Najib declared the 1Malaysia F1 Team car would be designed and made by Malaysians in Malaysia and the team would participating in Formula One race starting next year.
He said that the project would be a joint government and private sector initiative with the government investment through Proton, the national car manufacturer. According to news reports, it is estimated that at least RM1 billion a year is needed to keep the FI team.
My god a budget of 1 Billion dollars for a racing car!
Guess who is supporting this idea, non- other than Mahathir Mohamad where he said the value of advertisement benefits derived from the country's F1 team is 100 times more than the cost of investment for the team. I wonder how did he derived to that theory?

He further reiterated that it not a waste of money to invest in the country's F1 team as the advantages, including tourism and technological advancement, had always outweighed the disadvantages. According to this so called seasoned economist the value of advertisement benefits derived from the country's F1 team is 100 times more than the cost of investment for the team!
Then I strongly “sokong” this idea and by the way why not we have two teams as the logic is that we will have double the number of tourist and an increase in technology advancement!
He said investing in an F1 team was not merely about motor racing as technology developed for the motor racing engine could be applied for the country's automotive industry. Yeah like the one that you did with Proton? Here the ex-PM seems to now about Micro and Macro Economics!
Hello Proton is dying or already dead and it was Mahathir’s pet project!
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