" for rest of their lives without making any attempts on their own to be successful. I have many Malay friends who very successful working in the private sector without any assistance from the government. How can they be successful without any affirmative plans?
Some facts;
1) UMNO has been ruling the country for the last 50 years
2) Head of all GLC's are Malays
3) Head of most government department are Malays
4) Most or all district officer are Malays
5) MARA is fully owned by Malays
6) Most Ministers and deputy ministers are Malays
7) ALL Prime Ministers were Malays (may be not all)
9) More Malays study oversea using government funds
10) Vice Chancellors of Public Universities are Malays
11) Most Menteri Besars are Malays
The Malays had all the privileges all this while and yet they are not progressive who shall we blame? Either the Malays are really dumb or their own kind have sold them off stock log and barrel! Renung renunglah dan fikir-fikirlah sejenak!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Malaysia is losing fast to our neighbours
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Jersey haram for muslim
(AFP) - Muslims must not wear the famous Manchester United red jersey because of the "devil" emblem on its team crest, Malaysian clerics said today.
Manchester United and the rest of the English Premier League are massively popular in Muslim-majority Malaysia and the rest of the Asian region, but conservative religious scholars said the jersey is un-Islamic.
"This is very dangerous. As a Muslim, we should not worship the symbols of other religions or the devils," Nooh Gadot, a top Islamic cleric from Johor, said.
"It will erode our belief in Islam. There is no reason why we as Muslims should wear such jerseys, either for sports or fashion reasons," said Nooh, an adviser to the Johor religious council."These Muslims should repent, repent immediately," he said.
Another leading cleric, Harussani Zakaria, a cleric from Perak, agreed that devils should be shunned, not celebrated.
"Yes of course in Islam we don't allow people to wear this sort of thing," he said. "Devils are our enemies, why would you put their picture on you and wear it? You are only promoting the devil."
Hello Muftis, how about underwear and bra which are western in origin, shouldn't the muslims be shunned to wear them? Just checking!
Manchester United and the rest of the English Premier League are massively popular in Muslim-majority Malaysia and the rest of the Asian region, but conservative religious scholars said the jersey is un-Islamic.
"This is very dangerous. As a Muslim, we should not worship the symbols of other religions or the devils," Nooh Gadot, a top Islamic cleric from Johor, said.
"It will erode our belief in Islam. There is no reason why we as Muslims should wear such jerseys, either for sports or fashion reasons," said Nooh, an adviser to the Johor religious council."These Muslims should repent, repent immediately," he said.
Another leading cleric, Harussani Zakaria, a cleric from Perak, agreed that devils should be shunned, not celebrated.
"Yes of course in Islam we don't allow people to wear this sort of thing," he said. "Devils are our enemies, why would you put their picture on you and wear it? You are only promoting the devil."
Hello Muftis, how about underwear and bra which are western in origin, shouldn't the muslims be shunned to wear them? Just checking!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Hak ape lagi
Utusan Malaysia) - Orang Melayu perlu lantang menyuarakan hak istimewa mereka seperti yang termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan kerana pelbagai usaha sedang dilakukan untuk menghilangkan hak tersebut.Bekas Naib Presiden Parti Keadilan (kini PKR), Zainur Zakaria berkata, oleh itu orang Melayu harus bertindak segera bagi mengelakkan wujud ruang yang lebih luas kepada kaum lain untuk mempertikaikan perkara tersebut.''Kaum bukan Melayu kini sudah berani serta lantang mempersoalkan hak-hak Melayu, agama Islam dan juga institusi raja-raja Melayu.
Talking about hak (rights) this was posted in the internet as a reply.
Hak (rights) presently in place........
Hak to be promoted to high education even will lower grade.
Hak to be guaranteed a place in institution of higher learning based on quotas
Hak to purchase property with additional discount
Hak to all all the top posts in GLCs, Government
Hak to top post in Govt controlled Universities and Public listed companies.
Hak to employment not lower than 30 % Bumi equity.
Hak to a mandatory 51% Bumi ownership and some industries.
Hak to 100% Bumi top management position eg Petronas only employs Malays for it's top managerial and executive positions and awards contracts only to Malays.
Hak to all Govt and Municipal contracts are reserved to class "F" Bumi contractors.
Hak to APs for cars
Hak to attend special universities reserved for Bumis only.
Saya tak faham apa hak-hak yang di persoalkan oleh orang yang bukan istimewa ???? Tak cukup ke ???? ( I don't understand what are the non previleged questioning, as you have it all, is it not enough)
It makes sense doesn't it?
Talking about hak (rights) this was posted in the internet as a reply.
Hak (rights) presently in place........
Hak to be promoted to high education even will lower grade.
Hak to be guaranteed a place in institution of higher learning based on quotas
Hak to purchase property with additional discount
Hak to all all the top posts in GLCs, Government
Hak to top post in Govt controlled Universities and Public listed companies.
Hak to employment not lower than 30 % Bumi equity.
Hak to a mandatory 51% Bumi ownership and some industries.
Hak to 100% Bumi top management position eg Petronas only employs Malays for it's top managerial and executive positions and awards contracts only to Malays.
Hak to all Govt and Municipal contracts are reserved to class "F" Bumi contractors.
Hak to APs for cars
Hak to attend special universities reserved for Bumis only.
Saya tak faham apa hak-hak yang di persoalkan oleh orang yang bukan istimewa ???? Tak cukup ke ???? ( I don't understand what are the non previleged questioning, as you have it all, is it not enough)
It makes sense doesn't it?
Now another story
Immediately after yesterday's increase in prices under the pretext to manage the country effectively,the second finance minister said semething else!
The government will still have a surplus of RM10 billion even without implementing the subsidy adjustment, Second Finance Minister Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah said.He said the subsidy rationalisation programme announced this week was to make the country's economy more efficient."Taxes collected by the Customs Department and the Inland Revenue Board will be RM158 billion this year compared to RM148 billion projected when the 2010 Budget was tabled last year," he told reporters after handing over RM450,000 for the construction of the Taman Chepor Damai Surau, Ipoh.
The question is if we have surplus money why reduce subsidy? Economics major I understand our leader! What a logic, only in Malaysia.
The government will still have a surplus of RM10 billion even without implementing the subsidy adjustment, Second Finance Minister Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah said.He said the subsidy rationalisation programme announced this week was to make the country's economy more efficient."Taxes collected by the Customs Department and the Inland Revenue Board will be RM158 billion this year compared to RM148 billion projected when the 2010 Budget was tabled last year," he told reporters after handing over RM450,000 for the construction of the Taman Chepor Damai Surau, Ipoh.
The question is if we have surplus money why reduce subsidy? Economics major I understand our leader! What a logic, only in Malaysia.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
How people's money is plundered
They cut on subsidies which resulted in the increase in the price of sugar and fuel but they have $4 billion allocation for prime minister's department.You wonder why? Now listen to their explanation.
"According to the Malaysian Insider, Nazri says the increase is due to an increase of its civil servants which has doubled from 21,000 in 2003 to 43,000 this year.The reason for the bloating allocation, said Nazri, was due to the establishment of several new agencies such as the Judges Appointment Commission Secretariat, Secretariat Office to former premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and the Performance and Implementation Unit or Pemandu.
Several existing agencies like the National Security Council, the National Islamic Development Department (Jakim) and Early Childhood Education Unit (Permata) - a unit supervised by Rosmah Mansor, the wife of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak - also saw additions in posts which explains the increase in spending."
When the rakyat is suffering to make ends meet, these bastards are spending our tax money on agencies managed by the so called first lady!F@#&ing s@#t.
"According to the Malaysian Insider, Nazri says the increase is due to an increase of its civil servants which has doubled from 21,000 in 2003 to 43,000 this year.The reason for the bloating allocation, said Nazri, was due to the establishment of several new agencies such as the Judges Appointment Commission Secretariat, Secretariat Office to former premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and the Performance and Implementation Unit or Pemandu.
Several existing agencies like the National Security Council, the National Islamic Development Department (Jakim) and Early Childhood Education Unit (Permata) - a unit supervised by Rosmah Mansor, the wife of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak - also saw additions in posts which explains the increase in spending."
When the rakyat is suffering to make ends meet, these bastards are spending our tax money on agencies managed by the so called first lady!F@#&ing s@#t.
Low Level Politicians
I felt like vomit ting after reading this article posted in Malaysiakini and Malaysia Today. I want you all to vomit as well,happy vomiting!
KOTA KINABALU, July 15 — Malaysia is fortunate to have a prime minister’s wife who has a lot of ideas and is highly committed to helping the government develop the country, says Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.
He said Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor’s commitment in assisting efforts by the government led by her husband Datuk Seri Najib Razak in putting the people first had shown results in the creation of such programmes as Permata Negara.
“We can see that the objective of the Permata Negara programme is to produce human capital that will be vital asset in developing the country.
“We need to continue to support the efforts of Datin Seri Rosmah who is also concerned and pays a lot of attention to the plight of the less fortunate and disabled, among the groups needed to be given priority.”
Musa said this when officiating at the Annual Programme of the Wives of Barisan Nasional Elected Representatives 2010 here today.
Can you how low these politician shall go!
KOTA KINABALU, July 15 — Malaysia is fortunate to have a prime minister’s wife who has a lot of ideas and is highly committed to helping the government develop the country, says Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.
He said Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor’s commitment in assisting efforts by the government led by her husband Datuk Seri Najib Razak in putting the people first had shown results in the creation of such programmes as Permata Negara.
“We can see that the objective of the Permata Negara programme is to produce human capital that will be vital asset in developing the country.
“We need to continue to support the efforts of Datin Seri Rosmah who is also concerned and pays a lot of attention to the plight of the less fortunate and disabled, among the groups needed to be given priority.”
Musa said this when officiating at the Annual Programme of the Wives of Barisan Nasional Elected Representatives 2010 here today.
Can you how low these politician shall go!
KOTA KINABALU, July 15 — Malaysia is fortunate to have a prime minister’s wife who has a lot of ideas and is highly committed to helping the government develop the country, says Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.
He said Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor’s commitment in assisting efforts by the government led by her husband Datuk Seri Najib Razak in putting the people first had shown results in the creation of such programmes as Permata Negara.
“We can see that the objective of the Permata Negara programme is to produce human capital that will be vital asset in developing the country.
“We need to continue to support the efforts of Datin Seri Rosmah who is also concerned and pays a lot of attention to the plight of the less fortunate and disabled, among the groups needed to be given priority.”
Musa said this when officiating at the Annual Programme of the Wives of Barisan Nasional Elected Representatives 2010 here today.
He said Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor’s commitment in assisting efforts by the government led by her husband Datuk Seri Najib Razak in putting the people first had shown results in the creation of such programmes as Permata Negara.
“We can see that the objective of the Permata Negara programme is to produce human capital that will be vital asset in developing the country.
“We need to continue to support the efforts of Datin Seri Rosmah who is also concerned and pays a lot of attention to the plight of the less fortunate and disabled, among the groups needed to be given priority.”
Musa said this when officiating at the Annual Programme of the Wives of Barisan Nasional Elected Representatives 2010 here today.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Foolish Malaysian Politicians
Malaysian politicians are beginning to behave like comedians nowadays. You may ask me why? Just look at Perkasa which was supported by the former and present UMNO leaders namely Mahathir, Najib,Muhyiddin and rest of them. Now MCA Donald Lim is urging the Chinese NGO to emulate Perkasa, well technically not a wrong call if Perkasa can do it and it is supported by the UMNO Politician.Later I guess Samy Vellu may even decide on his own version of Perkasa. So what does this all tell us about these politicians; they are still a race based politicians who will never shred their skin of racism.When the whole world is moving forward Malaysia could be the only nation which is going back to the dark ages. Even in the world cup we could see players from different birthplace representing different countries in the latest tournament i.e Germany which was known to be an orthodox country in the past is slowly accepting diversity amongst their people and respecting differences in their nation building. Just do not understand why UMNO and the other BN component parties are fanning racial sentiments? I am biting my tongues to speak my mind here!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Mahathir Syndrom
Dr Mahathir Mohamad suggested today that future government leaders could open the immigration floodgates to dilute the number of Malays in the country. Dr Mahathir expressed concern that the majority of Malays were not prepared to compete and would end up as labourers and chauffeurs. The fixation about being a majority race is a necessity for Malaysia's racial politics.
Why is he looking down on his own people not that he is a Malay, shouldn't he shoulder the blame for not being able to help the Malays during his tenure. Didn't he cried shamelessly that he had failed to change the mindset of the Malays during his historical political drama. Shouldn't he be labelled as a racist over his remarks? He is no different than Ibrahim Ali, Ahmad Ismail, Abdul Safar or any other UMNO Leaders who talk with sweetener in their mouth but full of vengeance in their heart. Malaysia will never change with these kind of leaders who are still alive and running this country.For a country like Malaysia to prosper we need to go beyond race and religion, if you need model country to follow, look at Mauritius!
Why is he looking down on his own people not that he is a Malay, shouldn't he shoulder the blame for not being able to help the Malays during his tenure. Didn't he cried shamelessly that he had failed to change the mindset of the Malays during his historical political drama. Shouldn't he be labelled as a racist over his remarks? He is no different than Ibrahim Ali, Ahmad Ismail, Abdul Safar or any other UMNO Leaders who talk with sweetener in their mouth but full of vengeance in their heart. Malaysia will never change with these kind of leaders who are still alive and running this country.For a country like Malaysia to prosper we need to go beyond race and religion, if you need model country to follow, look at Mauritius!
Zahid mangkuk
Defence Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said there was no necessity to refer the purchase of submarines to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).The purchase of the Scorpene-class submarines was in accordance with procedures, he told reporters today.The government has paid a whopping RM6.7 billion for the French-made submarines. Out of the total, RM574.8 million went to Perimekar Sdn Bhd, which is owned by Abdul Razak, a known associate of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
So why is that there is no need to investigate as the public money is involved? Why Perimekar need to be paid RM 574.8 million? Oklah no need to investigate go and buy more submarines as our nation is under threat by our enemies! Bodoh punya minister, this is another product of Barisan national. Mangkuk punya minister!
So why is that there is no need to investigate as the public money is involved? Why Perimekar need to be paid RM 574.8 million? Oklah no need to investigate go and buy more submarines as our nation is under threat by our enemies! Bodoh punya minister, this is another product of Barisan national. Mangkuk punya minister!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Questions for god
I read this letter posted in Raja Petra's Malaysiatoday posted her for your reading pleasure.
Dear Dr. Laura:
Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination ... end of debate.
I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some other elements of God's Laws and how to follow them.
1. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighbouring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?
2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?
3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of Menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15: 19-24. The problem is how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.
4. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odour for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbours. They claim the odour is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?
5. I have a neighbour who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should I ask the police to do it?
6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination, Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? Are there 'degrees' of abomination?
7. Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle-room here?
8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?
9. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? Lev. 24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair, like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)
I know you have studied these things extensively and thus enjoy considerable expertise in such matters, so I'm confident you can help.
Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.
Your adoring fan,
James M. Kauffman, Ed.D. Professor Emeritus, Dept. Of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education University of Virginia.
PS. It would be a dammed shame if I couldn’t own a Canadian
I wish i could own some slaves from Thailand or singapore.
Dear Dr. Laura:
Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination ... end of debate.
I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some other elements of God's Laws and how to follow them.
1. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighbouring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?
2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?
3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of Menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15: 19-24. The problem is how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.
4. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odour for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbours. They claim the odour is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?
5. I have a neighbour who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should I ask the police to do it?
6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination, Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? Are there 'degrees' of abomination?
7. Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle-room here?
8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?
9. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? Lev. 24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair, like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)
I know you have studied these things extensively and thus enjoy considerable expertise in such matters, so I'm confident you can help.
Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.
Your adoring fan,
James M. Kauffman, Ed.D. Professor Emeritus, Dept. Of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education University of Virginia.
PS. It would be a dammed shame if I couldn’t own a Canadian
I wish i could own some slaves from Thailand or singapore.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Muhyiddin Yassin a new leaf..betulkah
The DPM today said "We should no longer fight for our own race like what we did some 50 years ago where UMNO fought for the rights and interests of the Malays, MCA for the Chinese and MIC for the Indians."The people now want a new approach and they want us to fight for all Malaysians, not our race alone. We must take notice of this and work along this line," said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
Wow I am impressed now that the DPM is talking about 1 Malaysia which he opposed initially! He even called himself Malay first and rest later some time ago! Now a new man, wonder what happened. Anything is possible in politics as far as Malaysia is concerned. By the way he said this during the opening of the Federal Territory People's Progressive Party convention at the Putra World Trade Centre. He knows that Malaysian are gullible!A fox may be a sheep's hide but will never be a sheep!
Wow I am impressed now that the DPM is talking about 1 Malaysia which he opposed initially! He even called himself Malay first and rest later some time ago! Now a new man, wonder what happened. Anything is possible in politics as far as Malaysia is concerned. By the way he said this during the opening of the Federal Territory People's Progressive Party convention at the Putra World Trade Centre. He knows that Malaysian are gullible!A fox may be a sheep's hide but will never be a sheep!
Melayu bangkit.....
Now we have "Melayu Bangkit" after Perkosa or was it Perkasa. Well it must be a coincidence when Mahathir was at both of these functions. By the way Mahathir is Melayu tulen according to Perkosa President Ibrahim something. Nak kata bodoh..pun tak boleh, tak kata bodoh pun susah juga! Wondering what will happen if the Chinese and Indian start a "Cina Bangkit" or "India Bangkit" rally? what will UMNO say? Will they start a May 13?
Saturday, June 5, 2010
What's Zul's and Perkosa's stand
When the whole nation is talking about the gambling issue yet I do not hear any whisper either from Zulkifli Nordin the defender of Islam who vowed that he'll do anything to defend Islam or the Perkosa leader. I suppose Zul was appointed as guardian of Islam in Malaysia,either by Mohammed (pbup) or may by allah? Ibrahim Ali the Perkosa leader has not even opened his mouth so far? Where is his keris that he pulled out of his ass and shove it into his nose during the inauguration of his organisation by Mamak Kutty Mahathir?
Why keep quiet, say something lah, kan alchohol and gambling is prohibited in Islam and Malaysian being a Islamic country under federal constitution which both of you have used numerous times in the past. Has it being legalised now in Islam in particular Malaysia.
Why keep quiet, say something lah, kan alchohol and gambling is prohibited in Islam and Malaysian being a Islamic country under federal constitution which both of you have used numerous times in the past. Has it being legalised now in Islam in particular Malaysia.
Mahathir want Samy to quit
Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad thinks that MIC president S. Samy Vellu should quit his post altogether "if he knows what's good for him".The only reason he gave is that he is no longer in government and neither are the others who were once with him. Why is Mahathir picking on Samy, when we have the equally glaring case of Rajah Abdul Taib Mahmud in Sarawak? Like Samy, he refuses to go away as well and continues to hang to power. Taib became Sarawak chief minister even before Mahathir became prime minister in early 1981.
So Mamak Mahathir why dah, you see no reason to call Taib to quit but only Samy. Is it because of he is am Indian? Dai Samy, the mamak is attacking you dah? What u going to do? Nothing I suppose, 52 years no do anything? Aiyo..karavaleh!
So Mamak Mahathir why dah, you see no reason to call Taib to quit but only Samy. Is it because of he is am Indian? Dai Samy, the mamak is attacking you dah? What u going to do? Nothing I suppose, 52 years no do anything? Aiyo..karavaleh!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
MACC is very efficient
Heard over the radio today that MACC will charge a policeman for accepting MYR 600 or 6000 as bribe. Very efficient one!How about the millions that was squandered by UMNO/MCA/MIC politicians and still going on. Why has MACC have not taken any action against them. They are very slow to act even after numerous complaints and reports but quick to nab small cases such as this or even of the opposition.PKFZ, Submarine,Double Railway Track, Second Penang Bridge, and many more. They do not want to interview the witness even if they are willing i.e Bala in Altantuya murder. If they are not pro government than what do we call this?
Monday, May 17, 2010
PM's Sibu Pledge
People & Performance First PM mentioned that he have not decided on his RM 5 million pledge for Sibu as funds for flood mitigation. That's not only what he said, he was heard saying during his election visit that as a PM this is not a place for him to be!
Apa ini, that must have been his PR excellence!Sibu since you didn't help him he is not going to help you either!He is PM for all Malaysian. Only in Malaysia.
Apa ini, that must have been his PR excellence!Sibu since you didn't help him he is not going to help you either!He is PM for all Malaysian. Only in Malaysia.
Not sure it'll happen in Malaysia
I heard over the airwaves today that a Minister in Greece was sacked from her ministerial position after her husband was found to have evaded tax.Due to this she was sacked!
Wow....what a credible government that they have over there. I wish only if Malaysia could follow some of it? Wishful thinking.....only may be when the government changes.Let's make that possible in the 13GE!
Wow....what a credible government that they have over there. I wish only if Malaysia could follow some of it? Wishful thinking.....only may be when the government changes.Let's make that possible in the 13GE!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Rosmah " 1st Lady of Malaysia"

Did you all know that we have a First Lady in Malaysia and who happens to be Najib's wife. I thought the first lady represent the President's wife or King's wife but to Rosmah. Some one must be damn stupid to even suggest that and Malaysiakini quoted that it came from her relatives and friends in the US!They even mentioned that the advertisement was borne by them. Is this ignorance or sheer stupidity? Let you decide.Malaysia Boleh mah!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Lets see PKR's support
BN Support in Hulu Selangor
It was quoted in the main stream media "Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin berkata sokongan terhadap Barisan Nasional pada pilihan raya kecil kerusi Parlimen Hulu Selangor Ahad ini semakin meningkat."
Translated loosely:The DPM said that BN is receiving increasing support at Hulu Selangor and he was echoed by Ali Rustam the guy from Melaka who is claming that the Melaka Sultanate is way before Parameswara.Thats another story!
Let me post two photos from different angle!
Photo 1

No you see it.....
Photo 2

Now you don't........
Translated loosely:The DPM said that BN is receiving increasing support at Hulu Selangor and he was echoed by Ali Rustam the guy from Melaka who is claming that the Melaka Sultanate is way before Parameswara.Thats another story!
Let me post two photos from different angle!
Photo 1

No you see it.....
Photo 2

Now you don't........
Hulu Selangor by election
It looks like Najib need to come down to the grounds to garner support for the BN candidate at Hulu Selangor, first DPM, than Najib followed by Rosmah and now the ex PM you know who he is the one that claims to be a Malay yet we know his origin, yeah the one who went to Singapore University under an Indian quota! The last time he was in Batu Gantang BN lost and now his appearance may cost BN a possible win at Hulu Selangor. Why you may ask? cause he has only one issue to talk about or maybe two, how bad Anwar is and how slow and useless Pak Lah was, no new issues for him to share. He claims that he is clean yet all facts are pointing at him for what Malaysia is now!Divided under racial line with one race calling itself superior yet looking for government support and grants to be successful!This is what Mahathir has made out of that race,no malice intended.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Ali Rustam on Melaka
Ali Rustam the ultra UMNO member claimed that the Malacca Malay Sultanate began in 1278 and not in the 1400s, as discovered by a research team appointed by the Melaka government.Chief Minister Mohd Ali Rustam said the year 1278 was chosen based or the Raja Bongsu version of the Malay Annals or the "Sulalatus al-Salatin".
Following the discovery, the research committee, chaired by Melaka Islamic University College vice-chancellor Prof Mohd Yusoff Hashim, agreed that Melaka began as a political entity, known as the Melaka Malay Sultanate, in 1278," he added. Hello if it was in 1278 how come it was called Melaka? Bodoh...punya Melayu come this idiots can get away with this kind of remarks. Ask your self when did Islam came to so called Tanah Melayu or when you jokers were known as Malays and you'll know if your claims are true?
Following the discovery, the research committee, chaired by Melaka Islamic University College vice-chancellor Prof Mohd Yusoff Hashim, agreed that Melaka began as a political entity, known as the Melaka Malay Sultanate, in 1278," he added. Hello if it was in 1278 how come it was called Melaka? Bodoh...punya Melayu come this idiots can get away with this kind of remarks. Ask your self when did Islam came to so called Tanah Melayu or when you jokers were known as Malays and you'll know if your claims are true?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
This is the DPM Speaking
Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin (below, left) has reiterated that he will not make any apology for stating that he is Malay first When I said that I am a Malay first, some dubbed me as an 'ultra'. But I am not afraid or worried what others may think just because I want to help my race first."And I am certainly not apologising for it," he said to a thunderous applause at the launching of the '1Malaysia Motivation Expedition Squad' organised by the Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS) student movement.Speaking to the 300 students at Universiti Malaya in Kuala Lumpur this afternoon, he also told them not to be afraid to fight for the Malay race.'Don't be afraid and don't be apologetic when people say that we are racist for only wanting to help Malays because the Malays still lack in so many areas,' he said.
Wow, I am impressed with our DPM, and I know now what 1 Malaysia is all about!Calling all races ;Chinese, Indians, Dayaks, Kadazans,please fight for your race's rights, just take the cue from the DPM.
Wow, I am impressed with our DPM, and I know now what 1 Malaysia is all about!Calling all races ;Chinese, Indians, Dayaks, Kadazans,please fight for your race's rights, just take the cue from the DPM.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Minister wonder why
John Doe wrote that our honourable touriem Minister was wondering why Malaysia fail to attract tourist unlike other countries in South Esat Asia i.e Thailand, Indonesia, Philiphinnes or even Cambodia.I'm just adding my thoughts.
STAR quoted that the Minister of Tourism, “Something must be terribly wrong if Malaysia, which is among the cheapest tourists destinations in the world, sees a drastic fall in tourist arrivals.”
I guess she is not reading the main stream papers, isn't it is written all over daily of the wayang kulit that is happening in Malaysia and not forgetting all the Satu Lagi Project Kerajaan Barisan Nasional!
Allow me to refresh her memory just in case she has selective memory like our Tun.
1) Tourists are just afraid of Burning Churches, or being hit by flying Pig heads or cow heads.
2) They are afraid of the khalwat-team knocking on their doors while they are you know what with their their spouse, or accidentally being caned for drinking Beer.
3) How about if they accidentally mentioned the word “Allah”? Would they be facing the firing squad?
4) They are afraid that they may be c4ed and their entire immigration information goes missing from their data base.
Hello do you know that our Lembah Bujang is much more ancient than Angkor Wat and Borobudur. Well you wouldn't tell the world, would you?
In case you don't know:
2nd Century Lembah Bujang, Malaysia
2nd Century My Son, Vietnam
6th Century Borobudur, Indonesia
8th Century Angkor Watt
Go visit Lembah bujang and you'll know what I mean and the condition it is now and all the artifacts that went missing! You @#@#$ are not proud of our heritage and you wonder why tourist are not coming to Malaysia!
STAR quoted that the Minister of Tourism, “Something must be terribly wrong if Malaysia, which is among the cheapest tourists destinations in the world, sees a drastic fall in tourist arrivals.”
I guess she is not reading the main stream papers, isn't it is written all over daily of the wayang kulit that is happening in Malaysia and not forgetting all the Satu Lagi Project Kerajaan Barisan Nasional!
Allow me to refresh her memory just in case she has selective memory like our Tun.
1) Tourists are just afraid of Burning Churches, or being hit by flying Pig heads or cow heads.
2) They are afraid of the khalwat-team knocking on their doors while they are you know what with their their spouse, or accidentally being caned for drinking Beer.
3) How about if they accidentally mentioned the word “Allah”? Would they be facing the firing squad?
4) They are afraid that they may be c4ed and their entire immigration information goes missing from their data base.
Hello do you know that our Lembah Bujang is much more ancient than Angkor Wat and Borobudur. Well you wouldn't tell the world, would you?
In case you don't know:
2nd Century Lembah Bujang, Malaysia
2nd Century My Son, Vietnam
6th Century Borobudur, Indonesia
8th Century Angkor Watt
Go visit Lembah bujang and you'll know what I mean and the condition it is now and all the artifacts that went missing! You @#@#$ are not proud of our heritage and you wonder why tourist are not coming to Malaysia!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
MCA Walkout
The Selangor BN convention was marked with controversy after 15 representatives from the Kapar MCA division walked out of the event shortly after the opening ceremony. Kapar MCA division chief Song Kee Chai told Malaysiakini that division representatives were outraged that the coalition's maiden state convention was preceded by the singing of the Umno anthem, soon after the BN anthem. “This convention is organised in the name of BN, not Umno. So singing the Umno song does not reflect BN and the 1Malaysia spirit,” he said when contacted this afternoon. Additionally, Song said division representatives were also upset that only Umno leaders were invited to sit on the stage, while leaders from other component parties were seated with the crowd.
He said his members were also upset with the keynote address by Noh Omar, who alluded that non-Malays should be grateful that they were granted Malaysian citizenship. Meanwhile, MIC secretary-general S Murugesan also expressed unhappiness that no arrangements were made for non-Umno leaders to be on stage.Despite boycotting most of the activities at the convention, Song said some of his members would return later today when Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak is scheduled to officiate the 'Selangor Takeover Plan (Stop)' campaign.
I guess MIC did not even lift their asses off the chair? Hello ini BN component party takde malukah? People don’t respect them yet still want to go one huh?
He said his members were also upset with the keynote address by Noh Omar, who alluded that non-Malays should be grateful that they were granted Malaysian citizenship. Meanwhile, MIC secretary-general S Murugesan also expressed unhappiness that no arrangements were made for non-Umno leaders to be on stage.Despite boycotting most of the activities at the convention, Song said some of his members would return later today when Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak is scheduled to officiate the 'Selangor Takeover Plan (Stop)' campaign.
I guess MIC did not even lift their asses off the chair? Hello ini BN component party takde malukah? People don’t respect them yet still want to go one huh?
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Khairy at SABM Forum
Read it right Khairy was actually attending a Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM) Forum? Don't think that he has turned over new leaf!Some excepts from the forum.
Haris Ibrahim and Wong Chin Huat, with moderator Khairy Jamaluddin. The topic - Racial and Religious Harmony: Understanding the ‘Allah’ Issue. The discussion was fast and furious with lots of incisive points raised, yet all the while not a single raised voice nor threat. This is the nature of dialogues we need. Now why can't Parliament take a cue from this?Haris went on the offensive. "The Federal Constitution is clear on all this. What we have failed to do is to uphold the Constitution in a dignified, unbiased manner." With regards to Islamic matters, Haris added "it has never been in the government's interest to nurture a mature and enlightened Muslim community"; the proof is all around us.With regards to Islamic matters, Haris added "it has never been in the government's interest to nurture a mature and enlightened Muslim community"; the proof is all around us.
Wong Chin Huat believes the issue is made more complicated because "religion has been appropriated to define the ethnic boundary of the Malays". At the end of the day, he added, it is less about Islam than it is about this ethnic boundary - what's inside and what's outside of it. Why is this boundary made sacrosanct is the more interesting question, he proposed.
UMNO Youth chief Khairy was a skilled moderator, totally at ease with the civil society audience. The controversial figure threw hard questions at the panelists, pulled up with well-timed humour, shared his own difficulties at constituency level, and involved the audience very well. "Many of these counter-arguments I'm making are the very responses I get when I'm in Rembau - they ask me, "Why do they have to use Allah? Why can't they see we're hurt?"
"Funny, because in Pahang, I experienced the opposite," replied Haris. "I've met with Muslim farmers there in the ladang and kebun... explained to them that the Bahasa-speaking Christians - without invoking Allah in their rituals as they've done for generations - they feared their prayers would be nullified, as in Islam. Their reply: 'Molek.' Beautiful. See, those I have met have no issues.
"It's about how it is presented. The Utusan way isn't the way."
The biggest laughter came with the final question from Khairy, who asked half-farcically: "Now, tell me, is 1Malaysia the best thing that ever happened since Merdeka?"
Chin Huat: "Well, I generally don't trust politicians. For me, the public needs to view them like pets. You have to train them or they will go wild on you. It's just like having a dog, you know. Put it through a training regime, then it will serve you well." (Ouch... the man can bite!)
Haris: "Where's the sincerity? You say 1Malaysia, but the nation is still divided into bumiputra and non-bumiputra."
Khairy: "But Haris, aren't you a bumiputra yourself?"
Haris: "I'm not a bumiputra. I'm an Anak Bangsa Malaysia."SABM had a little souvenir for KJ just before he left - our T-shirt which says Semua Anak Kita. 'Ngapa Harus Beza?

That's Mila there posing with the man who said, during the forum, he's staying with UMNO to help in its reforms.
We wish you well.
Haris Ibrahim and Wong Chin Huat, with moderator Khairy Jamaluddin. The topic - Racial and Religious Harmony: Understanding the ‘Allah’ Issue. The discussion was fast and furious with lots of incisive points raised, yet all the while not a single raised voice nor threat. This is the nature of dialogues we need. Now why can't Parliament take a cue from this?Haris went on the offensive. "The Federal Constitution is clear on all this. What we have failed to do is to uphold the Constitution in a dignified, unbiased manner." With regards to Islamic matters, Haris added "it has never been in the government's interest to nurture a mature and enlightened Muslim community"; the proof is all around us.With regards to Islamic matters, Haris added "it has never been in the government's interest to nurture a mature and enlightened Muslim community"; the proof is all around us.
Wong Chin Huat believes the issue is made more complicated because "religion has been appropriated to define the ethnic boundary of the Malays". At the end of the day, he added, it is less about Islam than it is about this ethnic boundary - what's inside and what's outside of it. Why is this boundary made sacrosanct is the more interesting question, he proposed.
UMNO Youth chief Khairy was a skilled moderator, totally at ease with the civil society audience. The controversial figure threw hard questions at the panelists, pulled up with well-timed humour, shared his own difficulties at constituency level, and involved the audience very well. "Many of these counter-arguments I'm making are the very responses I get when I'm in Rembau - they ask me, "Why do they have to use Allah? Why can't they see we're hurt?"
"Funny, because in Pahang, I experienced the opposite," replied Haris. "I've met with Muslim farmers there in the ladang and kebun... explained to them that the Bahasa-speaking Christians - without invoking Allah in their rituals as they've done for generations - they feared their prayers would be nullified, as in Islam. Their reply: 'Molek.' Beautiful. See, those I have met have no issues.
"It's about how it is presented. The Utusan way isn't the way."
The biggest laughter came with the final question from Khairy, who asked half-farcically: "Now, tell me, is 1Malaysia the best thing that ever happened since Merdeka?"
Chin Huat: "Well, I generally don't trust politicians. For me, the public needs to view them like pets. You have to train them or they will go wild on you. It's just like having a dog, you know. Put it through a training regime, then it will serve you well." (Ouch... the man can bite!)
Haris: "Where's the sincerity? You say 1Malaysia, but the nation is still divided into bumiputra and non-bumiputra."
Khairy: "But Haris, aren't you a bumiputra yourself?"
Haris: "I'm not a bumiputra. I'm an Anak Bangsa Malaysia."SABM had a little souvenir for KJ just before he left - our T-shirt which says Semua Anak Kita. 'Ngapa Harus Beza?

That's Mila there posing with the man who said, during the forum, he's staying with UMNO to help in its reforms.
We wish you well.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Comment in Malaysiakini on Najib's statement
Perkasa not so extreme: Najib
Beetle: Of course, Prime Minister Najb Razak, Umno can accommodate Perkasa because it is the offspring of Umno. Of course, Perkasa's views are not extreme because it represents the views of Umno. And of course, Umno will listen to the views of Perkasa, because Dr Mahathir Mohamad said it should do so.
Chipmunk: So now we have the PM for all Malaysians suddenly endorsing Perkasa as a not-so-extreme organisation. Next, you will see Perkasa going out all the way to bring racial discord and the PM will then say, "Oh, it is beyond my control", just as what happened before the torching of churches.
While Perkasa can go on protesting, why not let Hindraf and other NGOs go and speak their hearts out? Will the PM then keep quiet and say that they too aren't extreme? When will the government learn that our neighbouring nations are prospering while we shout at each other?
In the end, Malaysia will be left out behind. For God's sake, stop this nonsense and stay united as 1Malaysia regardless of whether you are Malay, Chinese, Indian or another race. Let's all stand together and get our nation back on track. Mr PM, you better do what you say.
Concern Citizen: Perkasa represent Malay groups - nothing wrong with that. But when Hindraf represented Indian groups, why was it outlawed and the ISA (Internal Security Act) imposed on its activities? Will Ibrahim Ali be arrested under the ISA?
Ksn: There you have it. We have it from the horse's mouth that Perkasa is another wing of Umno, albeit unofficially. With Mahathir at the helm of Perkasa, what else Najb could do? Endorse it, and that's what he did. Have the other dead BN partners like MCA, MIC, Gerakan nothing to say about this?
SMC77: I fail to see how the interests of Perkasa and the interest of all Malaysians are not mutually exclusive. Najib needs to take Mathematics 101. I don't understand how the interest of Malaysians can be protected if Perkasa is demanding 67 percent of all economic interest for its members regardless of the size of the pie.
Rayfire: The amount of attention and support Perkasa is getting is alarming. I do hope liberal-thinking Malays will rise to set things right or else we may be heading for disaster. Sorry to sound so pessimistic, but I guess their presence is causing unnecessary tension and unwanted attention in and out of this country.
Umno is definitely patronising this group. How else was the launch done in PWTC? Najib, don't play with fire. Racial tension is not an easy thing to contain. This frog (Ibrahim Ali) is trying to go even more extreme, and your endorsement will only going to make it worse!
Mahathir failed all Malaysians by opening their gathering where clearly nothing but illogical fear was instilled into those attendees. It's sad to see that we are moving backwards even further. I have been to other nations, and they are moving fast ahead of us. Can we afford to be left behind?
Readers do you want to have a PM who supports a racist group?
Beetle: Of course, Prime Minister Najb Razak, Umno can accommodate Perkasa because it is the offspring of Umno. Of course, Perkasa's views are not extreme because it represents the views of Umno. And of course, Umno will listen to the views of Perkasa, because Dr Mahathir Mohamad said it should do so.
Chipmunk: So now we have the PM for all Malaysians suddenly endorsing Perkasa as a not-so-extreme organisation. Next, you will see Perkasa going out all the way to bring racial discord and the PM will then say, "Oh, it is beyond my control", just as what happened before the torching of churches.
While Perkasa can go on protesting, why not let Hindraf and other NGOs go and speak their hearts out? Will the PM then keep quiet and say that they too aren't extreme? When will the government learn that our neighbouring nations are prospering while we shout at each other?
In the end, Malaysia will be left out behind. For God's sake, stop this nonsense and stay united as 1Malaysia regardless of whether you are Malay, Chinese, Indian or another race. Let's all stand together and get our nation back on track. Mr PM, you better do what you say.
Concern Citizen: Perkasa represent Malay groups - nothing wrong with that. But when Hindraf represented Indian groups, why was it outlawed and the ISA (Internal Security Act) imposed on its activities? Will Ibrahim Ali be arrested under the ISA?
Ksn: There you have it. We have it from the horse's mouth that Perkasa is another wing of Umno, albeit unofficially. With Mahathir at the helm of Perkasa, what else Najb could do? Endorse it, and that's what he did. Have the other dead BN partners like MCA, MIC, Gerakan nothing to say about this?
SMC77: I fail to see how the interests of Perkasa and the interest of all Malaysians are not mutually exclusive. Najib needs to take Mathematics 101. I don't understand how the interest of Malaysians can be protected if Perkasa is demanding 67 percent of all economic interest for its members regardless of the size of the pie.
Rayfire: The amount of attention and support Perkasa is getting is alarming. I do hope liberal-thinking Malays will rise to set things right or else we may be heading for disaster. Sorry to sound so pessimistic, but I guess their presence is causing unnecessary tension and unwanted attention in and out of this country.
Umno is definitely patronising this group. How else was the launch done in PWTC? Najib, don't play with fire. Racial tension is not an easy thing to contain. This frog (Ibrahim Ali) is trying to go even more extreme, and your endorsement will only going to make it worse!
Mahathir failed all Malaysians by opening their gathering where clearly nothing but illogical fear was instilled into those attendees. It's sad to see that we are moving backwards even further. I have been to other nations, and they are moving fast ahead of us. Can we afford to be left behind?
Readers do you want to have a PM who supports a racist group?
Najib's says Perkasa is not extremist
The 1 Malaysia Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak said Malay rights group Perkasa is “not so extreme' that it cannot be accommodated by the Umno-led government.
In an interview aired on satellite news channel Al Jazeera last night, Najib spoke on behalf of Perkasa in saying the non-governmental organisation was “by and large supportive of Umno.” Najib, who is also Umno president and ruling coalition BN's chairperson, said Perkasa backs the party as it is “the only vehicle” that can promote Malay interests” and “hold this country together”
Yet he cannot accommodate Hindraf,Ziong Dong or other NGO's, very funny as he claims to be Prime Minister for all Malaysians! Satu lagi project kerajaan barisan national ( another project by BN government) I think.
In an interview aired on satellite news channel Al Jazeera last night, Najib spoke on behalf of Perkasa in saying the non-governmental organisation was “by and large supportive of Umno.” Najib, who is also Umno president and ruling coalition BN's chairperson, said Perkasa backs the party as it is “the only vehicle” that can promote Malay interests” and “hold this country together”
Yet he cannot accommodate Hindraf,Ziong Dong or other NGO's, very funny as he claims to be Prime Minister for all Malaysians! Satu lagi project kerajaan barisan national ( another project by BN government) I think.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Good bye national Monument
It was reported in the Star today that the National Fatwa Council has found the National Monument venue unsuitable for the celebration of Warriors Day. This was announced by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom. He said that the council had found the venue unsuitable because the monument was in the form of human statues. Jamil said, "The Fatwa Council’s guidelines say that the venue should not have items in the shape of humans, as this can be controversial." he also announced that a Warriors Square would be built on a permanent site in Putrajaya for future celebrations.
What's next?
What's next?
Perkasa... oh Perkasa
The word Perkasa have been a mouth piece among many Malaysian's more so I think amongst the Malays as they claim to be fighting for the Malays right. I don't want to question the Malay right but want to understand what Perkasa is fighthing for or what the constitution has to say about the Malay rights.
I understand that Perkasa claims;(correct if i am wrong)
1)that the right of Bumiputeras to own 67 per cent the nation’s economic wealth because they form the majority;
2)the ISA as being integral to 1 Malaysia;
3)the word Allah is exclusive to Muslims.
Let's address this one by one, 67% of equity, who is opposing them not to own that percentage. what went right or wrong with the NEP policies for the last 52 years and why is that the Malays are still lagging behind?
What does ISA got to do with Malay rights? Still can't figure that out? About the holy word " Allah" do whatever you want as I don't use that word at all. Doesn't bother me!
Now let's see what the Reid Commission had to say on the issue and wherein they noted that:
“… We found that there are now four matters with regard to which the special position of the Malays is recognised and safeguarded:
1. … Malay reservations of land …
2. … admission to the public services …
3. … permits or licenses for the operation of certain businesses …
4. … scholarships, bursaries and other forms of aid for educational purposes …”
and then recommended that:
“… with the integration of the various communities into a common nationality which we trust will gradually come about, the need for these preferences will gradually disappear. Our recommendations are made on the footing that the Malays should be assured that the present position will continue for a substantial period, but that in due course the present preferences should be reduced and should ultimately cease so that there should then be no discrimination between races and communities.“We recommend that after 15 years there should be a review of the whole matter ...”
Hello Perkasa what the f#@$ are you talking about, ini lebih 50 tahun masih mahu subsidikah?
I understand that Perkasa claims;(correct if i am wrong)
1)that the right of Bumiputeras to own 67 per cent the nation’s economic wealth because they form the majority;
2)the ISA as being integral to 1 Malaysia;
3)the word Allah is exclusive to Muslims.
Let's address this one by one, 67% of equity, who is opposing them not to own that percentage. what went right or wrong with the NEP policies for the last 52 years and why is that the Malays are still lagging behind?
What does ISA got to do with Malay rights? Still can't figure that out? About the holy word " Allah" do whatever you want as I don't use that word at all. Doesn't bother me!
Now let's see what the Reid Commission had to say on the issue and wherein they noted that:
“… We found that there are now four matters with regard to which the special position of the Malays is recognised and safeguarded:
1. … Malay reservations of land …
2. … admission to the public services …
3. … permits or licenses for the operation of certain businesses …
4. … scholarships, bursaries and other forms of aid for educational purposes …”
and then recommended that:
“… with the integration of the various communities into a common nationality which we trust will gradually come about, the need for these preferences will gradually disappear. Our recommendations are made on the footing that the Malays should be assured that the present position will continue for a substantial period, but that in due course the present preferences should be reduced and should ultimately cease so that there should then be no discrimination between races and communities.“We recommend that after 15 years there should be a review of the whole matter ...”
Hello Perkasa what the f#@$ are you talking about, ini lebih 50 tahun masih mahu subsidikah?
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Non Malays in civil service
The STAR quoted an asemblyman as saying;the 8,372-strong civil service of the Malaysian state of Johor has only 10 Chinese and 116 Indians.Bentayan assemblyman Gwee Tong Hian said in terms of percentage, Indians and Chinese made up 1.39 percent and 0.12 percent of the state civil service respectively.Gwee said the statistics were given to him in a written reply from Minister Abdul Ghani Othman.
Now let's hear from the MB Ghani, he said that in 2007, only five Indians applied for jobs in the civil service, with only two being short-listed and appointed and there were no Chinese applicants that year.
He added that in 2008, there were seven Indian applicants. Only four were appointed. As for Chinese applicants, only five applied, two were short-listed and appointed.
He said the commission had also taken initiatives to encourage non-Malays to join the civil service with programmes initiated by the state's Economic Planning Unit and
Yes Ghani, I believe you that you are sincere and serious about allowing non-malays in the civil service. Let me tell you a story wait make it two; my cousin have been trying for a federal government and the Penang state civil service job for the last two years and she has not even received an interview appointment. Another cousin of mine from Perak even went to meet the MB, Zamby and what he received was only a support letter from him to the secretary of civil service and period. These are the two cases that happened within my family circle. So Ghani and your fellow UMNO government please don't wayang kulit with us!
Now let's hear from the MB Ghani, he said that in 2007, only five Indians applied for jobs in the civil service, with only two being short-listed and appointed and there were no Chinese applicants that year.
He added that in 2008, there were seven Indian applicants. Only four were appointed. As for Chinese applicants, only five applied, two were short-listed and appointed.
He said the commission had also taken initiatives to encourage non-Malays to join the civil service with programmes initiated by the state's Economic Planning Unit and
Yes Ghani, I believe you that you are sincere and serious about allowing non-malays in the civil service. Let me tell you a story wait make it two; my cousin have been trying for a federal government and the Penang state civil service job for the last two years and she has not even received an interview appointment. Another cousin of mine from Perak even went to meet the MB, Zamby and what he received was only a support letter from him to the secretary of civil service and period. These are the two cases that happened within my family circle. So Ghani and your fellow UMNO government please don't wayang kulit with us!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Malays too can be successful
I am not sure why PERKASA under the leadership of Ibrahim Ali with the support of the past PM of Malaysia Mahathir are claiming that the Malay rights need to be protected at all cause. Are they saying that the Malays are too weak to be successful and they need government interference and aid to be successful?
Perkasa even talked about Malays being threaten in their own homeland and are still weak who need crutches to protect them from "too advance" non-Malays. They even went as far as to pull a dramatic stunt by saying that the non-malays would take over the nation and sidelined the malays if the Malays are not united.Two questions came to my mind;
a) Why does PERKASA think that the Malays were not capable to stand on their own feet? Doesn't this akin Perkasa looking down upon their own races capabilities.
b) What was the UMNO led government doing for the last 50 over years about this disparities? Shouldn't their NEP policies would have made them much stronger and competitive with others who are not so lucky to enjoy any affirmative programs like the Malays.
I know that there are many Malays who are more professional, more progressive and more focused on what is necessary and required to advance the community's economic cause without such warlike and anti-social siege mentality. In the private sector I have seen such individuals who does not need any affirmative action plan to make them successful as they stand tall with non-malays. They are proud of their achievements and rightfully they should be!
Perkasa even talked about Malays being threaten in their own homeland and are still weak who need crutches to protect them from "too advance" non-Malays. They even went as far as to pull a dramatic stunt by saying that the non-malays would take over the nation and sidelined the malays if the Malays are not united.Two questions came to my mind;
a) Why does PERKASA think that the Malays were not capable to stand on their own feet? Doesn't this akin Perkasa looking down upon their own races capabilities.
b) What was the UMNO led government doing for the last 50 over years about this disparities? Shouldn't their NEP policies would have made them much stronger and competitive with others who are not so lucky to enjoy any affirmative programs like the Malays.
I know that there are many Malays who are more professional, more progressive and more focused on what is necessary and required to advance the community's economic cause without such warlike and anti-social siege mentality. In the private sector I have seen such individuals who does not need any affirmative action plan to make them successful as they stand tall with non-malays. They are proud of their achievements and rightfully they should be!
The Familiar Islamic Practice in Malaysia
NST quoted that Guests at the Penarik Inn in Kuala Terengganu were flabbergasted by the actions of a group of men said to be from the state Religious Affairs Department (JHEAT) who conducted a raid yesterday morning.Guests claimed they were rudely awakened at 2.25am by loud, incessant banging on their chalet doors.
Haniffah Mariati Mohamed, 55, said the men even threatened to break the door open when she told them to wait for her to put on her headgear (tudung).
"They went away after the door was opened and I told them I was staying at the chalet alone," she said, adding that they never showed any authority cards or warrants to conduct the raid despite claiming they were from JHEAT.
Haniffah was outraged when she saw one of the men peeping through a window about 20 minutes later."I screamed at the top of my lungs. It was very rude of them to peep into my room like that." Chalet operator Mohd Baharudin Mohd Said, 63, said this was not the first such incident. "They would normally come after midnight and question my guests without even informing me about their intentions."I have a register of all my guests and I would give them full cooperation if they had approached me first," he said, adding that he only came to know about the raid when some guests complained.
He said during the raid yesterday, a couple was taken away by the group and were only sent back at 6am after they proved that they were legally married.
"It was a harrowing experience for them. They checked out immediately and I don't know if they will ever stay at my chalet again."
Baharudin lodged a police report about the incident at the Penarik police station at 9am yesterday. "I hope the authorities will look into this as it could hurt the state's reputation as a tourist destination."
I asked my Muslim friends about this act by JHEAT to which they say that this is un-islamic to their knowledge as common sense have not prevailed at any time. Well who am I to say what I think about this as I would be " *Gunasekaraned" by the UMNO Muslims!
* Gunasekaraned - to be harassed and threatened because of writing your perspective on Islam being a non-muslim.
Haniffah Mariati Mohamed, 55, said the men even threatened to break the door open when she told them to wait for her to put on her headgear (tudung).
"They went away after the door was opened and I told them I was staying at the chalet alone," she said, adding that they never showed any authority cards or warrants to conduct the raid despite claiming they were from JHEAT.
Haniffah was outraged when she saw one of the men peeping through a window about 20 minutes later."I screamed at the top of my lungs. It was very rude of them to peep into my room like that." Chalet operator Mohd Baharudin Mohd Said, 63, said this was not the first such incident. "They would normally come after midnight and question my guests without even informing me about their intentions."I have a register of all my guests and I would give them full cooperation if they had approached me first," he said, adding that he only came to know about the raid when some guests complained.
He said during the raid yesterday, a couple was taken away by the group and were only sent back at 6am after they proved that they were legally married.
"It was a harrowing experience for them. They checked out immediately and I don't know if they will ever stay at my chalet again."
Baharudin lodged a police report about the incident at the Penarik police station at 9am yesterday. "I hope the authorities will look into this as it could hurt the state's reputation as a tourist destination."
I asked my Muslim friends about this act by JHEAT to which they say that this is un-islamic to their knowledge as common sense have not prevailed at any time. Well who am I to say what I think about this as I would be " *Gunasekaraned" by the UMNO Muslims!
* Gunasekaraned - to be harassed and threatened because of writing your perspective on Islam being a non-muslim.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
My Name is Khan
Yesterday I watched a Hindi movie titled My Name is Khan starring Shah Rukh Khan and by the way he is a big name in Bollywood,Mumbai. It is an interesting story about how the lives of Muslims in America were changed after Sept 11 or 9/11 for short. It depicts how the Muslims were mistreated by the general American public and how they lived in fear of racial attacks post 9/11. Some even shaved their beard which is considered a religious symbol to the Muslim and the women removed their "hijab" or "tudung' just to be avoid any unruly treatment. The character Khan after losing his son due to school bullies also lost his wife's love as she blamed him for their son's death as he carried his surname "Khan". Hence Khan set out on a quest to meet the President of USA to tell him that his name is Khan an he is not a terrorist. The moral is to tell the audience that racial profiling and prejudice is unwarranted for mankind to live in peace. I could fully relate to this story in Malaysia as that's how the citizens were profiled either as a 'Bumi' or 'Non-Bumi'. My name warrants the government and its mechanism to marginalise me and refuse me of my rights in this country of which I was born. It's just because my name is Ah Kow, Muthu, Ramasamy or Ah Chong and I am called a 'pendatang' because of my name.We cry out loud if any Muslims were discriminated in other part of the world but we do the same here in this country do those who are non-Muslims. Why am I being treated differently compared to the Malay-Muslims? Will it make a difference if I changed my name to Mohammad,Najib,Muhyiddin or Ibrahim Ali? Even an illegal of Muslim faith are treated with respect compared to us who are born in this country.
By the way my name is Ah Kow and Muthu and I too am Malaysian!
By the way my name is Ah Kow and Muthu and I too am Malaysian!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Is this considered double standard
The Star - Malay rights group Perkasa has been given a publication permit to print Suara Perkasa.
Its president Datuk Ibrahim Ali said the publication may turn into a daily if the demand was great.Thanking the Home Ministry for granting the permit to the non-governmental organisation, Ibrahim said it would kick off as a fortnightly.
He said that readers would be enlightened to facts chiding certain portals for presenting “selective” facts that did not portray the real picture.
He even said that “People are fed-up reading twisted facts,” he said.
Is he talking about the main media or the alternative, looking forward for the real facts Ibrahim.Anyway wonder how come Perkasa could get the approval from Home Ministry but thereare many other application pending for a long period? Ajaib bin Aneh.
Its president Datuk Ibrahim Ali said the publication may turn into a daily if the demand was great.Thanking the Home Ministry for granting the permit to the non-governmental organisation, Ibrahim said it would kick off as a fortnightly.
He said that readers would be enlightened to facts chiding certain portals for presenting “selective” facts that did not portray the real picture.
He even said that “People are fed-up reading twisted facts,” he said.
Is he talking about the main media or the alternative, looking forward for the real facts Ibrahim.Anyway wonder how come Perkasa could get the approval from Home Ministry but thereare many other application pending for a long period? Ajaib bin Aneh.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Malaysia Boleh
I received this in my mail, really funny but to think about it there could be some truth to it!
Where to Cross The Border?
If You Cross The North Korean Border Illegally
You get 12 years Hard Labour.
If You Cross The Iranian Border Illegally
You Are Detained Indefinitely.
If You Cross The Afghan Border
Illegally, You Get Shot.
If You Cross The Saudi Arabian Border Illegally
You Will Be Jailed.
If You Cross The Chinese Border Illegally
You May Never Be Heard Again.
If You Cross The Venezuelan Border Illegally
You Will Be Branded A Spy And Your Fate Will Be Sealed.
If You Cross The Cuban Border Illegally
You Will Be Thrown Into Political Prison To Rot.
If You Enter Britain Illegally
You Will be Arrested, Prosecuted And Sent To Prison And Deported
- MyPR (Permanent Residence / Pemastautin Tetap)
- A Driving License,
- Voting Rights
- Job Reservation,
- Special Privilege to be Consider as Bumi,
- Credit Cards,
- Subsidized Rent Or A Loan To Buy A House,
- Free Education,
- Free Health Care,
Oh Malaysia, what a great country!!
Is it 'Satu lagi projek kerajaan barisan nasional"?
Where to Cross The Border?
If You Cross The North Korean Border Illegally
You get 12 years Hard Labour.
If You Cross The Iranian Border Illegally
You Are Detained Indefinitely.
If You Cross The Afghan Border
Illegally, You Get Shot.
If You Cross The Saudi Arabian Border Illegally
You Will Be Jailed.
If You Cross The Chinese Border Illegally
You May Never Be Heard Again.
If You Cross The Venezuelan Border Illegally
You Will Be Branded A Spy And Your Fate Will Be Sealed.
If You Cross The Cuban Border Illegally
You Will Be Thrown Into Political Prison To Rot.
If You Enter Britain Illegally
You Will be Arrested, Prosecuted And Sent To Prison And Deported
- MyPR (Permanent Residence / Pemastautin Tetap)
- A Driving License,
- Voting Rights
- Job Reservation,
- Special Privilege to be Consider as Bumi,
- Credit Cards,
- Subsidized Rent Or A Loan To Buy A House,
- Free Education,
- Free Health Care,
Oh Malaysia, what a great country!!
Is it 'Satu lagi projek kerajaan barisan nasional"?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Kerismuddin's antics
Kerismuddin refuses to meet a 30-member delegation made up of representatives from Pakatan Rakyat and NGOs today at Putrajaya disappointed after Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein declined to accept their memo in person regarding the police shooting of unemployed single mom Norizan Salleh.
They were met by an unidentified batik-shirted man instead in the lobby to receive the memorandum on behalf of the minister.Norizan who was shot five times and beaten up by police after the car she was a passenger in was stopped by police on the MRR2, is claiming that attack on her was without reason and wrongful.
Hello Kerismuddin, you allow the cow head group from Subang to meet you in your office and even gave a press interview but this you do not want to meet. I thought you said that anyone can meet you to share their grievances just like your PM...aiyo what happened? It only applies to UMNO exclusive club members kah?
They were met by an unidentified batik-shirted man instead in the lobby to receive the memorandum on behalf of the minister.Norizan who was shot five times and beaten up by police after the car she was a passenger in was stopped by police on the MRR2, is claiming that attack on her was without reason and wrongful.
Hello Kerismuddin, you allow the cow head group from Subang to meet you in your office and even gave a press interview but this you do not want to meet. I thought you said that anyone can meet you to share their grievances just like your PM...aiyo what happened? It only applies to UMNO exclusive club members kah?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
USM Foreign Student
I read this in the STAR today with astonishment, tell you why later.
An Iraqi, who is taking a doctorate at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in electronics engineering, was charged in the Magistrates Court here Friday with reckless driving and causing the death of a student at the university, Fadilah Abdul Halim, 27, last Thursday.Hamood Sheehab Hamid, 45, was charged with committing the offence driving in a reckless and dangerous manner, under section 41 (1) of the Road Transport Act 1987, at the traffic light exit to USM, at Jalan Transkrian about 9.45am.Hamood Sheehab Hamid, 45, is studying for a doctorate in electronics engineering.
However, no plea was recorded because Hamood could neither understand English nor Bahasa Malaysia!
What's so funny is, how come an Apex University like USM accepted an doctorate student who does not understand English? Hello bukan degree tau...doctorate, wow i wonder what is language of instruction? Let say his doctorate is research based,yet how does he do his research references as most of the materials are in English and not arabic or even bahasa malaysia or in what language does he write his thesis? Apex university or apek university? Bravo USM.
An Iraqi, who is taking a doctorate at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in electronics engineering, was charged in the Magistrates Court here Friday with reckless driving and causing the death of a student at the university, Fadilah Abdul Halim, 27, last Thursday.Hamood Sheehab Hamid, 45, was charged with committing the offence driving in a reckless and dangerous manner, under section 41 (1) of the Road Transport Act 1987, at the traffic light exit to USM, at Jalan Transkrian about 9.45am.Hamood Sheehab Hamid, 45, is studying for a doctorate in electronics engineering.
However, no plea was recorded because Hamood could neither understand English nor Bahasa Malaysia!
What's so funny is, how come an Apex University like USM accepted an doctorate student who does not understand English? Hello bukan degree tau...doctorate, wow i wonder what is language of instruction? Let say his doctorate is research based,yet how does he do his research references as most of the materials are in English and not arabic or even bahasa malaysia or in what language does he write his thesis? Apex university or apek university? Bravo USM.
Najib's 1 Malaysia sabotaged by his own people II
As I said earlier that Najib does not need the opposition to sabotage his 1 Malasyia concept, his own government arm is good enough to do that.
The latest being an incident at cameron Highland where two political parties lodged separate police reports against a Cameron Highlands district office staff for uttering racial slurs against a group protestors who were unhappy with the performance of the district officer. PSM Cameron Highlands branch spokesperson Suresh Kumar told Malaysiakini that the first report was lodged by DAP Pahang state deputy chief J Appalasamy @ Simmathiri at the Kampung Raja police station Tuesday morning immediately after the incident and the other at Tanah Rata police station yesterday.
According to Suresh, one employee of the district office had uttered 'balik India (go back to India)' at the protestors while they were attempting to hand a protest memorandum to the assistant district officer Shaffirul Amree Awang Kechik.
The memorandum list out the grouses faced by low-income workers who are facing problems with obtaining Temporary Occupation Licences (TOL), petty-trader licences and low-cost housing.
Worst still it all happened in front of the Cameron Highland district police chief Wan Mohd Zahari Wan Busu! Wow...i guess some govenment officer can do anthing and get away with anything police can stop them. I think most likely Suresh would be charged for disrupting public peace!
The latest being an incident at cameron Highland where two political parties lodged separate police reports against a Cameron Highlands district office staff for uttering racial slurs against a group protestors who were unhappy with the performance of the district officer. PSM Cameron Highlands branch spokesperson Suresh Kumar told Malaysiakini that the first report was lodged by DAP Pahang state deputy chief J Appalasamy @ Simmathiri at the Kampung Raja police station Tuesday morning immediately after the incident and the other at Tanah Rata police station yesterday.
According to Suresh, one employee of the district office had uttered 'balik India (go back to India)' at the protestors while they were attempting to hand a protest memorandum to the assistant district officer Shaffirul Amree Awang Kechik.
The memorandum list out the grouses faced by low-income workers who are facing problems with obtaining Temporary Occupation Licences (TOL), petty-trader licences and low-cost housing.
Worst still it all happened in front of the Cameron Highland district police chief Wan Mohd Zahari Wan Busu! Wow...i guess some govenment officer can do anthing and get away with anything police can stop them. I think most likely Suresh would be charged for disrupting public peace!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Mahathir changes his mind...again
Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the proposal to allow direct membership in the BN should be considered as the situation has changed now and benefits will arise from such a move.The former BN chairperson and former Umno president said that the BN used to have such method in the past but problems started to arise when direct members wanted to become election candidates, resulting in other component parties becaming truly unhappy.
"Because of that, the direct membership of alliance was ended and terminated.
"But maybe the situation is slightly different or has changed, so the possibility is that we should consider the proposal," he told reporters after a visit to the Lotus headquarters in Hethel, Norfolk on Tuesday.
Why change of tune now Mahathir? By the way who is sponsoring your trips to Lotus plant, I suggest that MACC quickly invetigate the hidden hands making this possible for Mahathir!
"Because of that, the direct membership of alliance was ended and terminated.
"But maybe the situation is slightly different or has changed, so the possibility is that we should consider the proposal," he told reporters after a visit to the Lotus headquarters in Hethel, Norfolk on Tuesday.
Why change of tune now Mahathir? By the way who is sponsoring your trips to Lotus plant, I suggest that MACC quickly invetigate the hidden hands making this possible for Mahathir!
Datin Seri Rosmah on Najib
Datin Seri Rosmah's interview in Hello Malaysia from Bernama news release:
Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, wife of the prime minister, has dismissed a notion that she is a hidden hand behind Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s decision-making process.
“I have not heard about it, but it is not something that I am sensitive of as it is not true. Maybe I am a bit vocal or gregarious... I like to have friends unlike Datuk Najib, who is a bit reserve.
“But it does not mean that since Datuk Najib is a reserve person, I am making the decisions... I am the type, who will voice out my dissatisfaction, but once said, it is done. I do not harbour feelings,” she said in an interview on Hello Malaysia over BernamaTV at Wisma Bernama here on Friday.
Rosmah said although Najib was a man of not many words, he should not be underestimated.
“I always tell others not to underestimate Datuk Najib, he is not easily angered but do not provoke him. If he is angry, there is no forgiveness for you.
“Datuk does not say much but he registered what is happening around him. If I made a mistake, he will reprimand me. If he stomp his feet, it will shudder me.
There you go Malaysian, now we know about our PM's character, don't make him angry, you'll never like him if he is angry!Sounds like the green man...well you know what I meant.
Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, wife of the prime minister, has dismissed a notion that she is a hidden hand behind Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s decision-making process.
“I have not heard about it, but it is not something that I am sensitive of as it is not true. Maybe I am a bit vocal or gregarious... I like to have friends unlike Datuk Najib, who is a bit reserve.
“But it does not mean that since Datuk Najib is a reserve person, I am making the decisions... I am the type, who will voice out my dissatisfaction, but once said, it is done. I do not harbour feelings,” she said in an interview on Hello Malaysia over BernamaTV at Wisma Bernama here on Friday.
Rosmah said although Najib was a man of not many words, he should not be underestimated.
“I always tell others not to underestimate Datuk Najib, he is not easily angered but do not provoke him. If he is angry, there is no forgiveness for you.
“Datuk does not say much but he registered what is happening around him. If I made a mistake, he will reprimand me. If he stomp his feet, it will shudder me.
There you go Malaysian, now we know about our PM's character, don't make him angry, you'll never like him if he is angry!Sounds like the green man...well you know what I meant.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Isu 3 wanita Islam di sebat
I read the below article in Art Harun's blog and was laughing at this note!
"Shaikh Saleem is a law practitioner. He is sometimes perturbed that in Melaka, apparently, non-Muslims are prohibited from uttering his first name. He is now thinking of seeking damages from his parents for giving him a name which cannot be used, uttered, called upon or written by non-Muslims.
That was so funny!
The article by Shaik Saleem that appeared in Art Harun's blog.
Pendedahan oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri berkenaan dengan pengenaan hukuman sebat ke atas 3 orang wanita atas kesalahan persetubuhan luar nikah selaras dengan seksyen 23 Akta Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah (Wilayah-wilayah Persekutuan) 1997 [“Akta”] telah menimbulkan pelbagai kontroversi di kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Ia adalah salah satu daripada pelbagai isu-isu kontroversi yang timbul sejak kebelakangan ini dan kesemuanya mempunyai satu tema yang berulangan, ianya akan dipolitikan dengan semaksimanya.
Isu terbaru bekenaan tiga wanita ini tidak berbeza. Pelbagai persoalan timbul antara lain,
a. Mengapa Menteri Dalam Negeri hanya mendedahkan hukuman tersebut selepas ianya dilaksanakan sedangkan ianya adalah pengetahuan umum bahawa terdapat keresahan berkenaan isu ini pada awal lagi apabila Kartika dijatuhkan hukuman sebat.
b. Mengapa Mahkamah Syariah beriya-iya ingin menggunakan Akta ini terhadap wanita-wanita ini sedangkan Akta yang sama mempunyai kesalahan liwat yang tidak digunakan ke atas Anwar Ibrahim?
c. Adakah Mahkamah Syariah mempunyai kuasa untuk menjatuhkan hukuman sedemikian apabila ianya dengan jelas dibawah Kanun Keseksaan bahawa wanita tidak boleh dihukum dengan sebatan (tidak kira bagaimana ianya dilaksanakan)?
Read more:
"Shaikh Saleem is a law practitioner. He is sometimes perturbed that in Melaka, apparently, non-Muslims are prohibited from uttering his first name. He is now thinking of seeking damages from his parents for giving him a name which cannot be used, uttered, called upon or written by non-Muslims.
That was so funny!
The article by Shaik Saleem that appeared in Art Harun's blog.
Pendedahan oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri berkenaan dengan pengenaan hukuman sebat ke atas 3 orang wanita atas kesalahan persetubuhan luar nikah selaras dengan seksyen 23 Akta Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah (Wilayah-wilayah Persekutuan) 1997 [“Akta”] telah menimbulkan pelbagai kontroversi di kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Ia adalah salah satu daripada pelbagai isu-isu kontroversi yang timbul sejak kebelakangan ini dan kesemuanya mempunyai satu tema yang berulangan, ianya akan dipolitikan dengan semaksimanya.
Isu terbaru bekenaan tiga wanita ini tidak berbeza. Pelbagai persoalan timbul antara lain,
a. Mengapa Menteri Dalam Negeri hanya mendedahkan hukuman tersebut selepas ianya dilaksanakan sedangkan ianya adalah pengetahuan umum bahawa terdapat keresahan berkenaan isu ini pada awal lagi apabila Kartika dijatuhkan hukuman sebat.
b. Mengapa Mahkamah Syariah beriya-iya ingin menggunakan Akta ini terhadap wanita-wanita ini sedangkan Akta yang sama mempunyai kesalahan liwat yang tidak digunakan ke atas Anwar Ibrahim?
c. Adakah Mahkamah Syariah mempunyai kuasa untuk menjatuhkan hukuman sedemikian apabila ianya dengan jelas dibawah Kanun Keseksaan bahawa wanita tidak boleh dihukum dengan sebatan (tidak kira bagaimana ianya dilaksanakan)?
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