Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Semi Value...or less value

There have been numerous calls on Dato Samy Value to resign as he has become a liability to BN, and now by his former boss Mahathir joins the bandwagon. Now finger pointing has started between the former premier and Semi Value. SV even quoted saying that Mahathir's call was akin a new wife becoming old and the husband wanted to take in a second wife. Emmm..only from Semi Value would come such a methaphor. Any way I do not understand why BN is still hoping for MIC's revival thus hoping that the Indian community will once again support BN through MIC? We thought that UMNO and BN would have learned a lesson after the 12th GE but alas...this fellars seems like will never learn any!MIC is history and Semi Value can be its life time President as he like and I guess the majority of Indian community cares hood of him and his honchos! They took away everything from the Indians and could not even manage MAIKA Holdings that could possibly hold some equity..a bunch of idiots were given 100million to gamble and gamble they did with the Indians future. So Najib,pls go ahead and work with MIC and we'll ensure that BN/UMNO is gone in the next election.....

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