Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Semi Value...or less value
There have been numerous calls on Dato Samy Value to resign as he has become a liability to BN, and now by his former boss Mahathir joins the bandwagon. Now finger pointing has started between the former premier and Semi Value. SV even quoted saying that Mahathir's call was akin a new wife becoming old and the husband wanted to take in a second wife. Emmm..only from Semi Value would come such a methaphor. Any way I do not understand why BN is still hoping for MIC's revival thus hoping that the Indian community will once again support BN through MIC? We thought that UMNO and BN would have learned a lesson after the 12th GE but alas...this fellars seems like will never learn any!MIC is history and Semi Value can be its life time President as he like and I guess the majority of Indian community cares hood of him and his honchos! They took away everything from the Indians and could not even manage MAIKA Holdings that could possibly hold some equity..a bunch of idiots were given 100million to gamble and gamble they did with the Indians future. So Najib,pls go ahead and work with MIC and we'll ensure that BN/UMNO is gone in the next election.....
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Kerismuddin did it again

The latest news head line "Noordin could have been rehabilitated", Hishammuddin said and it was broadcasted over the electronic media.
He further said “What he did was wrong. We don’t condone what he did. I am sad that we did not get to rehabilitate him, like we have done with many others, including Jemaah Islamiah militants." He went on to say “I am sad because a life is a life,”
Hishammuddin said the Government would help Noordin’s family bring the body back after the authorities completed their investigations.
This is the home ministry! Aiyoo…how stupid can this UMNO fellar be?
Dai..monkey he was a terrorist who was responsible for the killing of many innocent lives. By the way how about those died in Police and MACC custody? Aren’t theirs life as well or are they are lesser being just because they are not of your race? He is prepared to rehabilitate terrorist …aiyo what the @%#@! Is happening to this country? Only in Bolehland can a Minister make such statements!
F1 Malaysia

Najib declared the 1Malaysia F1 Team car would be designed and made by Malaysians in Malaysia and the team would participating in Formula One race starting next year.
He said that the project would be a joint government and private sector initiative with the government investment through Proton, the national car manufacturer. According to news reports, it is estimated that at least RM1 billion a year is needed to keep the FI team.
My god a budget of 1 Billion dollars for a racing car!
Guess who is supporting this idea, non- other than Mahathir Mohamad where he said the value of advertisement benefits derived from the country's F1 team is 100 times more than the cost of investment for the team. I wonder how did he derived to that theory?

He further reiterated that it not a waste of money to invest in the country's F1 team as the advantages, including tourism and technological advancement, had always outweighed the disadvantages. According to this so called seasoned economist the value of advertisement benefits derived from the country's F1 team is 100 times more than the cost of investment for the team!
Then I strongly “sokong” this idea and by the way why not we have two teams as the logic is that we will have double the number of tourist and an increase in technology advancement!
He said investing in an F1 team was not merely about motor racing as technology developed for the motor racing engine could be applied for the country's automotive industry. Yeah like the one that you did with Proton? Here the ex-PM seems to now about Micro and Macro Economics!
Hello Proton is dying or already dead and it was Mahathir’s pet project!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Another enigma in Bolehland

The Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) visited Malaysiakini office to investigate the “ deemed offensive” cow-head videos. A team of seven-member MCMC team, which included three digital forensics experts, demanded Malaysiakini to hand over the original tapes of the two videos.
They sought to copy certain parts of the hard disk from two Malaysiakini computers used to edit and upload the videos. According to MCMC monitoring and enforcement division senior acting director Abdul Halim Ahman, in his letter, the display of both videos on the news portal "is an offence under Section 211/233 of the CMA".
There you go, they should be going after the UMNO Hereos who were involved in the cow head incident and Kerismuddin for making such a remark but instead they are going after the alternative press for posting the videos. Not once but thrice they visited Malaysikini office and conducted investigation. How about the some Malay portals which are posting derogative pictures and articles that certainly will offend other races? When is MCMC officers going to confiscate or at least raid such offices or people? Baruah betul!
PM says UMNO is Islamic

The Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak said Umno is truly an Islamic party although it does not use the 'Islamic label' in championing the cause of Islam and the country as quoted by Malaysiakini.He said Umno had actually looked after and raised the living standards of the Muslims by eradicating poverty through various government programmes especially the Felda land schemes. He questioned the Felda settlers "In Islam, poverty is akin to sacrilege and for the past 53 years, Umno had strived to eradicate poverty among the Muslims by opening Felda land schemes. Is this not demanded by Islam?" he said when attending a breaking of the fast at Felda Teloi Timor today.
Is he justifying that making money in whatever way is the right thing to do? Thus corruption is an accepted culture in Malaysia! Interesting thought.
He lamented that it was my late father (Abdul Razak) who had set up Felda. He used to walk with his walking stick and wore the bush jacket, walking hundreds of miles purely to give land and eradicate poverty," he said. Wow... the PM is still living on his father’s glory!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Religious Tolerance in Malaysia
It is indeed a sad day for the Indians and Malaysian at large. Why some of you may ask? The Shah Alam incident is an classic example how we have moved backward in civilisation. Tolerance and civility died today! How can the majority Malays stand by doing nothing? I call them Malays as they are certainly not Muslim in my vocabulary. They are claiming that Section 23 is a Malay majority so the temple should not be built there. Just because it is a Malay majority other places of worship should not be build. How about a Surau or a mosque build in a Chinese or Indian majority and how about in Sabah and Sarawak. Should the non-muslims stage a nation wide street protest demanding that suraus and mosques not to be build in a non-malay majority? Can you imagine the mayhem that will surely follow if that happens? Where in Islam or the Quran it is mentioned that non-believers places of worship should not be build? If this is not a political in nature, I wonder what it is! Just listen to Kerismudin doing a flip flop in his statements after meeting with the so called residents of Shah Alam. This make me think some politician are willing to destroy this country for their own benefit?
The so called Muslims

"Woi, kaulah pengkhianat…pengkhianat agamalah pukimak!" cemuhnya.
Cemuhan itu disorak oleh beberapa individu lain yang dipercayai dari kenalan rapat Hj. Azmir.
"Aku tak nak dengar kau cakap. Duduk! Duduk YB bodoh! Duduk," cemuhnya.
"Hoi Khalid (Samad), kau duduk. Kau belum kenal aku siapa? Selepas ini, kau jangan turun Seksyen 23, kalau tidak, kau mati. Ini kawasan majoriti Melayu!"
"Bodoh punya wakil rakyat. Bodoh punya MB. Khalid (Ibrahim), kenapa kau cakap terketar-ketar. Kau gagap. Orang gagap tak boleh jadi MB (Menteri Besar)!"
I thought this is the fasting month? How can a Muslim use such abusive words against another Muslim? Wonder how they'll treat non-muslims.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Kerismudin's U Turn
I read this Patrick Teoh's blog NIAMAH. This is a classic cas ehow dumb our Home Minister is just like the one before. Conclusion say "Tak Nak to UMNO Products"
No lah. Diorang achah aje. Joking only. You give me a couple of days and I will say something completely different la. Boleh?
The animal manure that can be gathered from just ONE press conference by Hishamuddin Hussein can fertilise hectares of Malaysian soil. Just take a whiff of what was reported in The Malaysian Insider yesterday.
Headline: Hisham defends cow-head protestors
Quotes: "They felt victimised and feel that there is another valid explanation on their part. There was no intention on their part to cause racial divide."
Ah so...of course. That's why they organised a march with screaming banners and fiery speeches and shouted about majority and minority races.
"(they) didn’t even know that somebody was going to bring the head of the cow during that demonstration."
Ah so...of course. But since somebody brought it along it would not be polite to refuse the offering ya? Oh. while we're at it might as well stomp on it and spit on it as well.
"If I wanted to use the issue to create chaos in Selangor, I can but we didn’t take such actions"
Ah so...of course. You are an elected people's representative and a Yang Berhormat and so you can say silly things like this. You can create chaos but out of the kindness of your heart (not common sense mind you) you won't la. Ribuan terima kasih, YB.
"I have it in my records to show there were cases where a pig-head was used by irresponsible parties including leaving the head in front of an Umno building covered by an Umno flag"
Ah so...of course. Errr...there were cases ah? More than one ah? When? Where? Who? Tell us la so we can also kick their asses instead of just yours. Oh by the way, while you're at it also tell us how your people handled those cases. Were they as understanding as your goodself?
"If it can be resolved quickly and can be done with both sides understanding each other ... why would we want to penalise anybody?"
Ah so...of course. You are such a magnanimous minister. Your late father would have been proud. And I love the last part of your statement..."why would we want to penalise anybody?" Damn blaardy classic la.
There you go, if this government is not chnaged soon they'll rape this country and leave it dry!
No lah. Diorang achah aje. Joking only. You give me a couple of days and I will say something completely different la. Boleh?
The animal manure that can be gathered from just ONE press conference by Hishamuddin Hussein can fertilise hectares of Malaysian soil. Just take a whiff of what was reported in The Malaysian Insider yesterday.
Headline: Hisham defends cow-head protestors
Quotes: "They felt victimised and feel that there is another valid explanation on their part. There was no intention on their part to cause racial divide."
Ah so...of course. That's why they organised a march with screaming banners and fiery speeches and shouted about majority and minority races.
"(they) didn’t even know that somebody was going to bring the head of the cow during that demonstration."
Ah so...of course. But since somebody brought it along it would not be polite to refuse the offering ya? Oh. while we're at it might as well stomp on it and spit on it as well.
"If I wanted to use the issue to create chaos in Selangor, I can but we didn’t take such actions"
Ah so...of course. You are an elected people's representative and a Yang Berhormat and so you can say silly things like this. You can create chaos but out of the kindness of your heart (not common sense mind you) you won't la. Ribuan terima kasih, YB.
"I have it in my records to show there were cases where a pig-head was used by irresponsible parties including leaving the head in front of an Umno building covered by an Umno flag"
Ah so...of course. Errr...there were cases ah? More than one ah? When? Where? Who? Tell us la so we can also kick their asses instead of just yours. Oh by the way, while you're at it also tell us how your people handled those cases. Were they as understanding as your goodself?
"If it can be resolved quickly and can be done with both sides understanding each other ... why would we want to penalise anybody?"
Ah so...of course. You are such a magnanimous minister. Your late father would have been proud. And I love the last part of your statement..."why would we want to penalise anybody?" Damn blaardy classic la.
There you go, if this government is not chnaged soon they'll rape this country and leave it dry!
Another news of Semi Value
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Datuk Seri Samy Vellu Sangalimuthu is the longest serving President of the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC), a component party of Barisan Nasional. He has held this post for 11 consecutive terms since 1979 and is the longest serving minister in Malaysia’s Cabinet until his defeat in the 12th General Election in March 2008.
Samy Vellu is the founder and Chairman of the Maju Institute of Educational Development (MIED), a non-profit charity organisation that provides educational loans and scholarships to deserving Indian-Malaysian students.
Ms P. Chitrakala Vasu, a former senior officer of MIED, alleges that Samy Vellu had siphoned out RM2 million in government funds that had been allocated to a MIC welfare foundation. She also made two reports in Shah Alam urging the police to probe the whereabouts of the MIED files and also RM2 million in donations collected in 2004 for tsunami victims in Sri Lanka.
She claimed Samy Vellu had asked her to place RM2 million in a fixed deposit in the account of YPS, a party foundation controlled by MIC. Chitrakala has further lodged two police reports in Subang Jaya blaming Samy Vellu for a variety of ills faced by the MIC and the Indian community. She claims that the money was intended for the pockets of MIC branch chairmen and supporters of the incumbent leadership.
It is alleged that Samy Vellu has hijacked 9 million Telekom shares from the original 10 million shares allocated to MAIKA. It seems he used three companies -- Clearway Sdn. Bhd., S.B. Management Services, and Advance Personal Computers Bhd. -- linked to himself, his son S. Vell Paari, and brother-in-law. These companies were used as conduits to swindle these shares. When the scandal first broke in mid-1992, the shares were valued at RM120 million.
In 1994, the then Chairman of the MIC Public Claims Committee, V Subramaniam (a.k.a. "Barat" Maniam), alleged that the accounts have been fabricated to make it appear that the profits from the sale of the Telekom shares were channelled to MIED. "Samy Vellu is a thief,” said Maniam. “He has stolen (Telekom) shares from the Indian community."
Still the so called Indian MIC leaders are still supporting this goon or shall I say they got no b@@@s to do anythng.There you go and more to come next week....
Datuk Seri Samy Vellu Sangalimuthu is the longest serving President of the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC), a component party of Barisan Nasional. He has held this post for 11 consecutive terms since 1979 and is the longest serving minister in Malaysia’s Cabinet until his defeat in the 12th General Election in March 2008.
Samy Vellu is the founder and Chairman of the Maju Institute of Educational Development (MIED), a non-profit charity organisation that provides educational loans and scholarships to deserving Indian-Malaysian students.
Ms P. Chitrakala Vasu, a former senior officer of MIED, alleges that Samy Vellu had siphoned out RM2 million in government funds that had been allocated to a MIC welfare foundation. She also made two reports in Shah Alam urging the police to probe the whereabouts of the MIED files and also RM2 million in donations collected in 2004 for tsunami victims in Sri Lanka.
She claimed Samy Vellu had asked her to place RM2 million in a fixed deposit in the account of YPS, a party foundation controlled by MIC. Chitrakala has further lodged two police reports in Subang Jaya blaming Samy Vellu for a variety of ills faced by the MIC and the Indian community. She claims that the money was intended for the pockets of MIC branch chairmen and supporters of the incumbent leadership.
It is alleged that Samy Vellu has hijacked 9 million Telekom shares from the original 10 million shares allocated to MAIKA. It seems he used three companies -- Clearway Sdn. Bhd., S.B. Management Services, and Advance Personal Computers Bhd. -- linked to himself, his son S. Vell Paari, and brother-in-law. These companies were used as conduits to swindle these shares. When the scandal first broke in mid-1992, the shares were valued at RM120 million.
In 1994, the then Chairman of the MIC Public Claims Committee, V Subramaniam (a.k.a. "Barat" Maniam), alleged that the accounts have been fabricated to make it appear that the profits from the sale of the Telekom shares were channelled to MIED. "Samy Vellu is a thief,” said Maniam. “He has stolen (Telekom) shares from the Indian community."
Still the so called Indian MIC leaders are still supporting this goon or shall I say they got no b@@@s to do anythng.There you go and more to come next week....
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Shah Alam folks to meet Kerismudin
Hisham to meet Section 23 residents
Rahmah Ghazali | Sep 1, 09 2:12pm
This appeared in Malaysiakini today!
Residents of Section 23 in Shah Alam - some of whom who were involved in a ‘cow-head' protest to oppose a relocation of a Hindu temple to their neighbourhood - will meet Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein tomorrow to voice their grievances over the issue.Speaking to reporters in Putrajaya today, the minister said the residents, who have requested an appointment with him, come from "different political ideology" despite speculation that they are all from Umno.Hishammuddin also said the police are still conducting an investigation against the protesters based on 52 police reports lodged so far.He added that the probe will have to be closed before any arrests can be made."But we are not hiding anything from the people... We will take action against anybody who has (affected sensitive issues) but at the same time, we need to be fair to the people concerned (the residents)," he said.
Why is that I find it difficult to believe this guy? Wonder why? I suggest that the Indians in Shah Alam should also meet him to voice their grievances for not allowing to built a temple. The Chinese can join in to appose any building of suraus or mosques in their neighbourhood! Hence we can truly be Malaysia, Happy Merdeka again!
Rahmah Ghazali | Sep 1, 09 2:12pm
This appeared in Malaysiakini today!
Residents of Section 23 in Shah Alam - some of whom who were involved in a ‘cow-head' protest to oppose a relocation of a Hindu temple to their neighbourhood - will meet Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein tomorrow to voice their grievances over the issue.Speaking to reporters in Putrajaya today, the minister said the residents, who have requested an appointment with him, come from "different political ideology" despite speculation that they are all from Umno.Hishammuddin also said the police are still conducting an investigation against the protesters based on 52 police reports lodged so far.He added that the probe will have to be closed before any arrests can be made."But we are not hiding anything from the people... We will take action against anybody who has (affected sensitive issues) but at the same time, we need to be fair to the people concerned (the residents)," he said.
Why is that I find it difficult to believe this guy? Wonder why? I suggest that the Indians in Shah Alam should also meet him to voice their grievances for not allowing to built a temple. The Chinese can join in to appose any building of suraus or mosques in their neighbourhood! Hence we can truly be Malaysia, Happy Merdeka again!
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