The word Perkasa have been a mouth piece among many Malaysian's more so I think amongst the Malays as they claim to be fighting for the Malays right. I don't want to question the Malay right but want to understand what Perkasa is fighthing for or what the constitution has to say about the Malay rights.
I understand that Perkasa claims;(correct if i am wrong)
1)that the right of Bumiputeras to own 67 per cent the nation’s economic wealth because they form the majority;
2)the ISA as being integral to 1 Malaysia;
3)the word Allah is exclusive to Muslims.
Let's address this one by one, 67% of equity, who is opposing them not to own that percentage. what went right or wrong with the NEP policies for the last 52 years and why is that the Malays are still lagging behind?
What does ISA got to do with Malay rights? Still can't figure that out? About the holy word " Allah" do whatever you want as I don't use that word at all. Doesn't bother me!
Now let's see what the Reid Commission had to say on the issue and wherein they noted that:
“… We found that there are now four matters with regard to which the special position of the Malays is recognised and safeguarded:
1. … Malay reservations of land …
2. … admission to the public services …
3. … permits or licenses for the operation of certain businesses …
4. … scholarships, bursaries and other forms of aid for educational purposes …”
and then recommended that:
“… with the integration of the various communities into a common nationality which we trust will gradually come about, the need for these preferences will gradually disappear. Our recommendations are made on the footing that the Malays should be assured that the present position will continue for a substantial period, but that in due course the present preferences should be reduced and should ultimately cease so that there should then be no discrimination between races and communities.“We recommend that after 15 years there should be a review of the whole matter ...”
Hello Perkasa what the f#@$ are you talking about, ini lebih 50 tahun masih mahu subsidikah?
Friday, April 2, 2010
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