The latest news head line "Noordin could have been rehabilitated", Hishammuddin said and it was broadcasted over the electronic media.
He further said “What he did was wrong. We don’t condone what he did. I am sad that we did not get to rehabilitate him, like we have done with many others, including Jemaah Islamiah militants." He went on to say “I am sad because a life is a life,”
Hishammuddin said the Government would help Noordin’s family bring the body back after the authorities completed their investigations.
This is the home ministry! Aiyoo…how stupid can this UMNO fellar be?
Dai..monkey he was a terrorist who was responsible for the killing of many innocent lives. By the way how about those died in Police and MACC custody? Aren’t theirs life as well or are they are lesser being just because they are not of your race? He is prepared to rehabilitate terrorist …aiyo what the @%#@! Is happening to this country? Only in Bolehland can a Minister make such statements!
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